The module kcusap.jar offers a set of functions for selecting external data from a SAP-R/3-System, in fact from the modules FI, CO and FI-AA (AM).
The data import from SAP is possible in two different ways.
Basically the reading process can be executed to logon to a remote system and read data or you have run a report on that system an transferred a file to be converted to the IDL Konsis format. As a result you get a text file in the import directory of IDL Konsis. The direct import is activated either in a checkbox in the logon dialog for the sap login or by confirming the direct import in a message box (if reading from file is set).
To select the accounts from the SAP system the following parameters in the application IMPORT have to be specified:
If the chart of accounts in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
The language must be one of the following abbreviations BEL, CZE, DEU, ENG, FLA, FRA, HOL, HUN, ITA, POL, SLO, SPA, SWE or USA. Otherwise an error message comes up.
You can set the following options.
To select the positions from the SAP system the following parameters in the application IMPORT must be specified:
If the chart of positions code in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
The language must be one of the following abbreviations DEU, ENG, FRA, HOL, ITA or SPA. Otherwise an error message comes up.
To select the position and accounts allocation from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
If the chart of accounts in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If the chart of positions code in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
The language must be one of the following abbreviations DEU, ENG, FRA, HOL, ITA or SPA. Otherwise an error message comes up.
To select the account balances allocation from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
You can specify other options as follows:
To select the IC account balances from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
If you leave the field business unit blank all data will be processed with the logic of TXTICKONV (IC P/L thereof account balances).
Otherwise (asterisk (*)) the program first processes with the logic of TXTICSAL and afterwards with TXTICKONV.
You can specify other options as follows:
If you choose the selection with special G/L transaction figures (values in the SAP tables KNC3 and LFC3) you have to consider that values in these tables are only valid for the complete financial year.
To select the data from the UKV ledger from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
You can specify other options as follows:
To select controlling objects from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
An asterisk in the parameter business unit indicates that no business unit info is being read while selecting external data. Otherwise customized business units in SAP are taken into account.
If the chart of cost centers in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
The language must be one of the following abbreviations DEU, ENG, FRA, HOL, ITA or SPA. Otherwise an error message comes up.
To select controlling balances from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
The controlling area for the specified company is determined via SAP table CSKS. The chart of accounts of the controlling area is assigned in the SAP table TKA01.
To select fixed assets transactions from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
You can specify other options as follows:
To analyze differences between the expected values and the actual values you can use the report YAB_ANLAGENBUCHUNGEN:
Call via SA38
The mapping of transaction type groups (SAP R/3) to posting keys is realized in the module kcusap.jar as follows:
Transaction type group (SAP R/3) | Posting Key |
10 (Acquisition) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
11 (Aquis. negative asset /CO settlement) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
12 (Reverse acquisition in following years) | A02 ((Disposals at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost)) |
13 (Partial reversal after cap./transfer) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
14 (Current-year acquis.-gross) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
15 (Down payment) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
16 (Down paymt bal. frm prev. years) | - |
19 (Acquis. of prior-yr acquis.- gross) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
20 (Retirement) | A02 (Disposals at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
21 (Subsequent retirement costs) | - |
22 (Subsequent revenue) | - |
25 (Retirement of curr-yr acquisition) | A02 (Disposals at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
26 (Retirmt of curr-yr acquis. frm inv.meas) | A02 (Disposals at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
29 (Retirmt of prior-yr acquis. frm inv.meas) | A02 (Disposals at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
30 (Retirmt transfer of prior-yr acquis.) | A03 (Transfer (Disposals) at cost) |
31 (Acquiring transfer of prior-yr acquis.) | A04 (Transfer (Additions) at cost) |
32 (Retirmt transfer of curr-yr acquis.) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
33 (Acquiring transfer of curr-yr acquis.) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
