Release 2.1.7 news

Table of contents

1 Version 2.1.7

1.1 General

- Now IDL CONNECTOR uses an INI-file for individual preferences-values of a user. The file can be found in following directory:

The INI-file is named IDL CONNECTOR INI. During runtime IDL CONNECTOR doesn?t need any registry information. They are only use during installation phase. The file is firstly generated after a preference has happened. This change keeps IDL CONNECTOR terminal-server-able.

- Modification of the IDL CONNECTOR logon-mask. Because of errors the standard logon mask has been changed to an IDL CONNECTOR mask

2 Version 2.1.7 SR 1

2.1 Reading function (From KONSIS)

Letzte Änderung: IDLADMIN 17.06.2005 17:00