Table of contents

1 System Administration

1.1 Release-specific Migration Program (KONVERT/KONV1601)

When you start IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST for the first time after it has been installed, a message will be issued to inform you that migration has not yet taken place. This message box includes the button <Start migration now>. Migration will start automatically if you press this button.

The migration program will complete the following transformations in the database:

1.2 Menu Authorisations

The following menu IDs are new or include new authorised actions in this version. If completely maintained customer-specific authorisation groups are used, you might need to enter access rights for these menu items (BENMEN). In most cases, the menu authorisations of the user group IDLKON and/or IDLWIN can be used as a template.

The following menu item was deactivated with this release. It will be deleted in one of the subsequent releases. Please remove all individual usages (authorisations, menu structures) of these menu items until then:

The Simplified Procedure for Administration of Customer Specific User Groups is recommended as an alternative to complete maintenance of authorisations for all menu items. For this functionality, the new authorisation level '0' can also be specified for menu authorisation (BENMENE). This states that an authorisation available for a reference user group should not be issued for the user group that has been entered.

A new standard authorisation group IDLNOAUT has been defined which, however, has no menu authorisation in IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST at all. This authorisation group can be used if an IDL user exclusively works with IDL applications outside of IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST (IDL.DESIGNER, Monitor apps e.g.) but accesses data out of the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST database.

1.3 Server Components

The msi file for automatic software distribution to IDL.KONSIS-FORECAST clients now can be provided with parameters (e.g. installation path) for usage by a software distribution system without user entries (see installation docu).

The port numbers 81 and 444 are now proposed at configuration of a new IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST application server since the port numbers previously used (80 or 443, respectively) are required for a subsequent installation of the IDL Workplace Server.

It is now possible to create different ini files for different webstart links (e.g. productive and test system) in the webstart directory. For this purpose the former file idlgui.ini is copied into a file with a name of the form idlgui_hostname_port.ini (e.g. as far as this file does not exist yet.

2 User Interface

2.1 Selection Area

If the selection area on the left hand side is set to "extended" (display of all fields) in some cases not all fields can be displayed simultaneously. If you then jump from field to field with the aid of the tabulator key and leave the displayed area, then now the displayed area automatically scrolls providing that the cursor remains visible.

2.2 Print Function

Now only fields or field groups of the selection area with entry values are output into the print preview. Thus the first page has more space left for table data.

2.3 Mass-Print and Mass-pdf-Export

New actions for the print or pdf export, respectively, of several report results are offered now especially for reporting. These actions are available in the report lists (REP, REPK, see below).

3 Master Data

3.1 Periods (ABR)

The application "Periods" (ABR) was newly designed. When invoking this application a complete list of all defined periods is displayed without any selection.

The new entry and modification of a period is performed using a wizard consisting out of four pages. The first page "Description" serves for the entry of the key and the descriptions. The second page "Common" specifies the period type, the previous period as well as in case a check rule exclusion group. On the third page "Options for Balances and Details" you can define which data are to be checked in this period. The fourth page shows descriptions in all active languages. Changes are possible directly in the table, too (context menu "table cells editable"). Then all editable columns are represented with blue characters.

Like before branching off into the subsequent applications "Period / development area" (ABRSBE), "Period authorisations" (BENABR) and "Exclusion groups / check rules" (PRFGRP) are supported by the context menu (right mouse key). Furthermore the actions "Authorise new accounting period like prev. period" and "Lock accounting period" can be invoked. The action "Copy closing date periods to new year" allows for the copy of several periods of a calendar year to another year incl. an adjustment of the descriptions.

3.2 Groups and Group Companies (KTKDEF)

The application "Group definition" (KTKDEF) was extended by a function for mass-copy. For this purpose at first you have to select one or more lines in the table "Group structure" and then call the action "Mass copy" from the context menu. Then a dialogue appears showing the current keys for group, period and fact. At least one of these keys has to be modified as a destination key.

When copying data the consistency of the structure is maintained. E.g. copying data into a sub-ordinate sub-group provides for the completion of these companies in all super-ordinate group levels, too. The selection of a node line (group / sub-group) has the effect that the complete structure below is copied along.

Furthermore it is now possible to select one group out of the groups displayed in the resource table on the right hand side and insert it into the current group structure, even if a group structure on its own is already defined for this group. Consistency is maintained here, too. Thus e.g. the insertion is inhibited if the current group is part of another parallel group structure since then changes would be performed for group companies not selected. Therefore such parallel structures are displayed with grey characters below the selected group structure.

