GUIDE Report definition

Table of contents

1 Foreword and overview of the interrelationships

In general, IDL Konsis includes the complete usual reports as a standard. The pre-defined reports in IDL Konsis can be recognised in the respective applications by the rhombus (hash) symbol. These cannot be changed but can be copied for individual adjustments in individually set up reports.

The description of the following applications serves to create individual reports.

Particular requirements have to be fulfilled in the run-up to make it possible to actually call up and generate an individual report in IDL Konsis . The applications described in the following establish the framework that must be defined before such a report is created. This framework consists in processing the database to obtain individually defined lines ('RID' and 'REPZEI' applications) and columns. ('SPO', 'SPA' and 'FED' applications) for the report.

Overview of the interrelationships between lines and columns

Figure: Line and column structure

Overview of selection of report types and report options

Figure: Report types and report options

2 'Report-Ident' (RID) and 'Report-Ident individual record' (RIDE)

First, a name for the report will be created in the 'RID' Report-Ident application. The name may not begin with '#' (as these names are reserved for IDL Konsis) and may only have a maximum of 6 digits.

Figure: RID view and individual record

[ Report-Type: ] The different report types are predetermined via this field by IDL Konsis and are displayed in the selection box. The report type determines the type of report in accordance with this selection. Note for the selection of the G=Report Group: G does not represent a type of report but rather enables the formation of different report groups, under which different reports can be sorted. The report overviews (REP, REPK) are displayed in a one-level tree structure. The report ID's recorded in the REPE application as report groups are used as nodes. The report groups must be created in this application and marked report-type 'G' (Group). This way, report line definitions or report headers will not be generated for Report-Idents. By using this method, different reports can be sorted according to user-specific criteria.

[ Ref.Rep-ID: ] A Report-Ident used as a header in a report line definition can only be assigned to one report (e.g. Financial and profit/loss statement report, periodical report, consolidation report). To avoid the necessity of maintaining identical line plans for different report types, a Reference Report-Ident can be assigned to a Report-Ident, via which the line plan is specified. If no Reference-Report-Ident is indicated, then a line plan for the Report-Ident must be indicated.

The following applications and actions are to be accessed/carried out via action selections:

[ Edit data ]: Management of the Report-ID for handling RIDE individual records

[ Delete ]: Delete existing individually created Report-Idents after marking the lines to be deleted

[ Report line definition ]: Branch out in to report line definition (REPZEI) follow-up application

3 'Report line definition' (REPZEI)

The application 'Report line definition' (REPZEI) defines the order in which the positions are to be displayed and what should be done with the possible existing values of a particular position. Positions in the line can be defined in such as way that they are not displayed and printed as it is sometimes only necessary to carry out something with the values of this position. Likewise, it is possible to indicate what is to be done before/after printing takes place (not in the online display) e.g. line feeds or underlining. The Report ID is adjusted from the pre-configuration – if one exists - in the event of calling up the application 'Report line definition' (REPZEI).

Figure: Overview of 'Report line definition' (REPZEI)

The field entitled'SortSelOpt' in the overview gives 2 display variations for:

All other fields serve the selection of particular lines / restriction of the display.

The following applications and actions are to be accessed/carried out via action selections:

Figure: Actions in 'REPZEI'

[ Edit data]: Manage line identifiers in the 'REPZEIE' individual record handling

[ Delete ]: Delete existing individual report lines that have already been marked for deletion.

[ Mass Copy ]: Copy existing individual lines after new/different Report ID (RID) has been marked.

Figure: 'Mass Copy' action

[ Mass Change ]: Change the amount of different suggested field entries in the selection box in multiple lines after marking.

Figure: 'Mass Change' action

[ Position + accounts allocation]:Branch out into the application 'POSKTO'.

[ Positions ]: Branch out into the application 'POS'.

[ Line renumbering in overview ]: A report line definition can be renumbered at any time. When a report line definition is displayed, no value is normally present in the “Renumber” (increment for renumbering) field. A number with which the 1st line should start must be entered into this field. This value will also be used for line spacing. To trigger this, the “Line renumbering in overview” – a global process - must be activated in the “action” menu item.

