GUIDE Graphic User Interface

Table of contents

1 Introduction to the Graphical User Interface of IDL Konsis

The application window of IDL Konsis can be divided into the following areas:

Image: Application window

If the options for sliding interfaces are used (see chapter 3.4.), the individual areas can be shifted, moved to the edge of the screen or even be decoupled from the current window. Besides using the drag-and-drop function of the mouse, this can be done using the two buttons found in all of the subareas:

Image: Buttons for sliding the windows

With Icon 1)you can close a window and it will be stored on the side. The resource tree (see below) can be open by using this icon on the screen.

With Icon 2)windows can be decoupled from the desktop and positioned independently on the screen. This is particularly helpful if a user works with multiple screens because a longer table can be transferred over completely to a screen. A single mouse click on this icon will decouple the window from the desktop. Afterwards, the window can be positioned freely and be adjusted in terms of the dimensions. The icon will then turn into a collapsed rhombus. One mouse click on the icon that has changed will link the window with the desktop once again. All of the actions carried out during decoupling, such as new selections, changing the tab, etc. will also have an effect on the decoupled window.

2 Menu Structure and Application Elements

A menu is an overview of options that stand for various program functions. They are structured in a multi-level hierarchical manner. The first submenu level, which can also be structured to include substructures, can be reached before the first level, the main menu.

There are several ways to call up a menu item:

2.1 The Task Tree

Image: The task tree

All of the menu items behind which additional submenu items are found hidden are marked by a + in front of the menu name. Clicking once onto a main menu will expand the display to include the menu items that are hidden behind the main menu item you have selected without having to branch off directly into the submenu. This can be marked and called up by double-clicking onto a menu.

A rolled down menu item is marked with - . By clicking onto it once again, the display will be reduced again by the menu items that were shown under the selected menu item. All of the subordinate write-downs will be canceled in the process.

The menus can be extended by one or all of the levels and collapsed again using the "+" and "-" signs that appear.

2.2 The Quick Starter

Image: The quick starter

Unlike the task tree, the quick starter will only show the menu level that you have currently selected in the form of buttons. The top button also allows you to leap back to the menu level that lies above it.

The task tree and quick starter are shown via default along the left edge. Clicking onto the mouse will expand these areas and collapse them automatically once again when actions are performed later on. If necessary, these areas can even be permanently shifted over to the application area with a mouse click on the buttons located to the upper right. Both menu overviews can be either suppressed or activated using the "View" menu.

2.3 Entering an Abbreviation

In the command or acronym line, you can leap directly to any other valid menu item or application without having to use the navigation that involves various menu levels by entering any valid menu abbreviation (it doesn't matter whether you capitalize this or enter it in small case letters). To do so, enter the menu abbreviation and make a selection using the scroll function from the applications you were already using. The menu item will be carried out as soon as you press <ENTER>.

The abbreviation line contains a search function. This means that if you don't know the abbreviation for the account master, all you need to do is enter "accounts" and all of the applications in which the search term occurs will be shown. Typing errors will be corrected, therefore entering "aconts" will lead to the same result.

3 Global Menu

The global menu is hidden behind the symbol "open file" in the global toolbar

Image: The global menu behind the symbol "open file"

3.1 File

The menu item "File" contains the following options:

Image: Options in the global menu "File"

[Set up page]:The user will be guided to the WINDOWS panel "Set up page"

[Print preview]: IDL Konsis generates a preview of the data that is currently printable, in other words, all of the data stored in the system.

The print preview contains a toolbar for the following options + actions:

Preview Zoom:Expands and reduces the display of tables in the print preview. Preview zoom has no effect on the printed version that follows.

Table Zoom:Expands and reduces the display of the tables contained in the printout. This function cannot be activated if the content has already been optimized for printing using "Fit to page".

[Print]:The user will be guided to the WINDOWS panel "Print".