3.3 Business Units (UBR)

It is now possible (again) to provide several business units with the account group 'M' (b/s and p&l) in the company business unit allocations (GESUBR). However, a warning is output in this case since no business unit comprehensive vouchers may be defined in this case. Furthermore no business unit may be provided with the account group 'B' (only b/s) then.

3.4 Accounts (KTO)

It is now permitted to allocate a statistical account for retained earnings which is not provided with the account flag 'C' to statistical p&l accounts (b/s p&l code '8' or '9'), since statistical accounts for retained earnings are not eliminated affecting the net result at deconsolidation.

The allocation of a planning aggregation account is now permitted if it is provided with an entry flag per period type even if the actual account is not provided with this entry flag.

3.5 Controlling Definitions (CTLDEF)

If a chart of controlling objects with chart type 'M' (simultaneous chart of accounts) is deleted, then all allocated controlling objects are deleted, too. Simultaneously now the chart type is set to 'K' (pure chart of accounts) providing that its property as chart of accounts is not affected.

3.6 Fixed Asset Objects (ANLOBJ)

The entries for amount and currency code of local currency up to now used for the compensation of goodwill in local currency were dispended (see below).

3.7 LieferBatch

The "Lieferbatch" file for the new transaction development standard was supplemented by a posting key '5-N' with posting key usage tag 'N' in the development area 'B' of the transaction developments 'S1' and 'S8'. If you use this standard you should import these posting keys.

The "Lieferbatch" file WKZ_LKZ.xlsm now contains the two-digit ISO country codes on the page <LKZ>. The former codes (motor vehicle tag) are no longer provided but of course can be continued to be used.

3.8 Change Log

For the table of the check rule definitions (PRF, PRFPOS) as well as for the table of exchange rates (WKZWKA) now a change log can be conducted as far as the corresponding licence is present. The activation of the change log is performed in the used manner in the application "Control of data change logging" (LOG). The new list applications "Changes of check rules" (PRFLOG), "Changes of check rules/positions" (PRFPOSLOG) and "Exchange rates modifications" (WKZWKALOG) serve for the display of the logged data.

4 Company Financial Statement

4.1 Company Financial Statement Monitor (EA)

If the status for a transaction development exhibits a difference ([red] or [yellow]) then you now have the ability to analyse which transaction development area causes this status. A double mouse click on this status serves for a branch into the new list application "Checkpoint transaction development area" (VERARBSBE) as far as the transaction development consists of more than one development areas. This table has a composition similar to the list application "Processing control" (VERARB) with the exception that a line for each development area is output beneath the line for the transaction development. The messages per development area displayed here are provided with a background colour, too. Errors existing independent from the development areas are displayed in the line for the transaction development. A double mouse click on a line calls the list application for development transactions restricted to the selected development area.

4.2 Intercompany Account Balances (ICKTOSAL)

The manual setting of the clearing flag, even if using the forms entry application I-ICKTOSAL, now provides for the deletion of the entries for group and consolidation voucher number from a previously completed consolidation D&C or P&L. As a consequence the status 'SK' and 'AE' displayed in the group monitor (KTKGES) becomes [red] providing that consolidation has to be repeated.

The action "Mass-update" especially required for setting of the clearing flag was significantly accelerated.

4.3 Vouchers and Postings

The posting type 'EU' (single-use voucher with reposting at carry forward) up to now defined only for consolidation vouchers is now available for company statement vouchers, too.

The designation of a voucher for calculation of deferred taxes now can be set even if the voucher is neither result nor capital effective. Especially this flag can be set for a newly entered voucher without postings. Then newly entered postings on p&l or capital accounts are automatically provided with this designation, too. The same applies for automatically generated postings (depreciations e.g.). If this automatic setting is not desired exceptionally it has later to be reset manually.

4.4 Transition to the Next Fact

When transiting intercompany account balances to the next fact now the clearing flags manually set in the source fact are resumed. If clearing flags exist only in the destination fact they are maintained.

If clearing flags are modified in a consolidation fact possibly existing entries of group and consolidation voucher number are removed providing that the status 'SK' or 'AE', respectively, becomes [red] when refreshing the status and the consolidation has to be repeated.