34 (Retmt transf. pr-yr acquis. AuC-ln.items) | A03 (Transfer (Disposals) at cost) |
35 (Acquiring transfer prior-yr acquis. AuC) | A04 (Transfer (Additions) at cost) |
36 (Retirmt transf. curr-yracq. AuC-l.items) | A03 (Transfer (Disposals) at cost) |
37 (Acquiring transfer curr-yr. acquis. AuC) | A04 (Transfer (Additions) at cost) |
38 (Retmt transfer pr-yr acquis.- AuC summry) | A03 (Transfer (Disposals) at cost) |
39 (Retmt transfer cur-yr acq.- AuC summary) | A03 (Transfer (Disposals) at cost) |
40 (Post-capitalization) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
50 (Allocation of investment support) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
51 (Alloc. of inv. support-prior-yr acquis.) | A01 (Additions at Acquisition-/Prod.Cost) |
52 (Extraord. write-off investment support) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
55 (Post depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
60 (Manual ordinary depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
61 (Manual ord.dep. on curr-year acquis.) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
62 (Manual special depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
63 (Manual spec.dep. on curr-yr acquis.) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
64 (Unplanned depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
65 (Unplanned dep. on curr-yr acquis.) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
66 (Transfer of reserves) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
67 (Transfer of reserves tocurr-yr acquis.) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
68 (Revaluation of cum. ord.depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
70 (Write-up special and ord. depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
71 (Write-up ordinary depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
72 (Write-up special tax depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
73 (Write-up unplanned depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
74 (Write-up reserve transfer) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
75 (???) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
77 (Write-up from gain/loss) | - |
80 (Manual appreciation of replacement val.) | - |
81 (Gross revaluation with depreciation) | - |
82 (Gross revaluation with depreciation) | - |
83 (Gross reval. of dep. calc. at FY start) | - |
90 (Takeover open items) | - |
91 (Takeover open down payments) | - |
92 (Takeover open items: | - |
The mapping of carry forwards (SAP R/3) to posting keys is realized in the module kcusap.jar as follows:
Carry forward (SAP R/3) | Posting key |
KANSW (Cumulative acquisitions and production costs) | A60 (At Cost Setting Period Begin) |
KANZA (Cumulative down payments) | A60 (At Cost Setting Period Begin) |
KNAFA (Accumulated ordinary depreciation) | A61 (Accum. Depreciation Period Begin) |
KSAFA (Cumulative special depreciation) | A61 (Accum. Depreciation Period Begin) |
KAAFA (Cumulative unplanned depreciation) | A61 (Accum. Depreciation Period Begin) |
KMAFA (Cumulative reserves transfer) | A61 (Accum. Depreciation Period Begin) |
The mapping of asset value fields and asset line items for proportional values (SAP R/3) to posting keys is realized by the program module as follows:
Asset value fields/asset line items for proportional values (SAP R/3) | Posting keys |
NAFAG (Ordinary depreciation posted in the current year) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
SAFAG (Special depreciation posted in the current fiscal year) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
MAFAG (Acquisition value reducing depreciation posted for the year) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
MAFAZ (Transferred reserves to be posted for the year) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
AUFNG (Posted revaluation of accumulated ordinary depreciation) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
ZUSNA (Write-up on ordinary depreciation) | A06 (Write-ups Actual Period) |
ZUSSA (Write-up on special depreciation) | A06 (Write-ups Actual Period) |
ZUSAA (Write-up on unplanned depreciation) | A06 (Write-ups Actual Period) |
ZUSMA (Write-up on tranferred reserves) | A06 (Write-ups Actual Period) |
AAFAV (Proportional cumulative unplanned depreciation) | A07 (Disposals of Accum depreciation) |
NAFAL (Proportional ordinary depreciation for the year) | A07 (Disposals of Accum depreciation) |
NAFAV (Proportional cumulative ordinary depreciation) | A07 (Disposals of Accum depreciation) |
NAFAB (Ordinary depreciation on transactions) | A07 (Disposals of Accum depreciation) |
NAFAZ (Ordinary depreciation to be posted) | A05 (Depreciation Actual Period) |
SAFAV (Proportional cumulative special depreciation) | A07 (Disposals of Accum depreciation) |
Records with following codes will not be processed:
Code in SAP R/3 |
KINVZ (Cumulative investment grants) |
INVZV (Proportional cumulative investment grants) |
AAFAG (Unplanned depreciation posted for the year) |
ERLBT (Revenue from asset sale) |
600 () |
AAFAZ (Unplanned depreciation to be posted) |
To select accruals transactions from the SAP system the following parameters have to be specified:
Closing date actual period and fact are required by the IDL Konsis application.
