GUIDE Forms product margin

Table of contents

1 General information

This application enables a form-based recording of IC product margins and serves as a percentage of overhead or direct rate for the interim profit in current assets from the perspective of the supplying company. The application can be reached via the short-word input 'I-PROMAR' or via the context menu in the application 'Form entry inventory stocks' (I-ICVOR) under 'Forms details'.

In contrast to the application 'Product data' (PRODAT), in which both a surcharge or discount value or a percentage surcharge or discount rate can be defined for each product group from the perspective of the receiving company, this application involves the specification of a percentage product margin from the perspective of the supplying company.

Within the preparation of the data for the 'Elimination current asset result' (ZU) , there are several input options for the percentage surcharge or discount rate. The system determines the surcharge or discount value or percentage in the following order:

  1. Specified in Inventories IC-stocks (ICVOR) as value or percentage
  2. Specified in product margin (PROMAR) as a percentage for the supplying company
  3. Specified in product / product group (PRODAT) as a percentage for the receiving company

That means, if there is no surcharge / discount value or percentage specified the system first checks whether a record exists in the product margins (PROMAR) before reading the product group data (PRODAT). If no surcharge / discount can be determined, a corresponding error is reported.

NOTES ON CARRY FORWARD: The product margins are not automatically carry forward in the group carryforward, because it is assumed that the specified percentage rate can change from year to year. By 'mass copy' in the application 'PROMAR', however, the previous year's data can be quickly copied to the next period.

2 Selection options

3 Additional dialog and handling

Letzte Änderung: LAMPE 06.02.2020 12:22