GUIDE Forms postings

Table of contents

1 General

This application enables a form-based entry of bookings. It can be called up in the 'Company financial monitor for entry' either by double-clicking in the column 'Postings' of a company or via the context menu 'Entry company financial statements' and there 'Form postings' or by entering the short word 'I-BUCH'.

NOTE: Since the application can also be used as an overview, it is also approved for viewing by users who only have display authorization.

2 Sortoption

3 Additional dialog and usage

Usage: The <TAB> and <ENTER> keys move the cursor to the next cell that is ready for input. After the last input cell of a line, a new input line for the same voucher is automatically inserted into the table at <ENTER>. Switching to the input line of another voucher is possible with <TAB> or with the mouse.

Additional Dialog: if additional information exists for a column, this is shown by a flag (small red triangle) in the cell. If the mouse pointer rests on one of these cells, existing or entered additional attributes may be displayed in the tooltip. Double-clicking on one of these cells opens a dialog box and additional information can be added NOTE: The indicator for deferred taxes can be used to mark postings for the calculation of deferred taxes at the level of individual financial statements (for further information see also 'GUIDE Deferred Taxes Company'.

Checking the debit / credit equality of the postings: The totals of the recorded debit and credit values are automatically generated in the total lines for each document and posting record number, so that the debit / credit equality of the postings is checked. If there are differences between the debit / credit postings of the local currency, the difference is shown in the entry line in the debit or credit. Otherwise there is no verification during the input of the data.

Saving data: A virtual text file is only generated from the recorded data when the action <Save> is carried out and transferred to the import application for storage. There the data is checked and written into the database. There may also be an update for existing data. Errors are reported back and displayed in the entry mask by output in the additional columns error field and error message.

If there is a faulty field in an additional dialog, the cell for the additional dialog is marked in color. If the postings entered lead to a document without debit / credit equality, a warning is issued after saving; depending on the setting in the view options, the warning is shown either in a message box or in the status bar.

4 Table columns and table rows, locked rows

A distinction is made between input lines, data lines and total lines.

Input cells can be locked in the form entry applications for various reasons, e.g. missing authorization, blocking of individual accounts, validity of an account, display of netted values etc. If the checkbox 'Show internal info columns' in the 'View' menu (see figure) is activated, an additional column is output which contains a key for the cause the lock indicates.

Meaning of the individual locking information:

Letzte Änderung: LAMPE 06.02.2020 12:24