Figure: Activate 'Renumbering' in REPZEI

The result is immediately displayed, see next Figure:

Figure: 'Renumbering' result

3.1 Report line definition of individual records (REPZEIE)

The individual fields of the REPZEIE individual record application will be explained below:

[ Line No ]:The line number determines the order of the positions. As shown here, for example, the lines can be displayed in leaps of 10 in order to make it possible to insert other positions at a later date. Should you wish to insert more positions than is possible, then you can carry out a renumbering action (see above) for this report line definition.

Figure: REPZEIE Individual record handling, Line number

[ Chart+Pos# ]: Declaration of a position from the associated position plan. Positions from different position plans can be indicated in a report line definition.

Figure: REPZEIE Individual record handling, position plan and position

[ Line types ]: General positions are defined in the position plan. In a report line definition these positions are indicated in a line. The type of line it should be is determined via the line type.

Figure: REPZEIE – Determine line type

Entry lines, total lines and text lines are distinguished in this context.

[ Value flags ]:

Figure: REPZEIE - determine value flag

[ Ex / In addition store ]: You can use 1 to 99 as “EX” or “IN” memories. You can enter any value in the “IN” memory. An “EX” memory, however, can only be activated in a total line (Line type 'S'). Afterwards, this “EX” memory will then be automatically deleted. If, however, the value is to remain in the “EX” memory, then you also have to save the same memory in the “IN” memory (if the processing procedure allows this).

Figure: REPZEIE – Determine EX/IN memory

[ BefAfUnder ]: Print control before/after/under: in the first field entitled “Before” you can regulate what should occur before this line is printed.

Figure: Determine REPZEIE - "before" printing actions

In the field entitled "After" you can regulate what should occur after this line is printed.

Figure: Determine REPZEIE - "after" printing actions

In the field entitled "Und" = Underlining you can indicate whether an extra line with the appropriate underlining is to be printed directly under this line (usually under total lines). Underlining a position which is assigned to an account is not recommended as the underlining is carried out directly under the position and not under the last account in this position.

Figure: Determine REPZEIE – underlining type

[ ' Value display control ' ]: A colour background for values in the report can be determined via the value display management. Different background colours can be defined separately for values lower than zero, equal to zero or higher than zero.

Figure: Determine REPZEIE value display management

[ AllCha+Pos]: Allocated Chart of account+Position: entries in these fields are optional. The designation of an assigned position for a tree structure display can be also used for a tree structure display in the report result. For this purpose, the node positions should be marked with line type 'P' and the new value flag '6'. The tree structure of the positions is evaluated and displayed in the report display. This position structure is managed via the designation of the assigned position . Should this assignment be inconsistent, then this will be reported as an error and no display will take place. For a correct display it is required that total lines located underneath the subordinate positions be assigned to the same super-ordinate positions as the contained positions. Should a position contain, in addition to the subordinate position, a total line, the total value will only be displayed in its expanded condition in the total line, whereas if the position remains closed, the total line will be displayed in the super-ordinate position.

Figure: REPZEIE – Position plan allocation and determining of positions

[ Column condition ]: By entering a “2” it is possible to define that two value columns are to be used – as is sometimes customary with financial statements. This second column only applies to particular column options, for example “#ALT”.

Figure: REPZEIE – Determine column conditions

An example

Figure: Report display : ColumnOpt #ALT with the '02' column conditions' in REPZEIE

Figure: Print view of the report

It becomes clear in the example, intangible assets, that the sum is to be printed in a 2nd column on the right, next to the 1st column.

[ Restriction BSL, SSP, KVA ]: These attributes were implemented for the capital flow report (see DOKU capital flow report). The entry for the posting key and the mirror column is made in two entry fields. The posting key is entered in the first entry field (e.g. 'A' for investments, 'K' for capital), the respective BSL and/or column number in the second field. These restrictions then apply for all subordinate accounts.

