GUIDE Forms data entry

Table of contents

1 Forms Account Balances (I-KTOSAL)

This application is primarily used for the entry of account balances into forms. It can also be used to copy the balances including the statistical values from the ledger. The application is often used, if responsibilities are limited and the balance transfers are performed by different departments. The individual report design facilitates the definition of most divergent Report-ID, each of which are limited to the respective responsibilities (copying of the limited area from the master report to an independent Report-ID). In case account balances are generated from transactions (in the application FAC the item A='generate account balances from transactions' is selected for the corresponding transaction) it is also possible to compare the balances with those of another period or data type without having to generate the report in advance.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time.

The forms data entry can also be opened as a subsequent application from the report list (REP, REPK or REPSTR).

If you want to delete a value you have to enter a null, changing the record to the value cero instead of physically deleting it. Thus the exiting data are displayed in the entry mask of all SortOptions.

Figure: Overview I-KTOSAL

Selection facilities / further entry fields

[ SortOption ]: The SortOption is an obligatory entry. Via the entry of the SortOption the following variants can be distinguished:

Figure: SortOption 'F' = Entry in report map

Figure: Examples SortOption 'K' = Entry for complete chart of accounts

Figure: Example SortOption 'S' = with entry of account-no.

[ Report-ID ]: Using the SortOption 'F' (Entry in report map) it is obligatory to enter the report identification.

[ Col.Option ]: The Col.Option is an obligatory entry. Via the entry of the Col.Option the following variants can be distinguished :

Figure: Col.Option.= P (Balance + Postings = new Balance)

Figure: Col.Option.= D (Balance prev.Period + Balance = With Difference)

Figure: Col.Option= A (Entry for complete chart of accounts)

[ Prev.Period ]: The specification of a comparative period (e.g. previous period) facilitates the display of a further column with the comparative values in SortOption F (entry in report map) and K (entry for complete chart of account). Thus, besides the entry, the application can be used for the comparison of values of two periods in the report map without needing to create a report. The multiple period report can also be printed from this application.

Figure: Selection with previous period

[ Prev./Comp.Fact ]: The specification of a previous / comparative fact (e.g. chart fact) facilitates the display of a further column with the comparative values in the SortOption F (entry in report map) and K (entry for complete chart of account). Thus, besides the entry, the application can be used for the comparison of the values of two facts in the report map without needing to create a report. The comparative fact report can also be printed from this application.

Figure: Selection with previous period

[ Language ]: If you specify a language, the accounts and, if necessary, the positions, can be displayed in a different language than the user language.

Note for the control calculation

Note for the table columns

You can enter and carry out the following applications and actions via the pull-down menu:

Figure: Pull-down menu in I-Ktosal

[ Import Account Balances ]:By clicking the button <Import account balances> (analogue to <save>) the entered data are reconciled and transferred to the database. As the case may be, the data are then either entered or modified. No data are deleted, however, thus maintaining null values in the database, which have been changed to cero.

[ Account Balances ]: Via the pull-down menu you can enter both the account balance list in order to display the entered data in their existing form, and the lists of the details and postings in order to enter or reconcile these data.

Apart from the entry the application can also be used for comparing the values of two periods or facts in the report map, thus also admitting users with a read-only authority. The missing authority for entering data is only reported at using the import application by clicking on the button <save>.

2 Forms IC Account Balances (I-ICKTOSAL)

This application facilitates the form-based entry of IC-account balances. All existing IC-account balances of each account of the selected chart of accounts are displayed for change. In addition the application provides an entry line for each account number for the entry of the next balance. As long as the account balance does not correspond with the IC-account balance, the total line is displayed red. The key fields 'company', 'period' and 'fact', and, in some cases, 'business unit', have to unequivocally be pre-defined. It is not possible to enter data for different kinds of these keys at the same time. You can further limit the display with the help of the additional entry of the account number. If you specify a language, the designations and the language of the accounts can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

Figure: Overview I-ICKTOSAL


Figure: Additional data dialog 'Add..'


Table Line Information

There are 3 types of table lines:


Apart from the entry the application can be used for procuring an overview. That's why it is also accessible for users with a read-only authorization. If the user does not have the authorization for changing or editing data, the entry line is hidden.

3 Forms Postings (I-BUCH)

This application facilitates the entry of postings into forms. It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time. If you specify a language, the designations and the language of the accounts and, if necessary, the positions can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

The application provides two different kinds of proceeding:

Figure: Voucher Number without Default

Figure: Default Voucher Number without Voucher Head


Figure: Additional data dialog 'Add..'

Figure: Additional data dialog GrCurr/..

