Restore release data base

Table of contents

1 Copy the database backup file to you local hard-drive

In this chapter the ceration of a new MS-SQL database is described.

In the directory \dbsave\MSSQL on the IDL Konsis database-CD you can find a MS-SQL database-backup file of the delivery database.

Copy this file to you local harddrive (e.g. to the \temp directory).

2 Start SQL server enterpirise manager

Start the Microsoft SQL Server / Enterprise Manager.

Select the server instance, where you want to restore the delivery database.

3 create a new database

Right-klick on databases and select new database.

Enter a new name for the database (e.g. IDL KonsisDB).

4 Add SQL server-usernames idladmin and idldb

A username idldb is necessary database administration. Also an username "idladmin" ist needed to manage the user in the IDL Konsis application.

If this users exists from a previous database, yout need to authorize them for the new database.

Username idldb

Extend "security", and right-klick on username and choose new user.

Enter idldb in the username field.

Choose authentication and select SQL server-authentication.

Enter a password in the password field.

Open the server role" tab, and select system administrators.

Open the database access tab and select the datase access on IDL KonsisDB for user "idldb".

Username "idladmin"

Extend "security", and right-klick on username and choose new user.

Enter idladmin in the username field.

Choose authentication and select SQL server-authentication.

Enter a password in the password field.

Open the server role tab, and select system administrators.

Open the database access tab and select the datase access on IDL KonsisDB for user idladmin.

5 Rstore the IDL Konsis-delivery database

Open the menue extras, and choose restore database ....

On the common tab enter a new name for restore as database (e.g. IDL KonsisDB").

In restore select the option from media.

At choose restore media add the path+filename of the backup file (e.g. c:\temp\IDLKONSIS-LieferDB).

in the options tab select force overwrite existing database.

In column move to physical filename enter a new name for database file and transaction protokol in storage location

Letzte Änderung: WETT 22.08.2008 15:13