Internal User

Table of contents

1 Function

The IDL Konsis server uses needs only one account to connect to the database, ths is the internal user account.

Option: changing permissions of Database views:

2 Using the internal user

The user/password for the internal user ist set by the configuration programm configure.exe for a specific database connection. (see: internet client / application server)

3 database configuration

3.1 changing database view permissions (optional)

The view permissions can be changed with the programm ViewGranterGui. Start the programm ViewGranterGui in the directory \load of the IDL Konsis installation.

Tool ViewGranterGui

Enter the database conection infos and press search views the get a list of all Views that are granted to public. Now the permissions can be changed to the group in the Field grant group by pressing the changed grants button.

Important: This step must be done every time when a new release was installed. It's necessary because usually some views change or are created new. These views will have the default public permissions after installing a new release.

3.2 MS SQL-Server configuration

A new login account must be created as internal user. Add the user to the KONSIS role. The other user accounts are still needed for doing the windows authentication (single sign on) unless the authentication method IDL-User ist used.

4 configuration of IDL Konsis server

Letzte Änderung: WETT 08.03.2016 13:41