Optional parameters are:
If the company in IDL Konsis and SAP have different descriptions, a transformation group mapping the IDL Konsis-description to the SAP description has to be defined.
If companies have different financial years, you can specify a variable of financial year to group your companies for the selection of external data.
If you have more than twelve posting periods you can specify a value of (13, 14, 15 or 16) to select the external data incl. extra posting periods.
An asterisk (*) in the field business unit specifies that the data is not detailed on business level but is summed on account level.
To specify the number of companies for the selection you have three possibilities:
You can specify other options as follows:
The mapping of transaction type groups (SAP R/3) to posting keys is realized in the module kcusap.jar as follows:
Transaction type group (SAP R/3) | Posting Key |
500 (Opening balance) | R09 (Carry Forward-Credit) |
505 (Translation diff.current year) | R12 (Modify Per.Begin (curr.conversion)) |
520 (Allocation) | R04 (Additions) |
540 (Drawing) | R02 (Amount used act.period) |
560 (Elimination) | R03 (Releases) |
570 (Transfer) | R05 (Transfers (Additions)) |
580 (Translation diff.current year) | R13 (Other Additions (Currency Conv) |
So that longrunning transactions do not reduce performance in the operational use of the system reports and function modules may not run longer than a specified maximum amount of time. If a report or function module takes longer than the specified time for a dialog process the SAP system cancels this process. The maximum value is determined by the profile parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time eingestellt.
If you get a timeout when selecting ic account balances you can make the following steps:
Report writes a file assigned to the logical filename Z_KONSIS_TEMP_STAMM_DATEI.
This file has to be copied to a drive the IDL Konsis-Client can access (e.g. a WORK directory in the IDL-path).
As well as the folling settings in the options dialog have to be made:
Meaning | Chart of accounts could not be found in the SAP system (field KTOPL in table T004) |
Measure | Please check if you have to define and use a transformation group for the chart of accounts. |
Meaning | The specified language is not available |
Measure | Please check if the specified langauge abbreviation is customized (field LAISO in SAP table T002). |
Meaning | No authorization for reading the chart of accounts |
Measure | Please check the authority object 'F_SKA1_KTP' (ID 'KTOPL' and activity ACTVT '03'). |
Meaning | The specified chart of positions code could not be found in the SAP system (field VERSN in table T011) |
Measure | Please check if you have to define and use a transformation group for the chart of positions code. |
Meaning | The specified chart of positions code could not be found in the SAP system (field VERSN in table T011) |
Measure | Please check if you have to define and use a transformation group for the chart of positions code. |
Meaning | For the specified client no ledger version is customized in the SAP table T881 where the application is 'FI', the subapplication is 'GL', the table is 'GLT0' and the ledger is '00'. |
Measure | Please check if the general ledger is customized. |
Meaning | The ledger version for the general Ledger could not be found. For the specified client no ledger version for the ledger '00' could be found in the SAP table T894 . |
Measure | Please check if the ledger version for the general ledger is customized in the SAP system. |
Meaning | The specified company code could not be found (field BUKRS in table T001) |
Measure | Please check if you have to define a transformation group for company codes because the description is different in IDL Konsis and SAP |
Meaning | The specified variable of financial years could not be found in the SAP system (field PERIV in table T009) |
Measure | Please check if the specified variable of financial years is customized in the SAP system |
Meaning | The specified company codes have different variable of financial years. |
Measure | Please specify a variable of financial years or a comnpany code |
Meaning | There is no assignment of company codes to companies in the SAP system, that means in the table T001 for the specified company there is no entry in the field RCOMP. |
Measure | Please implement the necessary customizations in the SAP system. |
Meaning | No authorization for reading the account balances for the specified company code |
Measure | Plase check the authority object 'F_BKPF_BUK' (ID 'BUKRS' and activity ACTVT '03'). |
Meaning | The (logical) filename Z_KONSIS_TEMP_BELEG_DATEI cannot be resolved by the SAP function FILE_GET_NAME. |
Measure | Please check the correctness of the client independent assignment of the logical filename. |