Figure: REPZEIE - Determine restrictions

3.2 Prefix forming (Algebraic signs)

In the report result, the values will be displayed with plus/minus symbols, not with debit or credit. Therefore, in a normal scenario, all values will be positive because the position description already reveals what type of value it is. A debit value in the passive area as well as a credit value in the active area are therefore displayed with a negative sign, as is a debit value in the profit area and a credit value in the expenses area. This is managed by the financial and profit/loss account flags defined at the position.
When accounts are assigned to positions it is not possible to assign a financial position to a profit/loss account or a profit /loss account position to financial account (the exception being the internal 'E' account, “annual net profit”) to a profit/loss position. In general only the balance and profit/loss account flags of the position will be taken into consideration for a report result. This also applies for sum positions. Here the financial and the profit/loss account flags of the accounts are completely uninteresting.
Profit/Loss statement accounts must not necessarily be differentiated according to expenses and profits. The formation of the prefix always conforms to the financial and profit/loss statement flag of the position. If a profit/loss statement accounts from an accounting system are not differentiated according to expenses and profits, then the profit/loss statement positions should likewise remain undifferentiated.
Which financial and profit/loss account flag must an entry line contain?
The financial and profit/loss account flag which is identical to the financial and profit/loss flag of the accounts that are normally assigned to this position should be present here.
Which financial and profit/loss account flag must a total line contain?
Totals can be formed in a report. These sum positions must be defined as a position in a position plan. Total lines within the active side must be marked with a “1” or a “6” (active) and with a “2” or a “7” (passive) within the passive side because the financial and profit/loss account flags must be entered there. The total lines within the profit/loss account can be different if they are differentiated according to profits and expenses. A total line position which contains expenses must have a “4” or “9” (expenses) financial and profit/loss account flag. A position that displays profits must have a financial and profit/loss account flag “3” or “8” (profit). The total line positions entitled “gross profit”, “operating profit”, “result of normal business activities”, “non-common result” or “annual profit/annual loss” should all be marked with the financial and profit/loss account flag “3” (profit).
How can the sign of the displayed position be corrected?
Should the sign of the displayed value be inverted, then it can be changed most easily by changing the financial and profit/loss statement flag in the application position “POS” - for example by changing it from “3” to “4” or from “4” to “3”. If this is not possible because other existing reports which likewise use this position could be affected, the report line definition must be then logically analysed for errors and corrected.

4 'Column option report' (SPO)

IDL Konsis gives the user the option of arranging the report columns according to his/her own wishes. Although a number of different standard column options are included in IDL Konsis , it is important, especially with respect to individual mirrors, to also be able to create individual report columns.

In this 'SPO' report column option application, the name of the report column layouts is created. This may not begin with '#' (as these names are already reserved by IDL Konsis for the standard mirrors) and may only have a maximum of 6 digits. In the overview, more fields are also provided for later selection in the expanded mode.

Figure: SPO overview

The following applications can be accessed via the action selection:

[ Display, Change ]: Management of the column options 'SPOE'

[ Report column descriptions ]: Display of the marked column option belonging to the column names by branching out to theSPA application

Special features with key fields: The object groups 'POP'( position plans), 'SPO' )column options) and 'RID' (report idents) are saved in the same table and therefore cannot have the same keys. A command to edit an object will be rejected if the object already exists; the object must be then edited according to internal flags in one of the other two applications.

4.1 Individual record report column option (SPOE)

Individual parameters which will be needed later must now be stored in the individual records of the report column option:

Figure: Individual record SPOE report column option

[ ColumnOpt ]:max. 6-digit optional name for the report column option.

[ Language ]: Description language

[ Report-Type]: The report type determines the type of report according to the selection which is displayed in the combo box. The selection also includes individual mirror types as long as these were created in the mirror definition area beforehand (also see mirror definition DOC) .

[ Rep level]: By entering a G = company level or K = company group level, it is possible to determine if the created column option is reserved only for the described level respectively. The column option will apply for both levels should this field remain empty.

[ ColObjTyp ]: Object type definition for the rotated illustration of reports. If selected in the report display, the appropriate objects will not be displayed in lines as before but rather in columns. The possible displays in this field are 'KTK' (Group/sub-group), 'GES' (Company), 'BU' (Unit), 'KST' (Controlling object) and 'WKZ' (Currency code). For the object types 'GES', 'BU', 'KST' and 'KTK', the following applies: it is only possible to state the dimension, otherwise contained in the outline level 1 of the respective report (corresponds with the leading key in outline option '1B'). The display is then carried out according to the following rule: the established and existing layout keys will be displayed in alphabetical order in the first columns, whereas the total amount will always be displayed in the last column. Should the number of layout keys exceed that of the displayable columns, then the remaining layout keys are summarized in the penultimate column. This procedure can also be expanded to include cases in which multiple value columns (e.g. balances and entries) are defined (maximum of 5). This control mechanism is contained in the new standard column options (beginning with '#') provided by IDL Konsis. These column options end with 'TK' for sub-groups, 'GES' for companies, 'BU' for units and 'KST' for controlling objects (cost positions). For the 'WKZ' object type, the following applies: as the 'WKZ' object type serves to show multiple currencies in a report result, it is necessary to indicate in each column whether the 'GC' (group currency) or 'PC' parallel currency) value is to be displayed.