4.5 Check Transition to the Next Fact

Fact sequences are now considered for setting of the status "Check transition to the next fact" in the company financial statement monitor (EA). If data are changed on a fact which is defined as a preceding fact in a fact sequence, then the status is set to [yellow] in all potential succeeding facts as far as the check point is already existing.

If the check of transition is performed on a successor fact and the status of the preceding fact is [yellow], then the status becomes [yellow], too (message in processing control: "Data of a preceding fact have changed"), since there are deviations in comparison to a fact located in the direction of the fact sequence start. A double mouse click on a [yellow] status branches off into the list "Processing control" (VERARB) to show this message.

4.6 Carry-Forward into New Period

Vouchers with the posting type 'EU', new for company statement vouchers (see above), are carried forward just like consolidation vouchers designated with 'EU':

Vouchers with posting type 'WX' provide for carry-forward vouchers with posting type 'EU'.

5 Group Statement

5.1 Group Monitor (KTKGES)

Since the designation of consolidation vouchers for calculation of minority interests and deferred taxes was dropped (see below), the functions "Select consolidation vouchers" were removed from the sub-menus "Update minority interests" and "Deferred taxes".

5.2 Consolidation Parameters (KTKPAR)

Two new flags for calculation of minority interests and deferred taxes, respectively, on the allocated consolidation postings affecting net result, were supplemented in the table of consolidation parameters. This control replaces the designations of consolidation vouchers valid up to now and simplifies the designation of these postings significantly (see below). The flags can be set in the relevant consolidation parameter applications. Excepted are:

Note: For the purpose of usage of this automatic functionality already in the first period after switch to this IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST version you have to set these flags in the consolidation parameters and then repeat carry-forward.

5.3 Carry-Forward Group Data

In case consolidation postings are carried forward including their amounts in local currency (see below) and then provided with the conversion rule 'VKW' (predefined amount in group currency). Subsequently depreciations are calculated in local currency and converted into the group currency. If the required exchange rate is not yet present, the status 'KLW' of the group monitor (KTKGES) is set to [yellow]. Then the action "Currency effect - Compensation temporary diff. from first cons." has to be repeated as soon as the exchange rate is present.

5.4 Compensation of Difference Amounts (VUB)

The former functionality for goodwill in local currency was extended to the specification of difference amounts in local currency. Thus you can enter the corresponding values in all variants of compensation of the difference amount. However, it is presupposed that the compensation account is allocated to a transaction development. Like before "local currency" in this context usually means the currency of the respective company, however, a different currency can be specified in exceptional cases.

This generalisation causes that the specification of amounts in local currency is no longer restricted to fixed assets but rather can be declared for reserves and other liabilities. As a consequence the specification of the related parameters (amount and code of local currency) was removed from the fixed asset objects and rather is directly assigned to the consolidation postings. The data are converted by the release migration. In addition currency conversion parameters were supplemented in the consolidation postings.

Please mind: If the parameters in the fixed asset objects have been modified subsequently then perhaps the release migration writes wrong amounts in local currency into the consolidation postings. These amounts have to be corrected manually.

This way you have now the ability to calculate and post depreciations on compensations in fixed assets in local currency. This is performed in the period of the different amount compensation as well as in subsequent periods after carry-forward.

Existing issues can be provided with depreciations supplementarily, too. However, then you have to enter the according consolidation postings (accumulated depreciations, retained earnings) manually. For this purpose an entry facility was supplemented in the consolidation postings (see below).

The conversion of the amounts from local currency into group currency is performed more differentiated just like for other currency conversions. I.e. the entries of a conversion method in the currency conversion parameter, of account and posting key conversion rules and the match of p&l and transaction development are considered, especially the conversion rule 'VKW' (predefined amount in group currency) in the consolidation posting. With this exchange rate effects on carry-forward as well as differences in the actual period are compensated. However, special exchange rates for currencies with high inflation rates are no longer supported.

5.5 Merger (PS)

If the balance of the difference amount account does not add up to zero after processing the merger function then the status 'PS' in the group monitor (KTKGES) is now set to [yellow].

A double mouse click on a [yellow] 'PS' status branches off into the list "Consolidation postings" (KONBUCH) with selection for consolidation function 'PP' in the voucher number.

