Corrections for Release 2018

Table of contents

The chapter describes the errors corrected since release of Fixpack B for Release 2018.

1 General

1.1 Messages when Closing the Application Server

Concerned Applications:
IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST Application Server (Jetty)
Program errors (exceptions) were reported in the log file when closing the Application Server because some applications attempted to send messages to the client although its connection had already been cut.

1.2 Multiple Display of the same Tables

Concerned Applications:
Excel export for new master data applications
The dialogue for the Excel export listed the selectable tables sometimes multiply.

1.3 Deleting a User Group

Concerned Applications:
User group authorisations (BENDEF)
A newly defined user group without any authorisations could not be deleted again. Instead of the error message "Deletion not permitted because of authorization setting" (IAR0608E) was reported.

1.4 Change Log of Authorisation for Report IDs

Concerned Applications:
Object authorizations modifications (BENOBJLOG)
Changes on the object authorisations for report IDs (object type 'RID') were logged, however, the application did not allow for their display.

2 Master Data

2.1 Refresh of the Modification Date

Concerned Applications:
Complex master data applications (...DEF)
The modification date was not refreshed if an update was performed in the leading table without opening the model with the dependent tables.

2.2 Fixed Asset Objekt Prefix '*'

Concerned Applications:
Chart of account definition (KTODEF)
The fixed object prefix of a chart of accounts already existing could not be updated to '*'. An error message with respect to an illegal character was output.
A newly defined chart of accounts could be provided with an '*'.

2.3 Missing Display of Invalid Entries

Concerned Applications:
Chart of account definition / account allocations (POSDEF)
An invalid manual entry in the field "Chart of accounts" in the selection area on the left hand was not displayed.

2.4 Positioning after Allocation

Concerned applications:
Chart of position definition / account allocations (POSDEF)
If, in the table of position/account allocations, you had allocated an account and then saved the modifications, then the display switched to the end of the table.

2.5 Filter Entry Vanished at Change of the Application

Concerned Applications:
Chart of positions definition / account allocation (POSDEF)
Entries in the filter line entered in one of the tables vanished after switching between the registry tabs of different applications.

2.6 Wrong Allocation of Posting Keys for Carry-Forward

Concerned Applications:
Transaction development definition (SPIDEF)
The application allowed for the allocation of a posting key with usage tag 'V' to a transaction development column without the usage tag 'VOR'.

3 Company and Group Statements

3.1 Interruption of Mass-Update

Concerned Applications:
Intercompany account balances (ICKTOSAL)
If several data lines were selected including a difference line and then the action "Mass-Update" was performed, then the mass-update was interrupted by the selected difference line.

3.2 Same Check Sum despite of Deleted Data

Concerned Applications:
Intercompany account balances (ICKTOSAL)
If all lines (including the final difference line) were selected in the table and then the action "Delete" was performed, then the previous check sum remained and was not refreshed.

3.3 Updating a Controlling Balance

Concerned applications:
Controlling balance (CNTSALE)
When updating a controlling object of a controlling balance without amount in group currency a database error (SQL error) occurred.

3.4 Differences for not Activated Transaction Development Areas

Concerned Applications:
Development transaction (ANLBEW, KAPBEW, RUEBEW, SPIBEW)
Differences for not activated transaction development areas were reported after a double mouse click on a transaction development status in the list "Account balances" (KTOSAL).

3.5 Statistical Amounts without Reporting Date of Exchange Rate

Concerned Applications:
Currency conversion company financial statement
No reporting date of exchange rate was written into the data record at 1:1 conversion of statistical amounts (b/s p&l flag '5'). As a consequence error messages at a subsequent update were reported.

3.6 Wrong Header Lines for Transaction Development Areas

Concerned applications:
Perform carry-forward into new period, Carry forward complete group data
The list of differences displayed after carry-forward sometimes showed header lines for transaction development areas although there were no differences. In other cases the header lines for development areas were missing. These errors only occurred when working with business units.

3.7 Unexpected Reaction at Double Mouse Click

Concerned Applications:
Group monitor (KTKGES)
A double mouse click on the status [M] (manual release) for the soft check rules effected nothing at the first time. At the second time the single record application KTKGESE was invoked.
Now a double mouse click provides for a branch off into the check rule result list (PRFERGK).

3.8 Double Request for Deletion of Consolidation

Concerned Applications:
Consolidation parameter ZA (KTKPARZA)
When deleting a consolidation parameter 'ZA' you are requested whether the results of the 'ZA' consolidation should be deleted, too. Although this request was answered with "Continue without deletion" the request "Delete consolidation?" appeared again.

3.9 Wrong Status 'KLW'

Concerned Applications:
Compensation of the difference amount in local currency (KLW)
After carry-forward of group data the status 'KLW' for compensation of the difference amount in local currency became [green] although the currency conversion could not be performed because of missing exchange rates.

3.10 Conversion of Depreciation in Deviating Local Currency

Concerned applications:
Compensation of the difference amount in local currency (KLW)
If, despite of a company with local currency equal to group currency, the compensation of the difference amount was specified in a deviating local currency, then depreciations were converted with the closing date exchange rate instead of the average exchange rate per period.

3.11 Fixed Asset Object with Crosses in the Description

Concerned Applications:
Merger company financial statement
The description of a newly created fixed asset object exhibited only crosses.

3.12 Details View with Group Lock

Concerned Applications:
Consolidation postings (KONBUCH)
The action "Details" (view of the complete voucher) in the list "Consolidation postings" was no longer possible if the group already had been locked.