5 'Column description report' (SPA)

In the 'SPA' column description report application, the columns belonging to a column option are managed, in other words, the layout is created here.

Figure: SPA overview

The following applications and actions are to be accessed/carried out via action selections:

[ Edit data ]: Management of the column descriptions in the SPAE individual record handling

[ Delete ]: Delete previously individually created column descriptions with a definite SPO requirement and mark lines which are to be deleted. When the report column descriptions are deleted, the respective formulae (FED application) are also deleted.

[ Mass Copy ]: Copy existing lines in a new column option after marking. The respective formulae (FED application) are also copied.

Figure: 'Mass Copy' action

[ Mass Change ]: Due to the place holders for the report column headers, the texts for many columns are the same – even in different column options. Identical column texts can easily be changed in one step with the 'Descript2' field in the 'Mass Change' action.

Figure: 'Mass Change' action

[ Formula editor ]:Branch out into the formula editor

[ New entry line before actual mark ]: This action enables the subsequent entry of columns into report columns which already exist. The SPA individual record opens if the line directly BEFORE the place where a further line is to be inserted is marked and the action activated. The line numbering for the lines below this position are automatically adjusted after the new description is entered and the data is saved.

Figure: 'New entry line before actual mark' action

[ Delete gaps ]: If a line was deleted, then the numbering must be consecutive in order to further process this column option. The closure of gaps is a global action. This means that all gaps will always be closed all at once.

Figure: 'Delete gaps' action

User authorisations: Columns from internal column options can only be changed by IDL Konsis.

5.1 Individual record column description report (SPAE)

Now individual parameters needed for later use are to be deposited in the individual records in the column description report. Column options without type assignment (this means without displaying any layout levels such as company, unit, sub-group in columns) can be defined with up to 50 columns. In this manner, for example, a mirror report can be defined with 20 value columns and a further 7 sum columns.

Figure: Individual record column description report (SPAE)

[ SpaltenOpt ]: max. 6-digit optional name for the report column option.

[ Sprache ]: Description language

[ Descript2 ]: The column headers are determined in 'Descript2'. Certain place holders are available for this purpose:

[ MandantCol ]: Mandatory display for column: this field makes it possible to determine whether the column value should also be displayed when no value is present; e.g. “Residual book value” column in the system mirror. The column is then also displayed if the function entitled “fade out empty columns' is used.

[ NoRepeat ]: In the case of report displays with keys in columns, splitting into keys should possibly not always be carried out for all columns defined in SPA . A time to use this option would be when financial statements per company are displayed in the form of an individual column followed by a respective total column for the consolidation bookings and company group financial statements. The columns which are not to be split according to layout 1 must contain the tag 'NoRepeat (do not repeat per key) in the SPA.

6 Formula editor (FED)

Formulae for the calculation of values are stored in the FED dialog applications with the FEDE management function as individual record applications.

These formulae are required per column option for the calculation of the column values for the report display. Standard column options with the corresponding formulae have already been defined for the standard reports (Financial and profit/loss account, investments, capital, accruals) by IDL Konsis. These column options begin with '#' and cannot be changed by the customer, but can serve as a template for customer-specific column options. It is also possible to define customer-specific column options if needed. This is particularly the case for customer-specific mirrors. The individual formulae are separated by empty lines to make it possible to distinguish them better.

Figure: FED overview

The following applications and actions are to be accessed/called up via action selections:

[ Edit data]: branches out in a standard way to the FEDE individual record application in order to maintain/update the formula lines.

[ Delete ]: Delete existing individually deposited formula lines after marking them accordingly.

[ Mass Copy ]: The 'Mass Copy' action makes it possible to also copy complete formulae into another key (column option and/or column).

[ Report column description ]: branches out in to the 'SPA' column overview for the marked lines.

[ Operand positions ]: branches out into the 'POS' position overview for the“position” in the marked lines indicated as an operand. Normally, no data is displayed here as there is no authorization for the #REP# and #KON# position plans.

