Table of contents

1 General

For the purpose of activation of the IDL.XLSLINK addin in Citrix environments the file IDL.XLSLINK.XLAM is now written into the sub-directory "IDLAddin" of the installation path. The addin is activated by execution of this file via double mouse click.

When invoking IDL.XLSLINK via webstart it is now possible to recognise whether the 32 bit or the 64 bit version of Excel is used. For this purpose the flag /AUTOX86X64 has to be set in the jnlp file.

2 Main Application

A button <Reset> was supplemented on the page "Settings" -> "Application" for the purpose to revoke settings which prohibit a correct display.

3 Addin

A button for a direct call of the IDL.KONSIS login was supplemented in the menu "Tools" -> "Extras". Otherwise the login is invoked automatically at the first data request.

The function "Information for ..." was supplemented in the menu "Tools" -> "IDL.XLSLINK". Here the issue for "Valid for Konsis version" is displayed and can be compared to the corresponding information in the IDL.XLSLINK main application. Thus e.g. you can check whether the installed addin is up to date.

The function "Export Format Codepage 1252" copies the current table into a new table replacing the formulae by their values.

4 References in General

Cell references in references now can be defined more easily. For this purpose the reference maps now contain the new button "Excel cell". After pushing this button the Excel map gains the focus and the cell to be referenced can be selected. Its address is then transferred into the current entry field of the map.

With aid of the function key <F4> you can modify the specification of cell references (e.g. "B9") in the reference maps with respect to fixation of columns and lines when copying (e.g. "B9" -> "$B9" -> "B$9" -> "$B$9" -> "B9").

Items for the functions "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" were supplemented in the menu of the IDL.XLSLINK references.

5 Read Function

Now check boxes are displayed in the selection lists of the entry fields of the reference maps of read functions. Thus a multiple entry of keys for the database request is possible by marking of several check boxes.

A new button in the tool bar of IDL.XLSLINK allows for an abort of a read request. This may be useful if very long response times were caused by wrong specification of selection criteria.

The IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST enhancement for the application "Positions" is supported by IDL.XLSLINK.

6 Export Function

Export is now possible with specification of an IDL.KONSIS transformation group. The transformation group can directly be entered in the export window. A pre-selection of the transformation group can be specified in the startup data file. A corresponding functionality was available in IDL Connector only via export into a text file, which then was imported from IDL.KONSIS with specification of the transformation group.

Export into a text file now is possible, too. For this purpose the export window was enhanced by a new check box "Save in text file". Additionally path and file name can be specified if different from the default settings.

A button <Reset> was supplemented in the export area of the IDL.XLSLINK tool bar. When pushed all export formulae are reset providing that only the application name is displayed in the cells. Furthermore error messages in the info view and pending export tasks are deleted.

The IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST enhancements for the applications "Positions" and "Postings" are supported by IDL.XLSLINK.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 27.03.2015 13:47