Release 2006.1 news

Table of contents

1 Read function

1.1 Aquisition and selling date

Concerned Application:
Fixed assets transactions
The fields aquisition and selling date have been added.

1.2 Column alloc. for development transactions

Concerned Application:
Account balances
The field column alloc. for development transactions has been added.

2 Export function

2.1 Group currency and currency conversion rules

Concerned Application:
The fields Group currency and currency conversion rules have been added.

3 Data collecting form

3.1 Details for individual developments

Concerned Application:
Individual developments
At individual developments, e. g. cash flow statement, the transactions will be produced automatically in IDL Konsis. Until now this indiv. deleopment are also supported at the data collecting form, while the user didn't have any posting key for put in the details but the user got many error messages. Since version 2006.1 the details for this individual development are not supported if no posting key is without an usage tag at application BSL.

3.2 Export der erfassten Kontensalden im Erfassungsformular

Concerned Application:
Decentral => To IDL KONSIS
Until now the export function 'To IDL KONSIS' wrote every time the text file for the import function of IDL Konsis. The user was not able to deactivate the export of the account balances. Now the user is able to deactivate (unhook account balances) it.

Letzte Änderung: FELDMANN 12.02.2007 15:04