[ Detail view ]: reduces the view to a formula in the column of marked lines. This is necessary for branching out into the individual record application if the formulae for multiple columns have already been selected.

[ Line renumbering ]: serves to allocate new consecutive numbers for the formula lines to a new column in order to create gaps in the numbering so that new lines can be entered or to revert to consecutive numbering after a line has been entered. For this, the column must be clearly assigned (without '%' or '_'). In addition to this, the desired numerical spacing between the line numbers should be entered in the entry field entitled 'Renumber' (only visible in the extended mode).

The following selection possibilities are provided in the overview

[ Positionsplan ]: is equal to a column option; is consigned as a parameter from the 'SPA' application. The entry possibilities are valid keys, part-keys +'%' or '%' (e.g. only '%' = all column options as well as codes)

[ PositionNr ]: is equal to a column; and is consigned as a parameter from the 'SPA' application. The entry possibilities are valid keys, part-keys +'%' or '%' (e.g. only '%' = all columns)

Filing of date changes Entry of a date in order to select all lines which have either changed or been added since this date. Attention: With this selection, formulae will possibly be issued in an incomplete state.

Authorisation: The standard column options with corresponding formulae are defined for the standard reports by IDL Konsis . These will be updated via the metadata with each release. These column options begin with '#' and cannot be changed by the customer.

6.1 Individual record formula editor (FEDE)

A formula is made up of multiple lines. Each line represents an entry in the database. The keys of these entries are

Figure: FEDE individual record

[ Line ]: The entry of a consecutive number (line) as the formula can be composed of as many lines as desired.

[ Operator ]:Here, the 4 basic mathematical operations, comparison operators (larger, smaller etc.) as well as brackets are permissible in accordance with the scope of the respective current drop down box..

[ PosPla+P/O ]: An operand referenced via a “position”: usually, the operands serve the report result database table columns which are occupied in accordance with the report type. These are referenced via “positions” of the simulated “position plans”. #REP#. The position plan help text #REP# contains a list describing which columns are occupied with which values for which report type. In addition, the constant values can also be used in the formulae, which are referenced via the “positions” of the simulated “position plans”. #KON#. For example this is how the “position” 100 serves the division by 100 for the conversion into a percentage when percentage deviations are to be issued. In spite of the fact that the operator and operand attributes are optional, empty lines are not permitted.

[ Basis ]: A report position can be displayed here. Should this be indicated, then this operand is not taken from the current line but rather from the same position. This indication can be used (among other things) to display percentages in a reference position (e.g. equity ratio or profit margin). This indication affects all of the lines in a report.

[ Op.Modifik. ]: The operand modifier can be used to modify the importance of an operand (AGG) in the formula line. Where applicable, the given comparison keys (e.g. comparison period, comparison data type) are used instead of the main key to calculate the value.

6.2 Example: Direct display of a value column

Individual financial balance in the financial and profit/loss statement report
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement

6.3 Example: Totalling of multiple value columns

New individual financial statement in the financial and profit/loss statement report
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement
2+#REP#02standardised booking

6.4 Example: Difference between two value columns

New balance of period 2 in the periodical report
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1#REP#03Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 2)
2-#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 1)

6.5 Example: Percentage deviation

Percentage deviation in the financial and profit/loss statement report
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1(#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement
2+#REP#02Standardised bookings
3-#REP#05Standardised old balance / financial statement (period /data type comparison)
4-#REP#06Standardised bookings (period /data type comparison)
6*#KON#100Constant 100 for conversion into percentage value
8(#REP#05Standardised old balance / financial statement (period /data type comparison)
9+#REP#06Standardised bookings (period /data type comparison)

6.6 Example: conditional release

By evaluating the given column conditions (REPZEI) in the report line definition which are saved in column 25 of the report result database table, it is possible to control a value in one column or other in accordance with the line type.

New balance release in column 1 of the financial and profit/loss statement report, if column condition as per REPZEI is not equal to '02'
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1(#REP#25REPZEI column condition
2<>#KON#2Constant value '2'
5(#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement
6+#REP#02Standardised bookings
New balance release in column 2 of the financial and profit/loss statement reports, if REPZEI column condition is equal to '02'
LineOperandOperator (Plan)Operator (Pos)Label
1(#REP#25REPZEI column condition
2=#KON#2Constant value '2'
5(#REP#01Standardised old balance / financial statement
6+#REP#02Standardised bookings

7 'Object sort definitions' (OSV)

The application 'Object sort definitions' (OSV) allows for the definition of the sequence of objects (companies, units, sub-groups or controlling objects) in the report display with objects in columns. Since several sort definitions can be defined each one has to be assigned with a unique key which then has to be specified for the corresponding report display.

