Installation manual

Table of contents

1 General

1.1 Requirements

1.2 Scope of Supply

Following files are delivered:

CAB-Files -- contain files to be installed. (only for your administrator)

Setup.exe - Executable file, to install the IDL Connector.

Setup.ini - Installation command list (only for your administrator)

Windows Installer Files - neccessary if you use an operating system (e.g. Win98) which don't contain an own installation routine. (only for your administrator)

1.3 Help-line / Support

Support is available via the IDL-Hotline Service

IDL Hotline: (9:00 - 16:00 clock)
Tel.:+49 (0) 4102 / 47 85 - 10
Fax:+49 (0) 4102 / 47 85 - 99

2 Preparation

2.1 MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components)

The IDL Connector needs the microsoft components MDAC version 2.5 (or higher) to make an connect to the different databases (IBM DB2, ORACLE or MS SQL Server). IDL Konsis needs an MDAC version 2.7 (oder higher) so if you also you IDL Konsis you have to install the version 2.7 or higher of MDAC. The operating systems WinNT and Win98 include no MDAC so you have got to install MDAC BEFORE you install the IDL Connector. Windows 2000 and XP includes already MDAC this version should be at least 2.7 (or higher). You receive a current version of MDAC on the Microsoft homepage

2.2 First Time Installation

Please note the Requirements.

Often the user has no privilege to update, delete or add system-files. If you cannot install some programs please contact you your administrator.

If an application-user supposes that he has all updated-rights it can happen even so that the system-files can?t be updated. If this happens the Installation-program breaks and shows the update-protected files. The user can search the file(s) via Explorer-functions. The files are normally 100 100 in the folder. C:\WINNT\system32. While clicking the right-mouse the field "Feature" should be changed from protected to unprotected.

NOTICE: It could happen that the required file wasn?t found. In this case the user should activate MS-Explorer + "View" + "Options" + "View" and eliminate the dot in front of "Don?t display following types" and choose "Display all files". Then search again.

If a message informs that the file for update is newer as the file, which should be updated, the newer one should be hold.

After successful installation there is no new-start required.

It should prudently be that no operating system is like the other one and could be operated differently!

Now start the Installation of the IDL Connector.

2.3 Update of the IDL Connector

De-Installation of IDL Connector is required before the user installs the new version of IDL Connector, other-wise undefined problems could happen.

The user should open the Dialog-Control Panel and activate => start => Control Panel

The user should continue by activating the dialog "Software". Select the IDL Connector here and accept the decision "Add/Delete". This procedure can also executed to delete DAO351, if present.

Now start the Installation of the IDL Connector.

3 Installation IDL Connector

3.1 General

The user should close ALL applications, before the installation is started

The Setup-Program (setup.exe) for the IDL Connector should be started now. The following mask-picture should be displayed:

Then the user should decide what should be installed. Since Version 2.1.9 the user can distinguish if a "Single User option", a "Client-User option" or a "Network Option" is reqired.. 150 150 If "Single-User-Option" is selected, all components of IDL Connector shall be installed: KVM200.xla, KVD201.dll and KVD202.dll; as it has happended in former versions of IDL Connector. The installation path is given by the installation-user. The path of "Active-X-Control-Components" and the related system-libraries are also required. Since IDL Connector Version2.1.7 for each user an INI-File is used for EACH IDL-Connector-user in the following path to store the required IDL Connector settings:

For IDL-Connector-Clients only the "Active-X-Control-Components" and the appendant Programm-Libraries should be installed. The "Network-Components"-Installation requires ONLY (KVM200.xla, KVD201.dll, KVD202.dll, KVD100.dll, HelperFunctions.dll and SetAddinForUser.exe) on a given path of a server.

If you are IDL Konsis customer and IDL Konsis is allready installed on your workstation please read firstly the Remarks for installation of IDL Connector Clients.

Please select the desired configuration of the IDL Connector setup in the installation assistant (Einzelplatz = Single User, Client or Netzwerk = Network) and click subsequently on next. Follow now the corresponding link for the installation:

3.2 Single User / Network

Since IDL Connector-Version 2.1.7 it is irrelevant, which local path is used for IDL-Connector. If there already exist Connector-EXCEL-Maps from former versions, it?s no problem to change the Installation-Path. Older versions have shown following problems: EXCEL stored during the closuring process of EXECL-Maps the whole path of the AddIns of KVM200 fixed into the formula. When another user, working with another workstation opens one or some EXCEL-Maps and the IDL-Connector is installed on a different path on that workstation, EXCEL reported an error-message, that the path of last filing couldn?t be found. Since the Version 2.1.7 the IDL Connector updates automatically the right path and the user hasn?t do manage anything with paths of IDL Connector.

The user should now define the path where the IDL Connector-files should be stored (KVM200.xla, KVD201.dll, KVD202.dll, KVD100.dll, HelperFunctions.dll and SetAddinForUser.exe). IDL suggests the path:


Install the "Single User or Network" as follows:

The user should click "Next" ("Weiter").

