Migration program for release 2021 update 1

Table of contents

1 Short Description

The migration program for Release 2021 Update 1 has to be started once per database after installation of this update to provide for the required adjustments of the database.

The migration program outputs a log file of the automatically updated data and data to be updated manually. This log file accumulates several calls of the migration program so that the result of migration can be viewed by arbitrary users. You can display the log file using the action "Display log-file" in the context menu of the table of the application "Release upgrade" (KONVERT). Usually no data are modified at repeated calls.

2 Transformations

The following steps are performed by the migration:

2.1 Version Setting

The version entry for migration is refreshed in the database table A000 even if no database modifications are required at all providing for the consistency of the version entries of programs, database structures, meta data and migration.

2.2 Migration for Update 1 of Release 2021

The migration program performs the following transformations in the database for IDL.KONSIS:

Letzte Änderung: GRUEBLER 15.09.2021 13:13