Table of contents


1.1 General

This release of IDL.XLSLINK focusses on performance. Depending on the complexity of the Excel-document, updating formulas is up to 60% faster than before. To gain performance, the network communications had been compressed, thus reducing network bandwidth and transfer times. The algorithms for updating interdependent formulas have been rewritten to effectively reduce the workload for the update cycle. The rewritten update also prevents situations, where Excel seemd to be hanging when recalculating interdependent formulas.

1.2 Settings

The "Ribbon" Checkbox has been removed from thee settings dialog. The checkbox was needed for Excel versions 2007 and earlier to configure the addin to appear in the modern ribbon menus. Since Excel 2007 and earlier is no longer supported and due to misleading error messages, we have decided to remove the checkbox and the associated logic from the IDL.XLSLINK main application.

1.3 Read Function

XLSLINK performance gains

1.4 Export Function

1.5 Bugfixes

2 Known issues

Unfortunately, while redesigning the update algorithms in release 21.0 we experienced an issue that during complex formula updates, Excel seemingly hangs - thus does not show a user visible sign of feedback, that calculations are indeed still proceeding in background. The calculations will eventually finish and show the correct results, but there is an amount of time a user might be worried and tempted to quit Excel in between. We are working a solution to reliably display update activity to the user and ship that in a following fixpack release.


We have implemented several technical improvements and bugfixes to improve stability and performance. Special care was taken to make Connector more resilient to false virus detection software warnings, such as Microsoft Bit Defender. We have changed the internal Excel Addin installation and signing process to prevent Microsoft Bit Defender from erroneously marking Connector on client PC's.

The read and write functions of IDL.CONNECTOR were no longer developed since Release 2016 and delivered for the last time with Release 2019 Update 1. From Release 2020 on no new versions are supplied. Running Excel worksheets may be continued to be used, however, there will be only limited support by IDL. Now only IDL.XLSLINK is supported for these purposes. Only IDL.XLSLINK can be used in connection with the 64 bit version of MS Excel (see documentation "Hardware and Software Requirements"). Please note particularly the current software requirements in when changing your MS Office or Excel versions.

If you have many and extensive Excel maps with IDL.CONNECTOR formulae the transition to IDL.XLSLINK may be a major project. In this case it is recommended to arrange support by an IDL consultant.

Letzte Änderung: LECHLER 18.09.2020 09:17