Batch files for definition of an automatic development for CFR

The directory S9_Autom_KFR-Spiegel contains files with definitions for an automatic transaction development like it is necessary for balance sheet accounts without other development for the purpose of cash flow reporting. The individual transaction development key 'S9' is used. Thus assure that 'S9' isn't already used in your installation for other purposes.

These definitions may be adopted into your database with the aid of import applications. For this purpose copy all contained TXT files from this directory into the directory ...\idl\batch (or another import path specified in the options dialogue) on your local computer. Modify them there, if needed (see above). Then, in IDL Konsis, call the application IMPORT per click from the menue tree or short word entry, open the branch "Import masterfiles" by mouse click on the '+' symbol, mark the lines for

and start the action "Run import-file (.TXT)" using the right mouse key. If you have activated the file dialogue (via "Options ...") you just have to accept the proposed files, if you had copied them into the indicated directory.

The imported definitions can be viewed by the applications "Transaction development definition" (short word SPIDEF) and "Column definition" (SPADEF) and also be modified if necessary. However, you shouldn't modifiy the usage tags of posting keys, otherwise the automatic generation of the development transactions is endangered.

For activation of the automatic transaction generation you have to set the flags for "Cash Flow" in the applications "Fact / development" (FACSPI) and "Period / development" (ABRSPI) to 'X' for those facts and periods, in which you need this transaction development.

For initialization of carry forwards you have to perform the carry forward into the first period (in case repeated). Then current changes are refreshed automatically.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 17.07.2014 11:29