5.6 Consolidation Vouchers and Postings (KONBEL, KONBUCH)

The list "Consolidation postings" (KONBUCH) was extended by columns for "Difference amount in local currency" (see above). However, when using the display options "Hide empty columns" and "Hide zero columns" these columns are usually not visible.

The single record map (KONBUCHE) offers entry fields for these columns only for vouchers from capital consolidation. After having entered data of this type in case depreciations are calculated in local currency and converted into group currency. If the required exchange rate is not yet present, the status 'KLW' of the group monitor (KTKGES) is set to [yellow]. Then the action "Currency effect - Compensation temporary diff. from first cons." has to be repeated as soon as the exchange rate is present.

The designation of consolidation vouchers for calculation of minority interests or deferred taxes was removed. Instead of a new control was supplemented in the consolidation parameters (see above). This applies for manual vouchers ('MB' e.g.), too.

Automatically generated as well as manually entered consolidation postings on P&L or capital Accounts are automatically provided with these flags due to the specification in the consolidation parameter. Like before postings with posting keys out of not balance relevant development areas as well as consolidation postings carried forward are excluded, while e.g. newly calculated current depreciations in vouchers carried forward are included. If this automatic setting is not desired exceptionally it has to be reset manually.

5.7 Change Log (KONBUCHLOG)

Using the display option "Show internal info columns" the list "Consolidation posting changes" (KONBUCHLOG) now displays the sequential number of the postings which is used only as a technical key in the database. This allows for additional analysis of this table in Excel.

5.8 Consolidation Lists (KONSAL, KONBEW)

The response times of the lists "Account balances and consolidation postings" (KONSAL) and "Transactions and consolidation postings" (KONBEW) were significantly shortened by optimisation of database accesses, especially with huge amounts of data.

5.9 Copy Consolidation Postings for Report Sub-Group

When copying consolidation postings for a report sub-group now different attributes of the consolidation postings are copied along providing for a subsequent processing, e.g. carry forward, of these data in the destination group just like in the origin group.

6 Financial Planning

6.1 Forecast Monitor (PM)

It is now possible to select several companies in the "Forecast monitor" (PM) and lock their scenarios in one step.

6.2 Forecast Sequences (PA, PAPAR)

The display of the column "Rule template set" in the "Forecast sequence parameters" (PAPAR) was improved for the purpose of showing that it is editable.

6.3 Planning Application (PLAN)

IDL.FORECAST specific entries in the menu <Display> are now explained in more detail by a tooltip.

6.4 Scenario Administration

The functions for locking and unlocking a scenario now can be authorised differentially using the new menu item 'PLANLOCK'.

You can now delete the plan scenario of a single company below a scenario. Up to now only the total scenario could be deleted.

6.5 Loading/Writing Balances

A flag <Refresh locked cells> was supplemented in the menu item "Refresh balances". If this flag is set even the locked cells are refreshed.

Cells underlying a period or account lock are then automatically refreshed in the balance difference view, too. Only manually locked cells are shown as locked cells.

6.6 Planner Spreadsheet

A refresh of the structure is now always automatically followed by a refresh of the actual balances.

Besides the transition functions the action menu now offers a new entry for a function to delete the opening balance in the first period of an area.

The context menu now allows for a branch into the list "Intercompany account balances" (ICKTOSAL) instead of forms entry of intercompany account balances.

6.7 Detail Windows / Business Cases

The check for missing parameters in the business cases was integrated into the further plausibility checks. Missing parameters are now displayed in the plausibility checks and affect the status for applied rules in the "Forecast monitor". On the other hand the separate menu item "Check for missing parameters" was removed.

6.8 Individual Tables

When copying an account balance of an intercompany account from the intercompany view into the calculation sheet now a 'SAL' formula instead of a 'SUM' formula is generated (just like copying a position).

6.9 Rules and Single Postings

Rules defined deviating from the standard are provided with a warning status and in case cause a corresponding status display in the "Forecast monitor" (PM). For the purpose of differentiating between volitional deviations from the standard (deviation b/s p&l code, repostings within p&l, one-sided postings on statistical accounts) and actual errors (e.g. double rules, missing parameters) now you have the possibility of manual release of rules, i.e. to declare them as correct. For this purpose a corresponding button was supplemented on the last page of the wizards for rules and single postings beneath the comment field. Then the release can be clarified by a comment on this page. Released rules no longer cause a warning status in the "Forecast monitor". The release is automatically revoked by subsequent changes on the rule or single posting, respectively.