3.13 Missing Authorisation Check

Concerned applications:
Group processing control (KVERARB), Consolidation postings (KONBUCH), Postings (BUCH), IC fixed asset transactions (ICANLBEW).
The check for user authorisation for the action was missing for the actions "Manual release" and "Revoke manual release" in KVERARB as well as "Refresh automatic depreciations" in KONBUCH, BUCH and ICANLBEW.


4.1 Closing the IDL.FORECAST Options

Concerned Applications:
A program error (exception) occurred when closing the IDL.FORECAST option dialogue.

4.2 Splashing of Zero Balances with Changes

Concerned Applications:
Planning application (PLAN)
If a balances had a total of 0.00 but nevertheless was constituted out of changes, e.g. 20.00 D and 20.00 C, then the behaviour at splashing differed between the different splashing algorithms.

4.3 No Business Case Display of Intercompany Balance

Concerned Applications:
Planning application (PLAN)
When selecting an intercompany balance in the intercompany view of the dimension table then the corresponding business case was not displayed in the business case viewer if the intercompany balance was defined as a pure statistical amount (e.g. interest rate in an interest rule).

4.4 Authorisation Problems with Copy Profiles

Concerned applications:
Planning application (PLAN)
Although no authorisation check was provided for copy profiles authorisation checks for rule templates were applied providing that in case copy profiles and copy profile folders could not be worked on or were not displayed at all, respectively.

4.5 Period Calculation of Dissolution Rule

Concerned Applications:
Planning application (PLAN)
The period calculation of the dissolution rule did not calculate on the level of months.

4.6 Interest Rule

Concerned Applications:
Planning application (PLAN)
Some standard functions did not work correctly for the interest rule, e.g. no new calculation of the rule was performed when changing the parameters for threshold amounts.

4.7 POS Formula with Filter on Accounts

Concerned applications:
Planning application (PLAN) - Individual table sheets
If a POS formula referenced to a position with allocated accounts and one of these accounts was not displayed in the report due to a filter, then the balance of this account was missing in the result of the formula.

4.8 Missing English Descriptions

Concerned Applications:
Cross-company IC planning (ICGP)
The English texts were missing for the application and renaming of a profile for the cross-company IC planning.

5 Reporting

5.1 Reverse Order of Entry

Concerned Applications:
Report definitions (REPDEF)
At manual entry in entry fields with choice dialogues the cursor was positioned at the beginning after each character providing that the characters appeared in reverse order.

5.2 Task Table was Flickering

Concerned Applications:
Report definitions (REPDEF)
The list of open tasks was flickering when adding a position to the report.

5.3 Totals for not-Consolidated Transaction Development Areas

Concerned Applications:
Create transaction development reports
Totals for not-consolidated transaction development areas were calculated in group reports with a unique company as well as in company reports with a unique business unit.


6.1 IDL.XLSLINK Login at a Cloud Installation

Concerned applications:
The login dialogue for IDL.XLSLINK for a cloud installation was always displayed in German language even if an English Windows was installed on the client.

6.2 Flag "Period in Date Format"

Concerned applications:
The flag "Period in date format" in the Excel ribbon no longer can be modified since deviating settings provided for different problems at conversion.

6.3 Application Names with '*'

Concerned applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - References
The descriptions of some applications were provided with a preceding '*' in German language since they referenced to disposed IDL.KONSIS applications (e.g. "*Controllingobjekte").

6.4 Application Blocking after Errors

Concerned Applications:
Certain application errors provided for a blockade of the application so that IDL.XLSLINK had to be aborted using Task Manager.

6.5 Entry of a Wrong Currency

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Read reported data
If you entered a value different from 'LW', 'KW' or 'PW' in a map field for the currency, then an incomprehensible error message was reported.

6.6 Read with Multiple Choice of the B/S P&L Code

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Read reported data
If the b/s p&l codes '3' and '4' were selected applying multiple choice then the sign of the result was set with respect to the b/s p&l code of the account read at last.
With multiple choice selection of the b/s p&l code debit is always represented by positive amounts and credit by negative amounts.

6.7 Export with Preceding Deletion

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Export function
When calling the export function "Delete and ..." it was reported as an error for all XLSLINK references that one of the parameters group or company was missing although this applied only for single XLSLINK references which contained cell references to empty cells.

6.8 Export of Master Data

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Export function
Some export functions (e.g. STKVA, STGES) did not work anymore. A program error ( occurred.

6.9 Empty Selection Boxes in Export Reference

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Export exchange rates
With setting of a language not equal to German the reference map for the export of exchange rates did not show any data in the selection boxes for exchange rate code and period.

6.10 Export Consolidation Postings for Vouchers with one Company

Concerned Applications:
IDL.XLSLINK - Export consolidation postings
It was not possible to export consolidation postings for vouchers with only one company in the voucher number since the second company was a mandatory entry.

6.11 Problems with Service Pack 1709 for Windows 10

Concerned Applications:
After installation of service pack 1709 for Windows 10 IDL.CONNECTOR reported a missing type library.

7 Interfaces

7.1 Infinite Loop after Copying

Concerned Applications:
Import/Export job controls (IEJOB)
After copying an import/export job the application got into an infinite loop.

7.2 Refresh of the Change Information

Concerned Applications:
Transformation groups (UMS)
The entries for the last modification were not refreshed for updates in the dependent tables (e.g. restrictions for companies).

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 12.02.2018 09:26