The sequence of objects (column assignment) is defined in in dependent tables. Should a report contain more objects than are indicated in the object sort definition column assignments, the values of the remaining objects are indicated in a remaining value column directly preceding the column containing the total.

7.1 Object sort definition - List

After invoking the application a table of all defined object sort definitions is displayed without any further selection. The following actions are supported:

[ Create object sort definition / Edit object sort definition / Copy object sort definition ]: New entry, modification and copying of an object sort definition with aid of a wizard

[ Delete object sort definition ]: Delete all of the previously selected object sort definitions. When deleting an object sort definition all allocated column assignments are deleted along.

[ Display object sort definition ]: Opens the dependent tables for display and modification of the column assignments.

[ Display help text / Edit help text / Delete help text ] The object sort definition can be provided with a comment (help text) for a detailed explanation.

[ Texts (description, column header, short text) ] For display of descriptions of all object sort definitions in different languages you can branch off into the application TXT with the object type "OSV" as parameter.

The language of the descriptions displayed can be set in a drop down box in the tool bar of the table. The drop down box offers all activated languages for selection. If no descriptions are maintained in this language the description of another language is displayed.

7.2 Object sort definiton - Wizard

A wizard consisting of two pages serves for new definition and modification of an object sort definition.

Alternatively descriptions can be modified directly in the table, too, if the action [Table cells editable] had been selected from the context menu (right mouse key) before. Changeable cells are represented with blue letters.

The following entry fields are present on the first wizard page:

[ Object sort definition ] defines the key (up to six digits) for referencing this object sort definition at report display.

[ Description ] The object sort definition has to be provided with a description.

[ Short text ] (optional) replaces the description if there is not enough space for the display.

The second wizard page allows for the maintenance of description and short text in different languages. Entry fields are offered for all languages designated as active.

7.3 Object sort definition - Display of column assignments

An object sort definition can determine column assignments for one or more object types. Column assignments are possible for the following object types:

After opening an object sort definition (action [ Display object sort definition ]) four tables, one for each object type, are displayed as registry tabs. The tab headers exhibit the name of the object type and, in brackets, the number of allocated objects.

A fifth table titled "Overview" summarises the object allocations of all object types. It especially serves for a collective export for all object types.

7.4 Object sort definition - Modification of column assignments

As a supplement to the column assignment table displayed in the foreground on the right hand a table with all defined objects of the respective object type is displayed. Objects already present in the column assignments are shown in grey characters. Multiple assignments of the same object are not supported.

For assignment of an object to a column it has to be selected in the right hand table, then dragged with the mouse into the table of column assignments and dropped there on the desired position. In the same way the order of column assignments can be modified. Within this the column number is automatically set sequentially

The action [ Delete ] serves for removal of objects from the table of column assignments. Then the object is displayed in black colour again in the right hand table.

8 Explanations concerning the simulated 'charts of positions' #KON# and #REP#

8.1 Explanation concerning the simulated 'position plan' #KON#

The #KON# 'position plan' is defined by IDL Konsis and is delivered via the metadata to the customer. It cannot be changed by the customer

#KON# is an artificial term for referencing constant values in the formula editor ('FED') for column options ( 'SPO' ). For this reason it has the data type of a position plan. The corresponding key for the individual table columns has the data type of a position.

The following position keys are defined:

2Divisor 2 for the calculation of mean values; also used to make comparisons with the column conditions fromREPZEI, which can be referenced via the position plan '#REP#' and position '25' in the column formulae .
100Factor 100 for conversion into percentage values
360Divisor 360 for conversion into average daily values

Further required values can be supplemented by IDL Konsis at any time.

8.2 Explanations concerning the simulated 'position plan' #REP#

The #REP# 'position plan' is defined by IDL Konsis and is delivered to the customer via the metadata. It therefore cannot be changed by the customer.

#REP# is a simulated term for referencing the database table columns for the report results (K066) in the formula editor. ('FED' ) for column options ('SPO' ). It therefore has the data type of a position plan. The corresponding keys for the individual table columns have position data types.