[Export to Excel]: This function assists you in exporting marked lines directly in an excel file. All formattings are taken over aswell as an included tree table which can be expanded and closed by the functions in Excel. Therefore it is necessary to expand all nodes in a table, e.g. a report, before marking the lines. Also the summation enclosed in the report is exported. The prior place to save the file is the export file defined in the options for import and export. Please ensure that you have rights to write data on this place as otherwise the function will be stopped by an error message.

[Export]:The selected data will be exported as a text file and the user will be guided to the WINDOWS "Save as" dialog.

3.2 Edit

Much like 'Windows', the menu item "Edit" contains various options for marking, copying and pasting databases. The options on expanding and collapsing nodes are only active with applications in the tree chart.

Image: Options in the global menu "Edit"

3.3 View

Options on adding and removing the status line, toolbar, resource tree, quick starter, blank columns and zero columns, as well as information on changes (change user, date and time) and information on the existing help texts can all be found in the menu item "View".

Image: Options in the global menu "View"

The option "Reset desktop" will move all of the areas that have been repositioned back to their original positions all at the same time.

Normally, the option "Show/hide internal columns" is deactivated. If it is activated, it will be deactivated again as soon as you stop working with the program. If it is activated, additional columns will be displayed in some of the overviews that mainly help the IDL hotline to determine the causes of an error.

3.4 Extras > Options

The menu item "Extras" will lead you to the following options:


Options that have been changed will not take effect until the application is called up again and, in some cases, only after IDL Konsis has been activated again.


The tab "View" contains several options that allow you to display your IDL Konsis differently. In the following, we would like to explain this option to you or illustrate it by presenting examples. Nevertheless, the best way to become familiar with these options is to try it out yourself and spend some time working with it. All of the options can be activated and deactivated as often as you'd like. This means you’ll gradually be able to find out the different types of display and decide which of these you would like to work with.

Image: The tab [View] in "Extras > options"

The following settings can be changed next to the font and size of the display and help texts:

1) Prompt texts right-justified: The prompt texts will be positioned next to the input field in the application header on either the right or left side

Image: Alignment of prompt texts

2) Buttons right-justified:If you demark this, you will obtain a left-justified display of the buttons and thus a left-justified orientation of the whole area shown inside the window.

Image: Alignment buttons

3) Display data immediately:When this function is activated, the data entered in the standard setting will be shown immediately without having to press the button<Display>.

4) Working areas shiftable: If a checkmark has been placed, then individual application areas (selection area, overview table, single set area, etc.) can be moved over to the edge with the mouse per "Drag & drop" to allow for more space to be given to other application areas. Once you have "grabbed" the application area with the mouse, a red border will show you what positions this can best be moved to. If you move the mouse in the opposite direction, the areas that have been moved will be returned to their original positions once again.

5) Long field labels: If you select this option, all of the field texts contained in the masks (selection area, single set area, etc.) will be displayed as long texts that you will otherwise only see as a tooltip when the mouse pointer remains on the field text, provided this text contains more than 35 characters. Of course, the masks will become much wider. For this reason, this option is only recommended for users with larger screens. Furthermore, this option will only take effect if the option "Extended input fields" has been activated in the display tab.

Image: Long field labels

6) Select field:If this function is activated, then the content of the filled cells in the application header of an application will be marked when they are selected using the mouse or tab button.

Image: The effect of selecting the field

7) Reduce the number of fields: The action button <Extended> or <Reduced> allows you to reduce the size of the display in the screen header. If a checkmark has been placed, then this selection area will always be reduced down to the minimum size to start with. If necessary, this can be extended by pressing the action button <Extended>. If no checkmark has been placed, then the expanded view will always be shown immediately and the action buttons <Expanded> and <Reduced> are of no use. Once a field in the application header has been filled, this will not be blended out.

