Table of contents


1.1 General

The communication between IDL.XLSLINK and MS Excel was completely revised by using a different interface between IDL.XLSLINK and MS Excel to avoid repeating problems for refreshment of the Excel maps. In addition, the following problems were solved:

1.2 Authentication

The user authentication via the Active Directory is now supported again. For this purpose the entry "-Djdk.http.ntlm.transparentAuth=allHosts" is automatically supplemented in the parameter <JavaConfig>/<JVMOptions>. Additionally the parameter <ApplicationConfig>/<Version> stores the last version started. <JVMOptions> is modified only if the version is missing or if it is smaller than "19.1C".

1.3 Conversion of IDL.CONNECTOR Files

After conversion a log file is still created and displayed. This file was now enhanced by the specification of the concerned Excel cells.

If a formula in a file to be converted a formula could not be converted, e.g. because of an incorrect or outdated syntax, or if the IDL.CONNECTOR formula contains parameters which are not transferred, then this is reported in the log file, too.

Each time an error occurs during conversion it is now ensured that the IDL.CONNECTOR formula remains in the Excel cell. Only formulae converted without any error are replaced by the IDL.XLSLINK formula in the Excel file.

1.4 Extension of the KVA key and the Consolidation Voucher Number

The extensions of the KVA key and the consolidation voucher number described above have to be considered in IDL.XLSLINK, too, as far as XLSLINK formulae contain explicit KVA keys or consolidation voucher numbers. Since these data are contained in the Excel files there is no automatic conversion by the Release migration. Rather these references have to be adjusted manually.

The reference maps now contain separate entry fields for the different parts of the new key (basic consolidation function, reconciliation group number, flag for deferred taxes, flag for carry forward, sequence number).

1.5 Read Function

When refreshing IDL.XLSLINK read references now at first '#NUMBER' is written into all cells with read references until the correct value appears. In some cases this may lst a little bit longer than usual, however, the refresh process does not have to be repeated multiply until all values appear. A flicker can occur as well as a temporary shifting of lines, columns and areas when refreshing large files, however this finishes at the end of the refresh.

On any long running command execution now the progress will be displayed in the Excel statusbar. This contains

In the file Bridge.ini there is now a new entry <OfficeDataTransferInterface/RequestTimeout>. A value greater than zero specifies the number of seconds after which each loop waiting on a result from IDL.KONSIS stops, if no more results are received. Any login attempt to the IDL.KONSIS client which fails is reported by the AddIn in a message box.

A multiple choice of accounts is now possible in the read reference for intercompany account balances in the field for the allocated group account.

1.6 Export Function

While export is running each concerned Excel cell shows "Exportfunction: Please wait ...".

Except for the intercompany business unit the table of postings contains two columns for business units: one for the business unit of the voucher which is applied to all postings if specified, and one for the business unit of the posting which is especially relevant if the voucher is across several business units (then the voucher business unit is empty). However, the export map for postings contained only one business unit field which was used as business unit of the posting. Now there are two separate fields for both business units in the reference map. In addition, the conversion of connector formulae was adjusted since IDL.CONNECTOR offered only one business unit field, too, however, it was used as business unit of the voucher.

An entry field for the check rule class ('H' for strong, 'S' for weak check rules) was supplemented in the reference map for the export of check rules.

2 Missing Functions in IDL.XLSLINK

The following functions are not yet available in the version IDL.XLSLINK 2020 and will bu supplemented in one of the following fixpacks.

2.1 Read Accounts

There is no selection box for the field consolidation function. The entry has to be performed manually.

Lesen Konten

2.2 Read Group Account Balances

There is no selection box for the fields StatusCons, Voucher Co. 1, Voucher Co. 2, Voucher nr. CF, Voucher Nr. No., Voucher Nr.-L, Voucher Nr.-V and Voucher Nr. curr. . The entry has to be performed manually.

Lesen Konzernkontensalden

2.3 Read Intercompany Account Balances

The request for consolidation vouchers is no longer supported and the fields are no longer present. If requests for the parts of the voucher number are specified in existing references you will get an error message from Excel which disappears if you once open the formula and close it again.

Lesen IC-Kontensalden

2.4 Export Accounts

There is no selection box for the field consolidation function. This field remains empty on export.

Export Konten

2.5 Export Voucher Classifcations / Consolidation Functions

There is no selection box for the fields designed with an arrow in the following picture. The entry has to be performed manually. The fields for Carry forward and Deferred taxes hae to provided with 'V' and 'L', respectivley, if the hook shall be set in IDL.KONSIS.

Export Belegkreise / Konsolidierungsverarbeitungen

2.6 Export Report Line Descriptions

There is no selection box for the field consolidation function. The entry has to be performed manually.

Export Reportzeilenbeschreibungen

2.7 Export Konsolidation Vouchers

There is no selection box for the fields designed with an arrow in the following picture. The entry has to be performed manually. The parts of the voucher number existing up to now remain on their previous position, while the fields for th new parts of the voucher number are appended at the bottom.

Export Konsolidierungsbelege

2.8 Export Consolidation Postings

There is no selection box for the fields designed with an arrow in the following picture. The entry has to be performed manually. The parts of the voucher number existing up to now remain on their previous position, while the fields for th new parts of the voucher number are appended at the bottom.

Export Konsolidierungsbuchungen


The read and write functions of IDL.CONNECTOR were no longer developed since Release 2016 and delivered for the last time with Release 2019 Update 1. From this Release 2020 on no new versions are supplied. Running Excel worksheets may be continued to be used, however, there will be only limited support by IDL. Now only IDL.XLSLINK is supported for these purposes. Only IDL.XLSLINK can be used in connection with the 64 bit version of MS Excel (see documentation "Hardware and Software Requirements"). Please note particularly the current software requirements in when changing your MS Office or Excel versions.

If you have many and extensive Excel maps with IDL.CONNECTOR formulae the transition to IDL.XLSLINK may be a major project. In this case it is recommended to arrange support by an IDL consultant.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 30.10.2019 12:43