The position keys of the table column consist of the column numbers “01” to “25”. How these columns are occupied in relation to the report type follows from the tables below. In addition, there are two special “positions” entitled “AKTBUCH” and “AKTSALD” which are only of importance for periodical reports.

9 Column assignments for the different types of reports

9.1 Column assignments in the financial and profit/loss statement report(ReportType=E)

01Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period/current data type)
02Standardised bookings (current period/current data type)
03Debit bookings (current period/current data type)
04Credit bookings (current period/current data type)
05Standardised old balance / financial statement (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
06Standardised bookings (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
07Debit bookings (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
08Credit bookings (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
09Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period/data type comparison)
10Standardised bookings (current period/data type comparison)
11Debit bookings (current period/data type comparison)
12Credit bookings(current period/data type comparison)
13Standardised old balance / financial statement (Compare period/current data type )
14Standardised bookings (Compare period/current data type )
15Debit bookings(Compare period/current data type )
16Credit bookings(Compare period/current data type )
17Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period/2nd data type comparison)
18Standardised bookings (current period/2nd data type comparison)
19Debit bookings(current period/2nd data type comparison)
20Credit bookings(current period/2nd data type comparison)
21Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period comparison/22nd data type comparison)
22Standardised bookings (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
23Debit bookings (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
24Credit bookings Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
25REPZEI column condition

This means that the financial and profit/loss statement report operates with up to six key areas with four values respectively (balance, bookings, debit, credit). How the parameters from the report header for the six key areas are used is shown in the following table:

AreaCompany groupCompanyCompany unit.PeriodData type
5ComparisonComparisonComparisonCurrentComparison 2
6ComparisonComparisonComparisonComparisonComparison 2

Area 1 always contains data. Area 2 contains data if a minimum of one comparison key has been given. Areas 3 and 4 contain data if area 2 contains data and both the comparison period deviates from the current period and one of the remaining comparison keys deviates from the respective current key. Area 5 contains data if area 2 contains data and a second comparison data type has been indicated. Area 6 contains data if area 5 contains data and a comparison period has been indicated.

If no comparison key has been indicated, then the value of the respective current key will be used to read the data where applicable.

9.2 Column assignment in multiple financial and profit/loss statement report periods (ReportType=P)

01Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 1)
02Standardised bookings (Period 1)
03Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 2)
04Standardised bookings (Period 2)
05Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 3)
06Standardised bookings (Period 3)
07Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 4)
08Standardised bookings (Period 4)
09Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 5)
10Standardised bookings (Period 5)
11Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 6)
12Standardised bookings (Period 6)
13Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 7)
14Standardised bookings (Period 7)
15Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 8)
16Standardised bookings (Period 8)
17Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 9)
18Standardised bookings (Period 9)
19Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 10)
20Standardised bookings (Period 10)
21Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 11)
22Standardised bookings (Period 11)
23Standardised old balance / financial statement (Period 12)
24Standardised bookings (Period 12)
25REPZEI column condition
AKTBUCHBookings, current period
AKTSALDBalance, current period

9.3 Column assignment in the investment report (ReportType=A)

01AHk - Period begin
02AHk – Changes (audit)
03AHk - Exchange rate effects, period begin
04AHk - Inputs
05AHk - Transfers
06AHk - Outputs
07AHk – Changes to consolidation basis
08AHk – Consolidation measures in current period
09AHk - Consolidation measures in pre-period
10AfA - Period begin
11AfA – Changes (audit)
12AfA - Exchange rate effects in cum. period begin.
13AfA - Inputs
14AfA - Exchange rate effects in current period
15AfA - Transfers
16AfA - Outputs
17AfA - Re-evaluations
18AfA - Changes to consolidation basis
19AfA - Consolidation measures in current period
20AfA - Consolidation measures in pre-period
21AHk – Period end (calculation based on report program)
22AfA - Period end (calculation based on report program)
23Net book value , current period (calculation based on report program)
25REPZEI column condition

9.4 Column assignment in the equity report (ReportType=K)

01Equity brought forward
02Equity increase
03Reduction in capital
04Adjustment of the annual net profit pre-period of the corporate resolution
05Adjustment of annual net profit for current business year
06Withdrawals, current business year
07Capital increase
08Capital reduction
09Automatic difference review
10Consolidation measures
11Changes to consolidation basis
23Sums in the other columns (calculation based on report program)
25REPZEI column condition