Image: Expanded / Reduced view in the overview "Accounts"

8) Icons instead of colors in the table: Icons instead of colors in the table: see the display that differs below

Image: Display using colors or icons

9) Abbreviation right-justified: The input field for the abbreviation will normally appear on the right side. If you remove this checkmark, it will be shown to the left next to the global toolbar.

10) Look & feel: This position allows you to select between the designs "Metal", "Windows" and "Nimbus".


Under the tab "Print", you will be able to select printing options.

Image: The tab [Print] under "Extras -> options"

In addition, you will be able to enter your company logo at this position in the form of one of the standard image formats .png, .jpg or .gif. This logo will be displayed on both printouts and in IDL Konsis itself in the upper right corner of the screen.

Image: View including a company logo


In IDL Konsis you will be able to export data from the system and import data into the system across various file formats.

In "Import / Export options", you store information on what file folder the export files you have created should be stored in or where import files should be taken from. The standard setting for these files are the folders "Export" and "Batch" on your local drive.

If you also work with group / sub-group data exchange, a separate file can be entered for this purpose.

In addition, you can select from the following options:

Suppress message box:
This automatically suppresses the message on the number of imported files that contain errors and have been changed during importing. This message will be printed automatically instead.
Suppress file dialog:
If this option is activated, then importing / exporting can only be performed using the standard file names of IDL Konsis (KPBALANCES.txt for account balances, for example). If files that have other names are to be imported as well (BALANCES_Ges.X.txt, for example), no checkmark should be placed here and the file that is to be imported can be selected via the file dialog, similar to <Open File> in Windows.

You will find more information on the many possibilities that importing data offers, especially on setting up individual importing formats for customers, in the application help areas (F2) inside the respective importing menus.

Image: The tab [import/export] under "Extras -> Options"


The tab "General" allows you to change the interface language and the format of the figures if you are licensed to do so. Here, you can also enter in whether the last application you were using should be opened when you open IDL Konsis once again.

Customers who often have their table contents displayed in charts can store a standard type of chart here. If setting up the structure of the index for searching for abbreviations was canceled when you started using the system, this action can be set up once again by performing the action "Update index".

Image: The tab [General] und "Extras -> Options"


Individual colors can be set using the tab [Colors]. Changes will be displayed immediately on the current desktop so that you can assess the effect of the change right away.

Image: The tab [Colors] under "Extras -> Options"

The three sliders for the colors red, green and blue can be used to change all of the elements shown at once. They work together in a way that ensures "harmonious colors". If individual elements are to be left out of this harmonious color setting, they can be blocked from being changed. The padlock icon to the right of the element is to be used for this purpose.

To the right next to the sliders, you will see an icon that can be used to reset the colors to the last condition stored. Furthermore, the diskette icon color sets can be used to store color sets or load sets using the file symbol. The color sets will be stored in their own type of format (icos = "IDL Color Set"). This will enable users to transfer color settings over from one user to the next.

The selection box found below these three icons makes several preset color combinations available. If one of these combinations is selected, then all of the colors and the sliders will be adjusted automatically. If the color is changed or a slider is shifted, the selection box will be emptied immediately.

Colors can also be set individually if you choose not to use the harmonious color setting. To do so, open a color dialog by clicking onto a color box as in MS Excel and it will offer you colors to choose from. Pressing the button <More> will open up a color dialog that supports the selection of colors in various versions (range of colors, sliders or numerical entry).

Some colors (particularly colors for use in status displays) are preset and therefore cannot be changed by either setting harmonious colors or selecting individual colors.

3.5 Action

The action menu will change from application to application. Here, you will be able to edit the displayed data sets, execute processing or branch off into subsequent applications. In addition to the global menu bar, you can access the action menu via the right mouse button so you can select and edit individual sets of data.

If necessary, processing possibilities can be limited by assigning user / user group access rights, for instance only display, exporting or printing rights for to auditors. Only the actions that are available will be shown (switched to inactive).

Line actions will only become active after a line has been selected. Actions that cannot be performed due to the fact that lines are not marked will be displayed with a light grey background.

