Migration program for release 2013
Table of contents
1 Short Description
The migration programm for release 2013.0 has to be invoked once per installation
(database) after migration to the release 2013.0 to perform necessary adjustments
of data contents.
The migration program outputs a protocol of the transformed data or data to be transformed
manually in a message window. The content of the message window is simultaneously
written into a log file. These log files can be read by all users independently from
the executing user. You can display the log file via action "Display log file". Usually
no more data are transformed at repeated call of the migration.
2 Transformations
The following transformations are performed by this migration program:
2.1 Setting of Version Number
The version number of the migration is updated in the database table A000 even if
no transformation is required otherwise providing a check of the consistency of the
version numbers of programs, database structures, meta data and migration.
2.2 Migration for Interim Release 2013.0
The migration program performs the following transformations for release 2013.0:
- The former account flags 'B', 'I', 'J' and 'V' are displaced into the new attribute
"IC account flag" in the tables "Accounts" (KTO), "Account categories" (KTOGRP) and
"Check rule positions" (PRFPOS).
- The former account flags 'D', Y' and 'Z' are displaced into the new attribute "Matching
P/L , transaction development" in the tables "Accounts" (KTO), "Account categories"
(KTOGRP) and "Check rule positions" (PRFPOS).
- All accounts which had been considered at deconsolidation for the determination of
the deconsolidation result (accounts for retained earnings in all consolidation parameters,
facts and the account master data) are provided with the new account flag 'C'.
- The new flag for statistical data in the fact table (FAC) is initialised for each
fact due to the existence of statistical data (data on accounts with the b/s p&l
codes '5' to '9') on this fact.
- The disabled posting key usage tag 'KM' is removed from the table of posting keys
- The reservation flag is removed for all posting keys with the posting key usage tags
'AFA', 'AHK', 'B02', 'B03', 'B04', 'B05', 'B06', 'B07', B08', 'B09', 'B10', 'B13',
'B16', 'B17', 'B18', 'DIV', 'E', 'F', 'FF', 'NE', 'NF', 'P' and 'XZA' as well as
'ME' and 'MF' for the transaction development 'B' (shareholdings) providing the arbitrary
usage of these posting keys.
- A new consolidation parameter 'KS' for deconsolidation is generated for all groups,
periods and facts where a consolidation parameter 'KK' existed with the entry of
an account for deconsolidation. The new consolidation parameters are provided with
the deconsolidation accounts of the consolidation parameters 'KK' as well as in case
'EK' and 'FK'.
- A new consolidation parameter 'NF' for non-cash disposal from the group companies
is generated for all groups, periods and facts where a consolidation parameter 'KK'
existed with the entry of an account for non-cash disposal. The new consolidation
parameters are provided with the non-cash disposal accounts of the consolidation
parameters 'KK' as well as in case 'EK' and 'FK'.
- The new flag for preservation of manual postings at repetition of the consolidation
is initialised to '1' corresponding to the behaviour realised until up to now for
all existing consolidation parameters for the consolidations D&C ('Sx') and P&L ('Ax').
- All status flags kept until now in the table "Group companies + monitor" (KTKGES)
are transferred into the table "Group processing controls" (KVERARB). There new records
are inserted with the two character consolidation function key as "Check point".
The status flag is converted into a corresponding message.
- The former key "Check point" is replaced by the two character consolidation function
key for all status record of consolidation functions already present up to now in
the table "Group processing controls" (KVERARB).
- User specific menu Items (starting with '$') are provided with the parameter list
of a reference menu item in the new table for menu parameters (MENPAR) as far as
a reference menu item is specified.
- All import/export formats with the format type 'KSTSAL' are deleted including their
fields (IEFDEF), field allocations (IEFFEL) and import/export jobs (IEJOB). For new
formats now only the format type 'CNTSAL' is available.
- All import/export formats with the format '#TXT061' are deleted including their field
allocations (IEFFEL) and import/export jobs (IEJOB).
Letzte Änderung: WERNER 03.09.2013 08:51