Batch files for new standard of transaction developments

With release 2013.0 new standard definitions for transaction developments (fixed assets, participations, capital, provisions, liabilities, financing activities, other accounts) is provided. A conversion from the old transaction development standard to the new one is not suggested since it is very elaborate. Thus the new standard is merely provided for new customers.

The data are provided in the Excel file SPI_SPO.xlsm with references for IDL.XLSLINK. The data are splitted into several sheets of this file, one for each database table:

The first sheet of the file is titled "General" and contains some central specifications to which the formulae of the following sheets refer. These are:

Please replace the specifications for database and valid-from period by the values applying for you or desired by you, respectively. The language keys are fixed, however, they can be overwritten by an invald value (e.g. 'XXX' instead of 'FRA') if you do not need descriptions in the respective language.

In the same way you can replace the keys of transaction developments (on the sheet <SPI>), for transaction development areas (on the sheet <SBE>) or for the report column options (on the sheet <SPO>) by other values applying for your enterprise (e.g. 'EQU' instead of 'K' for the equity capital development). An exception is the development for shares, since the key 'B' is fixed. Transaction developments as well as report column options can be replaced by an invalid key (e.g. '%'), too, if you do not want to use this development or option, respectively. In this case you receive corresponding error messages when exporting the complete workbook.

The file contains definitions for the following transaction developments:

A characterstic of the new development standard is the definition of transaction development columns in a unique scheme for all transaction developments. Therefore it is possible and meaningful to define development-comprehensive reports. The column options 'DLONG' and 'DSHORT' serve for the display of these reports. The transaction development 'RES' (income and expenses) was supplemented for including I&E accounts in this kind of report.

The transaction development 'S1' (accounts payable) and 'S8' (financing activities) contain two development areas which are adjusted with the account balance independent from each other. Thereby the development area 'B' represents the splitting of the balance into maternaties to be cared for manually while the development area 'A' represents the automatically generated development required for the cash flow report. The transaction development 'S9' consists only of this cash flow development.

All transaction developments are defined with development areas. This is not required yet in release 2013.0 if the development consists of only one area, however, this will be obligatory in one of the following releases.

The fixed asset transaction development is provided with the posting key / account allocation groups 'AHK' and 'AFA' for support of a separation of accounts for production and acquisition costs and accounts for value adjustments. Both posting key / account allocation groups 'AHK' and 'AFA' have to be defined manually in IDL Konsis with aid of the function BSG since an export function for these data does not yet exist. Furthermore these definitions require the existence of the fixed asset transaction development 'A' which can be defined either in IDL Konsis, too, with aid of one of the functions SPI or SPIDEF, respectively, or by IDL.XLSLINK-export of the transaction development master record from the sheet <SPI>.

Letzte Änderung: KORN 21.05.2015 11:17