Application installation
Table of contents
1 new installation of IDL Konsis
1.1 Installation details
Licence-file: The licence.xml file must be available. During installation it will be copied into the
/licence path into the installation-path.
Database: The IDL Konsis database and the database engine(DB2, MSSQL or Oracle) has to be installed
and konfigured seperatly. (s. Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g Installation, DB2 s. IBM DB2 Installation, MSSQL Installation)
1.2 Types of installations
The installation copies all necessary program files into the installation directory. The Licence file licence.xml
mut be available. Shortcuts will be created in the Start Menu or on desktop.
The installation copies all necessary program files into the installation directory. In order to use the IDL Konsis Application-Server
run the script \SYSTEM\Install_KONSISAppServer.bat to install the service (s. Internet-Client/Applikation-Server).
Client (Intranet):
Only a Shortcut will be created. The IDL Konsis Server-Installation is required because during the Client-installation
the Path of the Server-installation needs to be specified(network Drive or UNC ressouce). This ist needed to create the
programm shortcut.
For the Internet-client no direct access to the files of the server installation in needed.
When the programm starts for the 1st time, the login-dialog asks for the server-name and port-nr.
1.3 personal settings / idlgui.ini
The personal settings are stored in a file called idlgui.ini. It will be created on the 1st
start of the programm in the current users profile.
When running a Single-user or Client installation the file SYSTEM\idlgui_default.ini ist used as a template.
In this file some values(e.g. Database, Databasesystem) can be set as default.
For the idlgui.ini path the system variable APPDATA is used.
In Windows Vista und Windows 7 e.g. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\IDL\<Installations Verz.>\idlgui.ini.
in Windows XP C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<username>\Anwendungsdaten\IDL\<Installations Verz.>\idlgui.ini.
In this path the resource Index for the Shortword field will created.
If no automatically generated idlgui.ini file is wanted,
the path to the idlgui.ini can be set by parameter in the shortcut-icon:
z.B. /i="U:\JohnSmith\idl\idlgui.ini"
1.4 Start-Icons / parameter
With Client, Internet-client and Single-user installation 3 shotcuts are created:
IDL Plus, IDL Plus (debug) und IDL Plus HTML-Hilfe.
These parameters are possible:
- /i=<path+name of ini file>
- /dbms=<databasesystem> possible values are: DB2, MSSQL und ORACLE
- /mode=<connect-mode> possible values are: j (default), n (connect to Konsis service)
- /debug (print debug-infos to the console only with IDL Plus (debug) shortcut)
- /ServerLogDebug (print debug-infos on the server to the wrapper.log file)
2 maintenance IDL Konsis (upgrade existing installation)
- The maintenance procedure is only available with Server-, Single-user- and Internet-client installation.
The installation-path must be entered correctly, because the installation program doesn't search for the path
automatically. The licence file (/licence/licence.xml) will be veryfied.
If no licence file ist found, you can enter a path for a the licence file.
- In maintenance mode you can choose "update program files" and/or "update database".
Usually both actions will be processed at once. After the maintenance is done you can continue to update other existing
"update database": if only the database should be updated, the installation path still is needed for writing
the installation log-file.
If "update database" is selected, you have to enter the database name and a authorized username.
In case of Oracle or MS-SQL the username has to be idldb. When using MS-SQL the correct syntax is:
If multiple instances are used: <instance>\<servername>.<databasename>
server-installation: The WEB-Start directory contains *.jnlp files. During maintenance procedure these files
will be modified automatically. The user-indiviual settings (codebase, argument...) are preserved.
Letzte Änderung: WETT 24.08.2010 15:58