OLAPAPI-Connection with IDL Cockpit

Table of contents

1 Requirements

The files kcusap.jar and jcoadapter.jar have to be copied to the LOAD-directory on the server, the file kcusap.ini has to be copied to the SYSTEM-directory on the client. These files are copied to their destination during isntallation or maintenance. The parameters contained in the section [CONNECTION] have to be adapted to the facts of the customers SAP-system.

This version uses the SAP Java Connector (JCo) Version 2.1.4 or higher to connect to the SAP-System. Unfortunately the free distribution of the SAP Java Connector is not allowed. Therefore it is necessary to download this component from the SAP support portal (http://service.sap.com). To get access ot the SAP support portal you have to be a registered member of the SAP service marketplace.

The SAP Java Connector zip archive contains two JCo libraries:


These Libraries can be copied to any directory (e.g. C:\IDL:\thirdPartyJars). Afterwards this component just have to be set in the IDLIDL Konsis options dialog.

This setting will be available and activ after a IDL Konsis restart.

2 Installation notes

2.1 Installation notes concerning SAP

In the transport requests all necessary objects of the development class are included. This means that with every new installation or upgrade not more than three transport requests have to be put in the SAP-System.

Module4.0B4.54.64.7 (also Unicode)

The respective transport request for the FI-module are the basic transport request, that contains all data dictionary object and development classes. This transport request is always the first that has to be entered to the SAP-system

The IDL Konsis-SAP-R/3 interface (module FI) consists of six function modules

Returns a list with all accounts of the selected chart of accounts
Returns the financial statement structure version of the selected chart of positions
Returns the accumulated account balances per period
Returns the accumulated trading partners account balances of debitors and creditors per period
Returns the accumulated trading partners account balances per business area from the posting table BSEG
Returns controlling balances and intercompany account balances with controlling objects from the Cost-of-Sales-Ledger GLTFUNCT

and a report:

This report has four functions:
  1. Calls the function module Z_GET_PERIODBALANCES_ACCOUNTS (account balances) and writes the result
  2. Calls the function module Z_GET_PERIODBALANCES_KRED_DEBT (intercompany account balances debitor/creditor) and writes the result
  3. Calls the function module Z_GET_DEBKRED_PERIOD_DETAILS (intercompany account balances P/L) and writes the result
  4. Logging single posting documents

The function modules are bundled in a function group named ZBSF . This function group is located in the development class ZIDLKONSIS_FIBU . All elements are located inside the SAP-system. No external components exist. The development class is shipped in one transport request (see ahead).

The IDL Konsis-SAP-R/3 interface (module CO) consists of two function modules

Returns a list with all controlling objects of the selected chart of contr.objects
Returns the accumulated controlling balances per period

and two reports:

Calls the function module Z_GET_KST_STAMM and writes the result
Calls the function module Z_GET_KST_ISTDATEN and writes the result

The function modules are bundled in a function group named ZBKS . This function group is located in the development class ZIDLKONSIS_CO . All elements are located inside the SAP-system. No external components exist. The development class is shipped in one transport request (see ahead).

The IDL Konsis-SAP-R/3 interface (module AM) is one function module

Returns the accumulated fixed assets transactions per account and posting code per period

Further it contains a report:

This report has two functions:
  1. Calls the function module Z_GET_ANLAGENBUCHUNGEN_NEU und writes the result
  2. Logging single transactions per fixed asset object

The function modules are bundled in a function group named ZBAN_NEU . This function group is located in the development class ZIDLKONSIS_ANBU. All elements are located inside the SAP-system. No external components exist. The development class is shipped in one transport request (see ahead).

Technical processing

In the following steps the installation process is described for using the command line. The GUI transport management system can of cause also be used.

For the installation you need the password for the user <SID>adm or another user who has access to the SAP transport management system. It has to be checked, if the ABAP/4-Job RDDIMPDP in client 000 (user DDIC) is planned event triggered. Eventually this job has to be planned by the user DDIC in client 000 by calling the report RDDNEWPP. If this job does not exist, the transport files cannot be imported correctly. To start the transport you need on a unix system a telnet-emulation (or rlogin, ssh etc). On Windows systems you have to start the program cmd.