3.6 Help

[The Info Box]:

The menu <Help> will take you to the overview <Info> that contains information on the database system and version of IDL Konsis that you are using.

Image: The Info Box

[Licencing information]:

You can also use the <Help> menu to obtain information on the license that is currently being used.

Image: Licensing information

If you need or would like to extend your licence, please contact our headquarters in Schmitten.

4 Toolbars

4.1 The Global Toolbar in the Application Window

The following icons will be displayed underneath the global menu bar in every application of IDL Konsis. The buttons for opening and closing the nodes are only active in applications that have the tree structure.

  1. Open general menu
  2. Print
  3. Side view
  4. Export to excel
  5. Cut
  6. Copy
  7. Paste
  8. Delete
  9. Expand all nodes
  10. Expand next nodes
  11. Collapes most recent nodes
  12. Collapse all nodes
  13. Search
  14. This will open up the help text of the application that is activated

Explanation of search:

The global menu bar <Edit> and <Search> allows you to search for individual sets of data in the overview applications. Either all or some of the sets that are found will then be selected and can be processed however you wish.

Example: Search for all accounts that contain the word "Ford" = Forderungen in the names of the accounts. Enter the desired search term in the field "Search text" and then go to "Search". As in the other applications, the search dialog also supports the special signs '%' and '_'.

Image: The [search] dialog

You can also search for specific account numbers / account groups. Thanks to the dialog field [Mark all], all of the sets of data contained in the overview will be marked in color.

If you select the field [Leave dialog open], all of the individual data sets found will be displayed/marked. Pressing the button [Continue search] will take you to the next data set found, whereby you can use the selection buttons to the right to decide which order you would like to search in. Once the hit list is complete, execution of the marked lines will begin via the menu item <Action>. You may then select the action you would like to perform (change, delete, etc.).

4.2 Toolbars in Overviews and Applications

Actions for which the respective application called up is clear will be displayed in a separate toolbar that is located in the headline of the table. If you then position the mouse pointer on top of the icon, the respective function will be explained by a tooltip.

Image: Toolbar in the table
  1. Create new data
  2. Edit data
  3. Delete date set
  4. Mass copy
  5. Display comments
  6. Edit comments
  7. Switch filterin funcion on / off
  8. Delete all filtering entries
  9. Create chart
  10. Switch table selection on/off

Image: Special icons based on the example of the group companies monitor (KTKGES)
  1. Call up the group structure in a chart (KTKGRAPH)
  2. Check / update participition values
  3. Check / update status values
  4. Lock / unlock group financial statement

5 Function buttons

The function buttons of your keypad have the following functions in IDL Konsis:

6 Overview Applications

6.1 General

So-called overview applications (KTO, for instance) are a special type of applications. They are located upstream from the actual application (for example, a single set for accounts = KTOE). The overviews serve in selecting and analyzing an existing database. In addition, certain types of processing can be initiated starting from the overview screens. The view of the desired section can be changed using the sliders to the right and beneath the table. At the bottom right, you will see a slider controller that will allow you to increase the size of the table (by pushing the slider to the right) or reduce its size (by pushing it to the left). This will also increase the size of the icons displayed in the table. By clicking onto the percentage predefined sizes (e.g. 100%, 200%, 50%) can be chosen.

The data sets can be processed by selecting the individual sets of data (if only a share of it is to be processed). To process the volume of data that you have selected, click on the right mouse button and select the action you would like to perform (edit data, change quantity...).

If you would like to perform a certain action (delete, for example) across the entire database, then have your data shown in the overview display and select which type of processing you would like to perform in the global menu bar under <Action>.

Image: Overview of the tables

The exact term for the abbreviated overviews contained in the overview tables can be displayed using the so-called "Tooltip Function" if the mouse pointer remains on the respective cell.

