GUIDE Consolidation function

Table of contents

1 Consolidation functions (KVA)

IDL Konsis is in need of control parameters that allow for the basic conditions for the individual steps involved in consolidation to be determined to ensure that the consolidation function is performed properly. These are therefore also part of the voucher number (selection in KONBEL and KONBUCH) that helps you to see what consolidation the voucher comes from.

These parameters are defined in the 'KTKPAR' application. But in order for individual consolidation functions to be determined by assigning parameters, the consolidation parameters must be defined first. The application 'KVA' (consolidation function) is designed to help you with this.

IDL supplies certain KVAs that cannot be modified (except for the field content in the 'KVA' report). You will be able to recognize which of the KVAs were supplied by IDL based on the fact that they always consist of two characters, while the customer’s own KVAs contain a digit in the second position.

You will also be able to define specific topic-related reconciliation areas/groups to come up with smaller observation units and greater transparency during the consolidation run (see next chapter)

There are 2 groups of individual KVAs:

-Individual KVAs for carry-forwards and deferred taxes (Mx, Vx, Lx, Wx)

-Individual KVAs for AE and SK consolidation (Ax, Sx)

2 KVA individual record

You can go to the individual record by either performing the 'action'-'create new data file' or by clicking on the asterisk in the toolbar. The fields to be filled have the following meanings:

[Consolidation function]: Entry of the consolidation function and the subgroup 0 to 9 (Example: 'A' for AE consolidation and '1' for interest paid and earned)

[Language]: Selection of the language via the selection function.

[Description]: customized description

[Abbreviation]: customized abbreviation

[Reference KVA]: the automaticentry in this field will create the link to the consolidation function predefined by IDL. This means all of the reconciliation groups the user has defined on his own (n0-n9) will be initiated simultaneously together with the respective consolidation function (via KTKGES). Conversely, you will never be able to run a consolidation function separately for a certain reconciliation group in total, like run only for "S1," for example. On the other hand, individual vouchers can be generated separately again in the IC clearing (KGESGES) overview.

[Reference KVA for carry-forwards]: The reference KVA for the carry-forward determines which voucher the carried forward consolidation postings from a voucher with the current KVA in the voucher number should be entered in. This reference KVA thus serves as proof of how the carry-forward has been formed. The reference KVA is nearly always predetermined. (exception: for deferred taxes (Lx), you will be able to choose whether the carry-forward from the original voucher (Vx) should be compiled or you would like to have one voucher for the carry-forward of the deferred taxes (Wx).

[The column in the consolidation report]: determines what column of the consolidation report (RepTyp=V) the values from the vouchers (with this KVA in the voucher number) should be entered in the report result. The column numbers 05 to 50 are possible due to the fact that the report result can only consist of a maximum of 50 value columns and the first four columns are filled with the total values of balances and postings. Each column number can only be assigned once. If you would like to display the result of a KVA in a column that is already being used, then this field will remain empty and the respective KVA whose result already flows into the column you've chosen will be entered in the field 'REF-KVA.'

[Reference KVA for reports]: If the result of multiple individual KVAs is to be compiled and presented in a single column, the respective 'main' KVA can be referenced. Then, the entry in the field 'Column in the consolidation report' will remain empty (nevertheless, you will have to enter the respective column number with the KVA that has been referenced). If a report column is chosen for an individual KVA that has not yet been assigned to a KVA, the KVA responsible for providing the name will automatically appear in this field.

[TW entry]: Here, you can control to what extent the entry of transaction currency values for the intercompany balances for the accounts assigned to these processes is mandatory for the consolidation function that pertains to IC clearing (consolidation of debits and credits with 'SK,' 'SD,' 'S0,' 'S1,' ... 'S9' as well as consolidation of income and expenses with 'AE,' 'A0,' 'A1,' ... 'A9'). The following entry possibilities are available:

NOTE on the 'used in' fields

these fields are filled by the system and only intended to help you see what applications the respective KVA can be used in, in other words what applications the respective kVA can be selected in. If an 'X' has been entered, this means for

3 Individual KVAs for carry-forwards and deferred taxes on manual vouchers (Vx and Lx)

To allow for postings with different carry-forward rules (posting types), customized consolidation functions (KVA) can be set up for manual facts ('M0,' 'M1,' ..., 'M9'). To ensure that these postings are not compiled in a single voucher with KVA 'VM' during the carry-forward process and the original distinction is lost, corresponding individual KVAs 'V0,' 'V1,' ... 'V9' are generated automatically during entry for the carry-forward of the customized MB KVAs. In addition to this, additional customized KVAs 'L0,' 'L1,' ... 'L9' are generated for use in posting the deferred taxes to the individual MB KVAs. Based on the logic used in the past, these LT postings will be compiled together with the MB postings into a VK posting in which the new individual MB KVAs can be applied.

Subgroups that will not be written over by new release versions are available for the individual reconciliation groups for the manual vouchers 0 to 9:

4 Individual KVAs on consolidation of income and expenses (Ax) and consolidation of debits and credits (Sx)

Users are often interested in defining various reconciliation groups in the AE/SK area, for interest earned and paid or further dividing other income and expenses. Here, too, differentiation is possible by setting up subgroups. The carry-forward KVA will always be predetermined with these subgroups and refers to the respective reference KVA, in other words with Ax = no carry-forward (the field will remain empty) and with Sx, the automatic carry-forward KVA is 'VS.'

Subgroups that will not be overwritten by new release versions are available for the AE and SK vouchers 0 to 9 for the individual reconciliation groups:

5 Note on consolidation report

Producing a consolidation report (presenting the contributions of the various consolidation functions in separate columns) requires assigning the consolidation functions (KVA) to the columns. To give users the highest possible freedom of design, assignment has been made to be more flexible as described above. On the other hand, this means all new users must perform this assignment manually on their own. To avoid this, a column option for the consolidation report is provided in a supply batch file in the directory "column options_consolidation report" on the release CD. This can be imported onto the database by using the application on importing consolidation functions.

Letzte Änderung: LAMPE 29.04.2013 12:01