If above mask is shown on the user?s display-unit, it mean that the installation happened successfully. Next step is to include the AddIn of KVM200 from the installation-map of EXCEL.

3.3 Client


Using the IDL Connector-Client following is assumed:


Installation of the IDL Connector-Setup in shown in the next picture "Client":

Here now the IDL Connector needs no installation-path, because not data are stored to the "System-Map" except the required Active-X-Control-Components. Click "Next" to continue installation

Click "Next" to continue installation.

If the above mask is displayed the IDL Connector was successfully installed.


You have to install the network installation of the connector if

If you use one of this installation routines you have to update manuell the IDL Connector. IDL suggest to use the files from your server path ...\load\ if you use IDL Konsis version 5.03 (or higher). the advantage is, that if you update the IDL Konsis release you also update the IDL Connector automatically. In this case you don't need to install the network installation. You only have to install the client installation on your pc clients.

Next step is to Install the AddIn with "SetAddInForUser.exe".

4 Installation of AddIn on MS-EXCEL

4.1 Connector Single User

If a version of IDL Connector with Support-Level 1.4.0 or higher and the installation-path is similar to the path of the version which is already exists, this installation-step is unneeded. The EXCEL-AddIn should be dropped and the installation is complete. The actual version-number is during opening of EXCEL / IDL Connector and could be compared with the information of the installation package.

Otherwise the user should bind the AddIn as described here:

EXCEL should be started an the AddIn-Manager in the menu "Tools" should be opened.

The user should click "Browse" and enter the installation path of IDL Connector (Standard-path is normally: ...\PROGRAMME\CONNECTOR\). The object KVM200 should be found and marked and accepted by giving "OK".

Mark the AddIn (KVM200.xla) and confirm with "OK".

After installation it should be regarded that the entry of KVM200 has a hook; if it's missing it should be set and followed by "OK".

Now the symbol-bar of EXCEL is extended. The bind of KVM200 to EXCEL was successful.

4.2 Single User / Client - Install the AddIn with "SetAddInForUser.exe"

To prepare IDL Connector for Client-Server-capability the AddIn (KVM200.xla and the program-libraries KVD201.dll, KVD202.dll, KVD100.dll and Helperfunctions.dll) should be present of the user?s server. Because Microsoft Excel© is always a single-user-system, it is not possible to install the AddIn with the AddIn manager from Microsoft Excel©. Microsoft Excel© stores its path in its register-editor. To run IDL Connector as a client a bypass of Microsoft Excel© must be created. There are existing two ways to create a registry-entry. IDL offers a free-of-charge program to install the registry-entry. If the user doesn?t want the use this program it must be done manually.

The IDL-Program "SetAddinForUser.exe" executes the new registry-entry if activated by user if there already exists a local KVM200-AddIn. If the user restarts Microsoft Excel© after running "SetAddinForUser.exe" the IDL Connector bar is shown on the Microsoft Excel© panel.

Save the program "SetAddInForUser.exe" in the path, where the following files are installed. The "SetAddInForUser.exe" writes the path into the registry in which it is installed here e. g. y:\idl\load\winnt. These 5 files have to be in the same directory on your server, normaly ..\LOAD\

After a double-click on the Client's workstation on the file "SetAddinForUser.exe" the following report-mask is shown: "Connector AddIn for User xyz logon?":

The "Yes"-Click starts the registration-entry for the actual user. The "No"-Click cancels the register-entry-process.

The information-panel "Connector is activated" finishes the process. After confirmation with "OK" your are able to start Microsoft Excel© and the IDL Connector symbol-bar should be available. If you've got some problems please contact the IDL hotline".

5 File-list of IDL Connector

5.1 Application files

01KVD100.dllIDL-GmbH Mitte2.2.2.0(AppPath)
02KVD201.dllIDL-GmbH Mitte2.2.2.0(AppPath)
02KVD202.dllIDL-GmbH Mitte2.2.2.0(AppPath)
03HelperFunctions.dllIDL-GmbH Mitte2.2.2.0(AppPath)
04KVM200.xlaIDL-GmbH Mitte2.2.2.0(AppPath)
05SetAddinForUser.exeIDL-GmbH Mitte(AppPath)

These files shall be installed during the Setup of Single-user-workplace or network-workplace.

5.2 Runtime files

Runtime files are files of access ability by user. These files are shared by other user.


These files are installed during execution of Setup of Single-user-workplace or client workplace.

5.3 Installation files

UInstallation-files are all files which are used for standard-applications on the workplace of any user.

05Connector.msiIDL-GmbH Mitte
06Connec01.cabIDL-GmbH Mitte
07Connec02.cabIDL-GmbH Mitte

Since version 2.5. the database-access requires an access-component named "Microsoft Data Access Components".

During the start-process of the IDL Connector-Setup (setup.exe) the system verifies the existence of the data-access-components. If they are missing these components should be installed via mdac_type.exe. It is available on the IDL CD (on the path Microsoft). In addition to it these data-access-components can be downloaded via internet from

Letzte Änderung: IDLADMIN 17.06.2005 17:01