Image: The Tooltip Function

You will find the entry and the display fields that are used to select the desired volume of data in the fields located underneath the abbreviation line. The fields with a yellow background are key or main fields that entries must be made in. A valid key, such as a company number or the entry "%" which means all of the defined keys, can be used here. The entry of partial keys, for instance "5%", would display all of the companies that start with a 5, and "__2" (underscore, underscore, 2) would show all of the companies that contain a 2 in the third position.

Image: The various areas in the overview

The fields with a white background are so-called optional input fields that do not necessarily require an entry. Special selection functions are possible for certain fields. The following entries are intended for use for this purpose (all of the examples refer to the image previously shown in the application KTO)

Wherever branching off into an application that is somehow related to the respective application seems to make sense, this too can be called up using subsequent types of processing without having to branch off into the menu for selecting an application (Example: You can control the application WKZ = currency tag directly from out of the application LKZ = country tag using subsequent processing).

6.2 Sorting Function

The data that is displayed can be sorted in all of the overviews by any of the columns. In this case, the column headlines are issued a sorting icon that lights up whenever the mouse pointer points to a column headline. One mouse click on this icon and the table will be sorted in ascending manner based on the content of this column. A second mouse click and the content will be sorted in a descending manner. A third mouse click will turn off the sorting function again. Several columns can even be selected for sorting. Sorting according to the second column selected will displace sorting according to the first column selected. If you click onto the button <Display> all of the sorting tasks will be cancelled again. Sorting takes place by type, in other words numerical columns will be sorted in chronological order based on their amounts, the date and time field. Otherwise, sorting will take place in alphabetical order. Sorting will be separated by blank lines. This ensures that the adjustment block that contains the sums of the assets, liabilities, profits and expenditures will not be mixed with the account balances in the overview "Account balances" (KTOSAL) because the balances and adjustment block will be separated by an empty line. When a table is displayed in the tree structure, the node lines will not be resorted, but rather only the lines at the bottom level of the structure inside their branch.

Image: Sorting of data, in this case account balances. From left to right: sorting tag in the column headline, sorting in an ascending order, sorting in a descending order

6.3 Filtering function

Column-oriented filtering is offered in many of the tables used in IDL Konsis that allow for the content of a table to be limited by applying filter parameters to either gain a better overview of the contents or to search for contents.

Here, an additional filtering line is added between the column headlines and the cell contents of the table. This can be activated or deactivated with the filtering icon. You can see whether a filter is activated if the filtering line is displayed and the filter icon is surrounded by a border.

A specific filtering parameter can be specified in the filtering line for every column. The single lines of the table will only be displayed if the filtering specification matches every column. This allows for a functional limit via the "Description" column and a time-related limit via the "Valid from" column to be applied simultaneously.

If filtering instructions have been entered in several columns, only the exact lines that match all of the filtering instructions will be displayed. The filtering instructions will be maintained even if the selection criteria has changed and the data display renewed, therefore it is quite possible that no data will be displayed, although data stored in the database has been read. Entering the number of selected sets in the message line always refers to the data read from the database based on the selection criteria, regardless of filtering.

There are two ways to define filtering parameters: The easy way is to use the filtering assistant. The second alternative is to enter the filtering parameter directly into the filtering line. This method can be used more quickly in certain cases and allows for more filtering constructs.

Image: The filtering icon and filtering line

[Filtering assistant]:The filtering assistant can be activated by clicking onto the drop-down button in the filtering line. Pressing this button will open up an extended selection list. General selection criteria can be found in the upper section that can vary depending on the type of data (text, amount or date) of the column. In the most basic case, a selection will be offered for all (Select all) or none (Select no) of the characteristics. Characteristics are listed in the sub-area found below, as they are normally found in the column. If there are many characteristics, partial printouts that contain the same initial letters will be formed automatically. All of the characteristics can be clicked on. "Select all" will place a checkmark next to all of the characteristics.

Image: The filtering assistant

If a filter is already being used, this should also be entered in the upper area so that you will be able to switch back to the old filter.

