Batch files for import of ISO codes for country and currency codes

The directory WKZ-LKZ_ISO-Codes contains data for the definition of country codes (ISO 3166) and currency codes (ISO 4217).

These data are provided in the Excel file WKZ_LKZ.xlsm with references for IDL.XLSLINK. The data are splitted into two sheets of the Excel file WKZ_LKZ.xlsm:

The first sheet of the file is titled "General" and contains some central specifications on which the formulae of the following sheets refer. These are:

Please replace the specifications for database and valid-from period by the values applying for you or desired by you, respectively. The language keys are fixed since descriptions are provided only in German for the time being.

Since only some of the delivered country codes and currency codes are required, it is suggested to select and export only the required codes. Otherwise the selection of these codes in IDL Konsis becomes unmanageable.

Letzte Änderung: KORN 18.09.2015 11:21