GUIDE Transaction development definitions

Table of contents

1 Transaction development definitions (SPIDEF)

An integrated application that makes it much easier to intuitively create and maintain transaction development definitions is now available. This application allows you to maintain the data that has been managed in the individual applications "Transaction development" ( SPI ), "Transaction development areas" ( SBE ), "Transaction development columns" ( SSP ), "Posting keys" ( BSL ) and "Account/Posting key allocation groups" ( BSG ) in the past. The new application can be accessed by entering the abbreviation 'SPIDEF' or via the resource tree in the master and control data:

Image: Activating the application 'SPIDEF'

Once you have started the application, a list of all of the defined transaction developments and their attributes will appear in an initial window on the left side. You will immediately see a dialogue on the right side inside which you can manage the entries for this transaction development. This dialogue will become active as soon as a transaction development has been opened by double-clicking onto a line or marking and confirming the magnifying glass icon or clicking onto the star symbol to indicate that a new transaction development is to be recorded.

Image: 'SPIDEF' interface

The dialogue on the right-hand side consists of two tabs. The first page allows you to enter master transaction development data in accordance with the single block application SPIE.

Image: Tab 'Transaction development descriptions' for creating new transaction developments

The first input field is for entering the transaction development key that can consist of up to three digits. Lower case letters will be automatically converted into upper case letters. The system will immediately prevent you from entering inadmissible special characters ('%', '_', individual '*').

In addition to the validity, the name and headline of the column are mandatory entries (short text is optional). Multiple line entries are supported for column headlines. The user can switch between these lines with the help of 'Cursor up' and 'Cursor down'.

The language is not an entry, but rather a display field. It is taken from the startup data and automatically applies for the text entries that follow for the long text, the column headline and the short text. After you have confirmed your language selection (click onto the green checkmark), the abbreviation of the language will be provided as a tab name and a new tab will immediately appear next to it together with a star. A drop-down menu will take you to a selection window that contains the possible languages that have not yet been used. You can then select one of these. Afterwards, the language you have selected will be displayed next to the user language and the three designation input fields will be emptied to allow for entries to be made in the initial language. You can repeat this as often as you'd like. By clicking your mouse onto the display field that contains the language key, you can display the texts in a language that has already been stored once again, as master copies for other languages or to correct them, for example.

Image: Tab 'Transaction development descriptions' for existing transaction developments

The second tab provides entry possibilities for table-specific attributes. Unlike previous input masks, multiple entry alternatives are not displayed by a drop-down box, but rather by radio buttons for checkboxes, if only the alternatives +yes+ and +no+ are offered. Senseless combinations of entries will be prevented due to the fact that individual elements that are context-sensitive will be deactivated. The following entry "Calculation of depreciation" will be displayed by the three radio buttons "AHk", "AfA" und "none." In this case, an entry can only be made for transaction developments of the type "fixed assets" or "shareholdings." Otherwise, this area will be blended out entirely. You will only be able to leave the mask if the data you have entered is consistent.

: Tab Transaction development attributes'

Two other windows will also appear in the lower part of the application area after a (new or existing) transaction development has been opened. The lower window shows a list of "open tasks," that have been determined by rechecking all of the transaction development definitions. If a posting key with a specific usage tag that is needed for this type of transaction development has not been defined yet, this will be displayed here:

Image: Application area with an overview of the "open tasks"

If the data file you are asking for has already been created, this line will disappear from the overview.

The upper window consists of three or four tabs in which the respective data for transaction developments (depending on whether they have been activated for this transaction development), transaction development columns, posting key allocation groups and posting keys will be displayed. The entry "including transaction development areas" is possible for all transaction developments regardless of type. Either marking a line and clicking onto the pencil symbol or double-clicking onto one of the lines in these tables or clicking with the mouse onto the star symbol will open an assistant that will help you to work on or record the respective data:

Image: Creating a new transaction development area

Much like the dialogue on transaction development attributes, these assistants consist of two pages for maintaining the validity and descriptions and/or other attributes. Here, too, elements might be deactivated depending on the type of transaction development. After entering the mandatory data (surrounded by blue), you must confirm the language you have selected by clicking on to the green checkmark. This will activate the "Next" button. You may then enter the transaction development area attributes in the second tab:

Image: Selection of the attributes for the transaction development area

The second tab in the transaction development columns includes the following attributes:

Image: Selection of the attributes for the transaction development column

Depending on the attributes you have selected in the upper window, the lower attributes will be activated in a context-sensitive manner (together with +reconciliation of P&L accounts,+ +Reconciliation of accounts that have the account flag 'D' (continuing depreciation) is the only selection that makes sense with a fixed asset schedule. All of the other lines will be locked.

The changes made will not be stored in the database immediately, but rather only after they have been explicitly stored by clicking with your mouse onto the diskette symbol in the toolbar of the transaction development table. The other symbols in this toolbar will allow for a complete transaction development to be either copied or deleted. In both cases, this will include all of the related master data. If the transaction development has already been processed in other applications (KTO, ABR-/FACSPI or XXX-BEW), like before, it will be impossible to delete these.

In addition, the transaction development that has been opened will be closed again and the transaction development table will be updated in case other users have also made changes. All of the functions available in the toolbar can also be activated via the action menu:

Image: Action menu

Letzte Änderung: SCHUENE 08.10.2018 16:12