The files have to be copied to the following SAP directories

for the R*-files and
for the K*-files

Please note sensitivity is depending on your system settings. Copying the files with FTP the BIN mode (BINARY) has to be chosen.

Change to the directory /usr/sap/trans/bin. With the command

tp addtobuffer <TA> <SID>

the transport files are loaded into the transport buffer of the system. <TA> means transport request and <SID> is the SAP-system name.

You can check inconsistencies with a test import. It is recommended to execute a test import with the following command.

tp tst <TA> <SID>

The import of the operativ components is realized by the command:

tp import <TA> <SID> client=<MANDANT> u18

If you work with several clients, the transport request has to be imported in every single client (client specification always three characters). When the installation is complete the import protocols should be checked for errors and warnings. Because the actual transport files are created on systems with a relativ new release, importing them in an older system can lead to warnings.

Finally three cross-client logical file names and one logical file path have to be defined:

The logical file path is Z_KONSIS_TEMP_BELEG_PFAD (path for IDL-Interface). This logical file path has to be assigned to a physical path (z.B. /usr/temp/<filename>). SAP users working with the IDL Konsis-Interface need create, write and delete access on this path. They need also the SAP authorization object S_DATASET).

Background:on one hand, the reports write their results to a file; on the other hand the function module Z_GET_DEBKRED_PERIOD_DETAILS needs a temporary working file due to the amount of data being processed in this task (Reading vouchers from SAP-table BSEG). This working file is deleted when the processing of the function module has finished.

The logical files are named:

All files have the data format ASC and the application area FI.

The SAP-user needs for executing the function modules the authorization for executing remote function calls (RFCs). Using the SAP-RFC-Library (librfc32.dll), usernames and passwords cannot contain any special characters like vowel mutations (ä, ö, ü), ß or other country specific characters.

If you have any problems please contact the Hotline.

Maintaining file names and paths in the SAP system is located:

SAP-Menue --> Tools --> Accelerated SAP --> Customizing --> SPRO-Edit Project

In the IMG display please choose

Basis Components --> System Administration --> Plattformindependant File Names -->
Cross-client Maintenance of File Names and Paths

Example for a logical file path

Example for a logical file name

2.2 Installation notes concerning IDL Konsis

INI-file settings

After copying the files KCUSAP.EXE and KCUSAP.INI to the directories (see ahead) you have to set the following parameters in the KCUSAP.INI file.

Example connection settings

Section Connection

The parameters and their meaning:

Path to load version-compatible libraries
This is the path where the library files shipped with the SAP Java Connector are copied to
Destination is the system identification (three characters). You can find it in the status line of your SAPGUI. (e.g.: KT2)
The IDL Konsis-SAP-R/3 Interface tries to logon at this client with the given user and password.
Hostname is the name of the application servers. You can find it in the status line of your SAPGUI. Alternative you can put here the ip adress, too. (examples:pluto,
Sysnr - transaction SM51. The last two characters of the server name indicate the SYSNR. If you have installed several instances on one physical system, the instances are distinguished by this number. (e.g.: 00)
Gwhost is the name of the gateway host. If you leave this setting blank it is assumed that the gateway host is running on the computer with the name "Hostname" (see ahead).
The setting for Gwservice is a concatenation of the string "sapgw" and the two digit system number (SYSNR). (e.g.: sapgw00)
Trace - To log the RFC -communication to a file you can set this parameter to "on". A file ('rfc...trc' oder 'dev_rfc...trc') is created in the working directory of the application (default setting by the SAP RFC library). Usually this is within the directory e.g. s:\IDL\LOAD on the program server. Often the IDL Konsis user only has read-access. In this case to logfile is created. Alternative you can set an environment variable with the name RFC_TRACE_DIR with the value of the directory where the logfile should be written. (e.g. c:\temp). The default setting is 'off'.

Settings in IDL Konsis

To call the SAP interface from the application IMPORT the following changes in some menu items (application MEN in project IDL Konsis) have to be maintained:


If you wish to read data from the UKV-Ledger (operational format of p/l), it is recommended to use the menu item UNLICKONV.



All settings for the specific functions can be maintained in the options dialog for the SAP settings.

If you chose the option Read from Summary data preparations for consolidation (GLT3) you should provide the name Z_GET_IC_SALDEN as the alternative name of the function module

Letzte Änderung: JSZARBI 20.07.2010 09:09