Table of contents


1.1 Main Application

The databases allocated to an IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST application server are now transferred to the client at first connection for selection in IDL.XLSLINK even for installed clients.

For an improved analysis of problem cases now the logging of the interface between IDL.XLSLINK and IDL.KOSIS.FORECAST can be activated, configured and deactivated again using a new dialogue. This dialogue open after a mouse click on a corresponding button in the main application. The main application displays whether logging is activated, too, since it provides for performance loss if permanently activated.

In addition, the main application now displays the name of the user currently logged in as well as the connected databases.

The flag "Show data immediately" was removed since its function was capable of being misunderstood.

1.2 Read Functions

The representation of amounts with positive or negative sign, respectively, was completely redesigned. If possible now a b/s p&l code is determined and the sign of the amount is aligned to this code:

The following rules are applied for determination of this b/s p&l code:

  1. If the formula specifies a position in connection with a report ID then the b/s p&l code of the upmost position superordinate to this position in the report structure is applied (like the representation in reports).
  2. If the formula specifies a position without a report ID then the b/s p&l flag of this position is applied.
  3. If the entries for the position (chart of positions and position number) are ambiguous, then the default rule due to item 5. is applied.
  4. If the formula does not contain values for the position but specifies uniquely an account then the b/s p&l code of this account is applied.
  5. If no b/s p&l code could be determined due to the previous items, then the representation of the amount is performed just like for b/s p&l code '1': debit amounts are displayed as positive numbers and credit amounts as negative numbers.

Note: This rule deviates in some constellations from the previous solution as well as from the solution realised in IDL.CONNECTOR. I.e. in case you have to supplement an additional multiplication by -1 in your formula or you have to remove a multiplication by -1 applied up to now.

1.3 Export Function

An entry in the ini file "bridge.ini" controls whether hidden cells included in a selected area shall be exported, too, or not when exporting this area. The default value of this flag if not specified in the in file is now set to consideration of the hidden cells, the same way as it was solved in IDL.CONNECTOR.

Fields for the controlling dimensions 2 to 10 were supplemented in the export map for company financial statement postings.


The read and write functions of IDL.CONNECTOR are no longer developed since Release 2016. Running Excel worksheets may be continued to be used, however, there will be only limited support by IDL. Now only IDL.XLSLINK is supported for these purposes. Only IDL.XLSLINK can be used in connection with the 64 bit version of MS Excel (see hardware and software requirements).

If you have many and extensive Excel maps with IDL.CONNECTOR formulae the transition to IDL.XLSLINK may be a major project. In this case it is recommended to arrange support by your IDL consultant.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 06.09.2017 15:11