9.5 Column assignment in the accrual report (ReportType=R)

01Accruals brought forward
02Accrual claims, current period
03Accrual activation
04Accrual appropriation
05Accrual transfer
06Automatic difference review
07Consolidation measures
08Changes to consolidation basis
09Accrual, accumulation
23Sum of the other columns (calculation based on report program)
25REPZEI column condition

9.6 Column assignment in individual mirror report (ReportType=I)

01customer-specific defined mirror column 01
02customer-specific defined mirror column 02
03customer-specific defined mirror column 03
04customer-specific defined mirror column 04
05customer-specific defined mirror column 05
06customer-specific defined mirror column 06
07customer-specific defined mirror column 07
08customer-specific defined mirror column 08
09customer-specific defined mirror column 09
10customer-specific defined mirror column 10
11customer-specific defined mirror column 11
12customer-specific defined mirror column 12
13customer-specific defined mirror column 13
14customer-specific defined mirror column 14
15customer-specific defined mirror column 15
16customer-specific defined mirror column 16
17customer-specific defined mirror column 17
18customer-specific defined mirror column 18
19customer-specific defined mirror column 19
20customer-specific defined mirror column 20
23Sum of the other columns (calculation based on report program)
25REPZEI column condition

9.7 Column assignment in consolidation report (ReportType=V)

01Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period)
02Standardised bookings (current period)
03Standardised old balance / financial statement (Comparisons-Period)
04Standardised bookings (comparison period)
05VK Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
06KF Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
07KK Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
08KL Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
09KS Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
10KA Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
11EK Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
12EF Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
13AE Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
14SK Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
15ZA Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
16ZU Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
17LT Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
18MB Consolidation handling (KONBEL-attribute)
25REPZEI column condition

9.8 Column assignment in controlling report (ReportType=C)

01Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period)
02Standardised bookings (current period)
03Standardised old balance / financial statement (Comparisons-Period)
04Standardised bookings (comparison period)
05General administrative costs- Balance
06General administrative costs- Bookings
07Research and development- Balance
08Research and development- Bookings
09Manufacturing costs- Balance
10Manufacturing costs- Bookings
11Other- Balance
12Other- Bookings
13Reported allocations- Balance
14Reported allocations- Bookings
15Distribution costs- Balance
16Distribution costs- Bookings
25REPZEI column condition

9.9 Column assignment in capital flow report (ReportType=F)

01Standardised old balance / financial statement (current period)
02Standardised bookings (current period)
03Standardised old balance / financial statement (Comparisons-Period)
04Standardised bookings (Comparisons-Period)
25REPZEI column condition

9.10 Column assignment in the financial and profit/loss statement report with worldwide/sub-group company distribution (ReportType=T)

01world financial report standardised (current period/current data type)
02world bookings standardised (current period/current data type)
03financial report sub-groups standardised (current period/current data type)
04bookings sub-groups standardised (current period/current data type)
05world financial report standardised (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
06world bookings standardised (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
07financial report sub-groups standardised (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
08bookings sub-groups standardised (Comparison period/Comparison data type)
09financial report sub-groups standardised (current period/data type comparison)
10bookings sub-groups standardised (current period/data type comparison)
11financial report sub-groups standardised (current period/data type comparison)
12bookings sub-groups standardised (current period/data type comparison)
13world financial report standardised (Compare period/current data type )
14world bookings standardised (Compare period/current data type )
15financial report sub-groups standardised (Compare period/current data type )
16bookings sub-groups standardised (Compare period/current data type )
17world financial report standardised (current period/2nd data type comparison)
18world bookings standardised (current period/2nd data type comparison)
19financial report sub-groups standardised (current period/2nd data type comparison)
20bookings sub-groups standardised (current period/2nd data type comparison)
21world financial report standardised (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
22world bookings standardised (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
23financial report sub-groups standardised (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
24bookings sub-groups standardised (Comparison period/Comparison 2nd data type)
25REPZEI column condition

The financial and profit/loss report with worldwide/sub-group distribution therefore works with up to six key areas with four values respectively (world balance, world bookings, balances for sub-groups and sub-group bookings). The use of the definitions from the report header for the six key areas corresponds to that of the Financial and profit/loss statement report.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 13.07.2016 09:20