Image: The filtering assistant with an additional filter

If the type of data is one of the columns number, date or time, additional comparative operators will be offered. These are used in combination with a characteristic. This means that a date and greater than can be clicked on to make sure that only lines that contain a later date are displayed.

Image: The filtering assistant for one date column

Images are often used in overview tables to display the status if the option "Icons instead of colors in the table" is activated in the display options. This graphic display will be transferred over to the filtering assistant.

Image: The filtering assistant for a status column (in KTKGES, for example)

[Manual filtering settings]:The filtering parameters can also be entered manually in the filtering line. Each column has its own input field for this. Simple sub-texts can be entered for columns with text contents. Lines will always be displayed if the filtering text is contained in the column.

As usual in IDL Konsis the special signs % and _ can also be used. If the percentage sign is added to the end of the filtering text (010% or other%, for instance), all of the entries that start with this filtering text will be displayed. Accordingly, the percentage sign in front of a filtering text (for instance, %05 or %maschines) will limit the contents of the table that ends with this filtering text. If the percentage sign is added to both the beginning and the end, filtering will be performed as if it did not contain a percentage sign. The underscore will be added to the filter to create space for an individual character (0_010, for instance). The placeholder can be filled with any type of content. This limitation can be used particularly effectively with account numbers.

With the special signs "&", "|" "(" and ")", several subexpressions for number or time entries can be linked. If "&" is used between two or more expressions, then all of the subexpressions must be fulfilled to make sure a line is not filtered out. With "|", on the other hand, at least one subexpression must be fulfilled. Round brackets can be used to combine "&" and "|".

If numerical values are contained in the column (these also include periods, complete dates or times), mathematical formulae can be set up for use in filtering. Mathematical formulae use the comparative operators "=" (equal to), ">" (greater than), ">=" (greater than or equal to), "<" (less than), "<=" (less than or equal to) and "<>" (unequal). Basic application possibilities include the display of values that are greater than a given value, for instance, by ">1000" or of lines that have been changed after a specific date, for instance, by ">1/1/2011".

Image: Example of manual filtering settings

6.4 Charts

All of the values shown in IDL Konsis can be displayed as a chart. This is true for all overviews, data collection forms and the IDL Forecast data entry form. There are two icons in the headlineof of the table overviews that serve this purpose.

Image: Icons for creating a chart

The table icon displayed with the no. 1 to the right is always active. One mouse click activates the cell mode, in other words, a mouse click onto any one of the cells will not mark the entire line, as usual, but only the respective cell. If you continue to keep the mouse button pressed, an area of cells will be selected that can include multiple lines or columns. As an alternative, multiple individual cells can also be marked by performing the following mouse clicks in combination with the the <control> button. If, in the process, a cell that has a different line and column are marked, the matrix that consists of the selected lines and columns will be completed automatically. Only columns with numerical data will be marked. As an alternative, a chart display can also be triggered without switching to cell mode. Marking lines in normal line mode always refers to all of the table columns that contain numerical values.

Image: Marking of cells with cell mode activated

If the desired lines or cells are marked, then the diagram can be created using icon no. 2, which is displayed in its own special area of the application window. If several lines and columns are marked, several charts will be displayed side by side. Depending on the cells that are marked, the charts and columns or pieces of the pie will feature captions on the data contained in the fixed columns or table headlines.

Image: Example of a chart

In applications in which values may be entered (data collection forms, for example), the charts will update themselves automatically as soon as the values have changed.

Any number of charts can be generated and then be retained as tabs on this area. The charts will be saved in the original application, even if keys changes and selection of new data is made and show the respective keys for this new data, assuming this data exists. The chart area will close, however, if you change applications.

You can select the desired data and the type of chart that makes most sense for the data used via a selection box in the chart area. A standard type of chart can be stored in the option dialog "General". If nothing has been entered here, the vertical bar chart will usually be used as the standard type of chart.

