Table of contents


1.1 General

In addition to many bug fixes and measures to increase stability, IDL.XLSLINK is macro-capable with this release, i.e. functions can be controlled via script and processes can be automated when processing the folders. This can be used, for example, to automate multi-stage processing steps, so that the work processes do not have to be carried out manually with mouse clicks and waiting pauses, but a script can take over these recurring processes from the user. The work with macros and the SXLSLink functions is described in a separate document.

1.2 Macro capability

Functions can now be controlled by scripts and processes can be automated when processing the folders. This can be used, for example, to automate multi-step processing steps, so that the work processes do not have to be carried out manually by the user with mouse clicks and waiting pauses, but a script can take over these recurring processes from the user and execute them unsupervised. The user can then devote his time to other tasks. The work with macros and the XLSLink functions is described in a separate document that is located in the documentation directory deployed with htis release.

1.3 Read Function

The read function of IDL.XLSLINK can now also be executed in manual calculation mode, i.e. an immediate update of the formulas in case of changes of central data accessed by several formulas can now be prevented.

1.4 Export Function

The export function for companies has been extended to include the fields 'Tax identification number' and 'BZst-Role' for country-by-country reporting.

1.5 Bugfixes

Known bugs have been fixed to increase stability.

2 Known issues


The read and write functions of IDL.CONNECTOR were no longer developed since Release 2016 and delivered for the last time with Release 2019 Update 1. From Release 2020 on no new versions are supplied. Running Excel worksheets may be continued to be used, however, there will be only limited support by IDL. Now only IDL.XLSLINK is supported for these purposes. Only IDL.XLSLINK can be used in connection with the 64 bit version of MS Excel (see documentation "Hardware and Software Requirements"). Please note particularly the current software requirements in when changing your MS Office or Excel versions.

If you have many and extensive Excel maps with IDL.CONNECTOR formulae the transition to IDL.XLSLINK may be a major project. In this case it is recommended to arrange support by an IDL consultant.

Letzte Änderung: LECHLER 02.03.2021 15:57