Information about table lines

There are 3 types of table lines:



4 Forms Fixed Asset (I-ANLBEW)

This application facilitates the entry of fixed asset transactions into forms. It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time. You can further limit the display with the help of the optional entry of the fixed asset. If you specify a language, the designations of the fixed assets and, if necessary, the positions can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

The presentation and the entry of the data complies with 2 options:

  1. <SortOption>: The order of the data depends on the fixed assets or the keys of the addressed report.
  2. <Col.Option>: The column order of the data depends on the allocation of the posting keys to the form columns (BSLE) .

Variant 1 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 2 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:LE

Variant 3 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 4 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:LE


Figure: Additional data dialog

Control Calculation:


Layout Information

The layout of the table lines depends on the defined options. There are 3 types of table lines:

The layout of the table columns depends on the defined Col.Options. The columns of the different line types contain the following contents:

The Col.Option 'FS' is the only one with additional table columns:

In addition there are columns for the optional additional attributes of the transactions. In the Col.Option 'LE' this column is displayed. In 'FS' the column is only activated via the menu in case of error.

5 Forms Capital Transactions (I-KAPBEW)

This application facilitates the entry of capital transactions into forms. It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time. You can limit the display with the additional entry of the account number. If you specify a language, the designations and the language of the accounts and, if necessary, the positions can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

The presentation and the entry of the data complies with 2 options:

  1. <SortOption>: The order of the data depends on the accounts or the keys of the addressed report.
  2. <Col.Option>: The column order of the data depends on the allocation of the posting keys to the form columns (BSLE) .

Variant 1 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 2 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:LE

Variant 3 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 4 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:LE


Figure: Additional data dialog

Control Calculation:


Layout Information

The layout of the table lines depends on the defined options. There are 3 types of table lines:

The layout of the table columns depends on the defined Col.Options. The columns of the different line types contain the following contents:

The Col.Option 'FS' is the only one with additional table columns:

In addition there are columns for the optional additional attributes of the transactions. In the Col.Option 'LE' this column is displayed. In 'FS' the column is only activated via the menu in case of error.

6 Forms Provision Transactions (I-RUEBEW)

This application facilitates the entry of provision transactions into forms. It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time. You can limit the display with the additional entry of the account number. If you specify a language, the designations and the language of the accounts and, if necessary, the positions can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

The presentation and the entry of the data complies with 2 options:

  1. <SortOption>: The order of the data depends on the accounts or the keys of the addressed report.
  2. <Col.Option>: The column order of the data depends on the allocation of the posting keys to the form columns (BSLE) .

Variant 1 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 2 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:LE

Variant 3 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 4 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:LE


Figure: Additional data dialog

Control Calculation:


Layout Information

The layout of the table lines depends on the defined options. There are 3 types of table lines:

The layout of the table columns depends on the defined Col.Options. The columns of the different line types contain the following contents:

The Col.Option 'FS' is the only one with additional table columns:

In addition there are columns for the optional additional attributes of the transactions. In the Col.Option 'LE' this column is displayed. In 'FS' the column is only activated via the menu in case of error.

7 Forms Individual Development Transactions (I-SPIBEW)

This application facilitates the entry of individual development transactions into forms. It is absolutely necessary to define the keys 'company', 'period' and 'fact' and, if necessary, 'business unit'. It is not possible to enter data for several of these keys at the same time. You can limit the display with the additional entry of the account number. If you specify a language, the designations and the language of the accounts and, if necessary, the positions can be different from the user language.

If the entry applications are to be presented in a tree diagram, it is completely opened in the beginning in order to be able to immediately apply the entire entry mask. After pressing <save> the display remains on its position. Up to the present the curser always returned to the top of the table impeding the immediate entry after an intermediate saving.

The presentation and the entry of the data complies with 2 options:

  1. <SortOption>: The order of the data depends on the accounts or the keys of the addressed report.
  2. <Col.Option>: The column order of the data depends on the allocation of the posting keys to the form columns (BSLE) .

Variant 1 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 2 :

Figure: SortOption:K ; Col.Option:LE

Variant 3 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:FS

Variant 4 :

Figure: SortOption:F ; Col.Option:LE


Figure: Additional data dialog

Control Calculation:


Layout Information

The layout of the table lines depends on the defined options. There are 3 types of table lines:

The layout of the table columns depends on the defined Col.Options. The columns of the different line types contain the following contents:

The Col.Option 'FS' is the only one with additional table columns:

In addition there are columns for the optional additional attributes of the transactions. In the Col.Option 'LE' this column is displayed. In 'FS' the column is only activated via the menu in case of error.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 30.04.2012 16:24