Image: Selection box on the type of chart

You can change the colors of the bar / pie chart. All you must do is click onto the respective entry in the legend and a dialog that is similar to Excel will be shown that allows you to select the colors. Selection of a color automatically changes the color of the bar or the piece of the pie in the chart shown.

Image: The selection of colors in the chart area

The display area for the charts features the following buttons:

[Turn label]:You might be able to display longer captions in their full-length if they are displayed underneath the charts. Activating this button will allow you to have this text run diagonally.

Image: Turned captions

[Column differences]:If data is marked for different periods, from a periodic report, for instance, you'll be able to decide whether this is to be displayed in a cumulative manner or in a decumulated manner by subtracting the individual columns from each other by pressing the button "Column difference".

Image: Chart with the option "Column difference" activated

[Reselect]:After a chart has been displayed, other cells can be marked in the respective overview, to produce additional charts, for example. With this button, the selection that belongs to the respective chart can be restored once again. If the overview table has been rebuilt after entering other keys, this button will be deactivated, due to the fact that it is no longer possible to restore the original selection.

[Group]:Functions with charts for data from several lines and columns, so that the grouping of the data takes place by columns or lines. You can arbitrarily switch back and forth between both display types.

[Blend in table]: This function that is accessible via the toolbar in the chart area is quite useful in being able to show the table used next to the chart. The size of both areas can be changed on demand with the mouse. Individual lines and columns can be deleted or joined together in the table area. The changes will appear in the chart immediately.

Image: Chart -> Insert table

Charts can be printed in two ways: If the entire overview is to be printed out, then the charts that have been created will be included in the printout after the table. The chart can also be printed out directly using the small toolbar to the upper right in the chart area. Here, however, only the exact chart that has been selected will be printed out, not the table. Charts can be optionally tilted in the printout, as you like. In other words, you can control whether a page with a chart should be printed out in a horizontal or vertical format. This applies to only the chart itself and does not affect the header or footer. To tilt the printout of a chart, you must scroll in the print preview until you get to the page that the chart is displayed on. Here, you will find additional optional fields on aligning the respective chart.

Image: Print preview of charts

6.5 Sum Function

With the help of the activated cell mode (see above ), a function for forming sums can also be used. The values of all of the marked cells with numerical content will be added up and the sum will be displayed in a new field in the footer. Values with different debit / credit tags will be subtracted. The debit /credit tag of the sum will be displayed next to the value.

This function is an application-independent feature of the user interface. In this way, values can also be netted in different currencies if the appropriate selection has been made.

Image: The sum function

7 Single record application

The single record application is yet another type of application (see the example below for the account master KTOE)

Image: The individual areas in the single record application

One or more key fields (in the example, the field for the account number and the chart of accounts) that feature a yellow background will appear in the overview application (in this case KTO). If these are filled in a valid manner, you will be able to branch off into an existing data file in the single record application by carrying out the action <Edit data> (also with an empty overview) or by double clicking onto an existing data set. When it comes to the key fields, you can use either capital or small case letters. After entering <ENTER> the entries will automatically be made in capital letters.

In the single record apllication, a distinction must be made between mandatory and optional input fields. Whereas mandatory fields have a blue background, optional fields are white. If the mandatory input fields are not filled with valid entries, the respective data set will not be stored. With these fields, you can pay attention to using either capital or small case letters, if you like.

No decision on which action is to be performed with the previously selected, changed or newly entered data is to be made until you get to the inside of each individual set. Action buttons that make no sense in the current context will be deactivated. In other words, the [Button <Paste>] will only be activated if a key field has changed or a single record has been reentered completely. The [Button <Change>] cannot be used until after the attribute field has been changed. The [buttons <Cancel>] and [< Continue>] are the only ones that will be active at all times. One of the buttons shown is the[Default button], which can also be carried out by pressing the [<Enter>-Button], and features a thicker border. The button will become context sensitive as the default button that appears to be the button that will most likely be pressed based on the entries that have been made. Once a change has been made, the button <Continue>, should be used to edit the next marked line. After editing the last line marked in the overview, the text of the <Continue> button will change to <Exit>. Clicking on <Exit> will take you back to the overview, whereby the table shown will be updated automatically. In contrast to this, the button <Cancel> will cancel the processing sequence and bring you back to the overview without updating the table.