Meaning | The physical file assigned to the logical filename Z_KONSIS_TEMP_BELEG_DATEI could not be opened for writing via 'OPEN DATASET DSN FOR OUPUT IN TEXT MODE'. |
Measure | Please check if the user running the function module has the necessary rights for the specified path and file. The file is a temporary file which is created, written to and deleted while running the function module. The user also needs the auhtority S_DATASET |
Meaning | For the specified client no ledger version is customized in the SAP table T881 where the application is 'FI', the subapplication is 'SL', the table is 'GLFUNCT' and the ledger is '0F'. |
Measure | Please check if the UKV ledger is customized. |
Meaning | The specified ledger version for ledger '0F' could not be found in the SAP table T894. |
Measure | Please check if the specified version of the UKV ledger is cstomized in the SAP system. |
Meaning | The user has no authorization for the specified controlling area. |
Measure | Please check if the user has the authority for the authority object K_CSKS (ID 'KOKRS' and activity ACTVT '03'). |
Message | NO_KOKRS |
Meaning | The chart of cost centers for the controlling area could not be found. |
Measure | Please check if the controlling area is customized in the SAP system (table CSKS). Possibly a mapping for chart of cost centers and controlling area in IDL Konsis has to be defined. |
Message | NO_SPRAS |
Meaning | The specified language is not customized in the SAP system |
Measure | Please check if the specified language abbreviation is customized (field LAISO in SAP table T002). |
Exception (NO_RECORD_T001) thrown by ths function module can be caused by four different facts:
Exception NO_RECORD_CSKS is caused by two different situations:
Message | WRONG_PERIV |
Meaning | Companies with different variable of financial years exist. |
Measure | Please specify a variable of financial year to select the data for all companies with this variable of financial year or specify a single company |
Message | NO_RECORD_T001 |
Meaning | The specified company code (field BUKRS in table T001) or the specified variable of financial years (field PERIV in table T009) could not be found. |
Measure | Please check if you have to define a transformation group for company codes because the description is different in IDL Konsis and SAP or check if the specified variable of financial years is customized in the SAP system |
Message | NO_RECORD_T009 |
Meaning | The specified variable of financial years could not be found in the SAP system (field PERIV in table T009) |
Measure | Please check if the specified variable of financial years is customized in the SAP system |
Message | WRONG_PERIV |
Meaning | Companies with different variable of financial years exist. |
Measure | Please specify a variable of financial year to select the data for all companies with this variable of financial year or specify a single company |
Meaning | For the specified client no ledger version is customized in the SAP table T881 where the application is 'FI', the subapplication is 'LC', the table is 'GLT3' and the ledger is '09'. |
Measure | Please check if the general ledger is customized. |
Meaning | The ledger version for the general Ledger could not be found. For the specified client no ledger version for the ledger '09' could be found in the SAP table T894 . |
Measure | Please check if the ledger version for the general ledger is customized in the SAP system. |
Meaning | The specified company code could not be found (field BUKRS in table T001) |
Measure | Please check if you have to define a transformation group for company codes because the description is different in IDL Konsis and SAP |
Meaning | The specified variable of financial years could not be found in the SAP system (field PERIV in table T009) |
Measure | Please check if the specified variable of financial years is customized in the SAP system |
Meaning | The specified company codes have different variable of financial years. |
Measure | Please specify a variable of financial years or a comnpany code |
Meaning | There is no assignment of company codes to companies in the SAP system, that means in the table T001 for the specified company there is no entry in the field RCOMP. |
Measure | Please implement the necessary customizations in the SAP system. |
Meaning | No authorization for reading the account balances for the specified company code |
Measure | Plase check the authority object 'F_BKPF_BUK' (ID 'BUKRS' and activity ACTVT '03'). |
Message | WRONG_PERIOD |
Meaning | The specified month has not a value between 1 and 12 |
Measure | Please use a valid month. You can specify the extra posting periods with the parameter number of extra posting periods |
Meaning | File could not be opened. |
Measure | Please check if the user running the function module has the authorization S_DATASET |