Help texts can be created and displayed for each of the data sets via action calls. The system will record what user entered a user-initiated help text and when he did so in the lower section of the single set. For more information on the topic of help texts on individual sets of data, please also refer to the chapter entitled Help Texts in this documentation.

8 Help Texts and Links to External Documents

8.1 Help Texts

In IDL Konsis you can record individual help texts on all master data (e.g. accounts) and report data (e.g. account balances). To do so, simply mark the existing data set and select the action menu "Edit help text". Once a help text has been recorded, the system will show when a help text was changed for the last time and who made the change in the individual block of data that is displayed. The fact that help texts are available will be shown in the overviews by including an additional column with the headline "H". A green colored surface or green checkmark in this column shows whether a help text is available for the object shown in this line. The display of this column can be activated or deactivated in the <View> menu.

Image: Indication that a help text has been stored

8.2 Links to External Documents

In addition, you can paste links that refer to external documents (invoices or calculations in Excel, Word or PDF format, for instance) that belong to a set of data. A menu and an icon <external link> in the help text editor are both available for you to use. <Add link> will open up a file dialog in which the file to which a reference is to be created can be selected. As an alternative, files can also be drawn from other parts of the user interface (from an open Windows Explorer, for example) into the help text editor window with the mouse and be deposited there. The selected file(s) will then be displayed in the footer of the editor windows underneath the headline "external links". The link can be deleted again by pressing <Delete link> or the delete button, if it has been marked. The list with the references to files will also be shown in the help text display after the help text has been provided. A click of the mouse on the reference and the system will attempt to open the respective document using the appropriate application.

The important thing about this application is that the documents referred to must be available to all users of IDL Konsis- user. In other words, the documents should not be stored on local drives, but rather on server drives that are available to all users with the same drive code.

Image: Display of an external link

9 Tree charts

In addition to the menu structure, it is also possible to display the following overviews as tree charts:

Expanding and collapsing individual lines is done similar to the menu tree. In addition, the menu <Edit> includes the menu items <Expand/Collapse next nodes> and <Expand/Collapse all nodes> (also possible in the toolbar).

Images: Ways to expand/close nodes

In addition, navigation with the keypad is also possible. The arrow buttons (right/left) and "+" and "-" buttons of the numeric keypad can be used to control the tree structures.

10 Language Setting Possibilities

IDL Konsis can also be used in languages other than German. Here, a distinction must be made between the two possibilities:

10.1 Changing the Interface Language

As described in section 1.2. Global Menu Line, language settings can be entered using the menu item <Extras -> Options>. This setting only applies to the program interface and will not take effect until after IDL Konsis has been restarted. The languages that can be selected from are maintained by IDL and can only be selected if you have a valid licence. Besides German and English, support is currently being offered for French and Spanish as well.

Image: The English setting in options: The menu tree will be displayed in English, while the master data will be shown in German

10.2 Changing the Display of the Master Data

Master data, accounts or position labels, for instance, can be maintained in various languages. Unlike the interface languages, these languages can be maintained on an individual basis by the customer in the application <SPR>. Each user can set the language in which the master data is to be displayed on a standard basis in the application <USE> and <VOR>. If the change in language from German to English is only made here, for instance, then the menu points will continue to be shown in German and only the master data overviews will be displayed in English. Any change that is made in this position will take effect immediately.

Image: As soon as the language English has also been set in the USE application, the master data will be displayed accordingly.

Letzte Änderung: ROESLER 29.08.2013 15:55