The period control of rules was extended by the ability to restrict rules to certain months (independent from the year).

Percentages now can be specified with respect to a statistical account in rules with base values.

If exactly two posting components (accounts) are defined in the wizard for single postings and an amount is entered for one of these components, then this amount is automatically entered for the other posting component, too, with the opposite debit/credit flag. In most cases this provides for a quicker entry.

7 Standard Reporting

7.1 Report Definition (REPDEF)

The application "Report ident" (RID) was reactivated and thus allows for a change of the report description and other attributes without changes on the report lines.

7.2 Report Lists (REP, REPK)

The context menu (right mouse key) of the report lists now contains two new entries "Mass-print" and "Mass-pdf-export". These actions provide that the corresponding report result display (REPERG) is opened in the background with the default parameters set and then executes a print or pdf-export command, respectively. No dialogue is output since the standard printer settings (e.g. fit to page) or a standard file name (<report id>_<version number>) at pdf export, respectively, are applied.

Please mind the following restrictions:

  1. The report result is printed or exported, respectively, like it is displayed at a first call due to the settings in the report header. If you want to expand additional nodes you can control this in the parameter "Number of expanded details" of the report line descriptions.
  2. The name of the pdf file contains only report id and version number. If you have defined report headers for different companies for the same report report id and version number, they overwrite each other because of the same file name.

There will be enhancements for the item 2 in the subsequent release 2017.

8 Import/Export

8.1 Import/Export Job Control

Parameters specified for an import job (company, period, fact, etc.) are now displayed for jobs already processed, too, providing for selection or filtering ability.

8.2 'I' Tables

The transaction date and the voucher date in the tables I108 (import development transactions) and I167 (import vouchers), respectively, were defined with the clause NOT NULL, since the corresponding fields in the IDL.KONSIS tables K038 and K067, respectively, were defined with the clause NOT NULL, too. However, the date is provided with a default value at import if not otherwise specified so that it does not have to be specified in the I table. Therefore the clauses NOT NULL were removed for these fields.

8.3 New Import Applications

A new import application (TXTPOP) allows for the import of charts of positions. The export of the application "Charts of positions" (POP) uses the standard format '#TXT' for export.

A new import application (TXTRID) allows for the import of report idents. The export of the applications "Report idents" (RID) and "Report definition" (REPDEF) use the standard format '#TXT' for export.

8.4 Import IC-account balances (TXTICSALD)

Clearing flags already set in the existing data are now maintained when deleting and importing intercompany account balances as far as identical data are imported.


The group-wide and the group/sub-group exchange of data have been modified to include various database enhancements. For this reason, they are not compatible with previous versions.

9 Interfaces

9.1 MIS Interface (MISPAR) for IDL Data Mart

You can now define a period interval on its own for each fact allocated in an MIS parameter, e.g. different spaces of time for actual and plan data. These entries are evaluated at construction of IDL Datamart and for IDL.DESIGNER and therefore available only for MIS parameter version '04'.

The page "Reports" of the MIS parameter wizard now offers only reports for allocation whose type is permitted for the respective version. Thus e.g. for the MIS parameter versions '01' to '03' only reports of type 'E' (b/s, p&l) are permitted.

The IDL Datamart table OLAP_DW_FISCAL, where the use can specify a non-calendar fiscal year, was redesigned so that the entered value is maintained when installing a new fixpack, update or release.

9.2 SAP Interface

From release 2016 on IDL offers a standard interface named "IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP" for the transfer of data relevant for consolidation from SAP to IDL.KONSIS. This interface is based on the Netweaver technology and thus on the most recent technology for unloading of data from SAP. IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP is available for the old general ledger as well as for the new general ledger. It is a proprietary development of IDL which allows our customers the highest flexibility and extensive automatisation of the transfer of structure (chart of accounts, companies, ...) and transactional data (account balances, intercompany balances, development transactions, ...) in interaction with the Microsoft Integration Services. Within this it is assured that the SAP system guidelines with respect to authorisations and CTS (Change and Transport System) are followed completely.

The solution is certified by SAP.

Of course, Interfaces from SAP to IDL.KONSIS realised in the past at our customers which were implemented based on IDL.IMPORTER and SAP Connectivity can be used continuously. We emphasize our customers to check for migration to IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP.

If you are interested in the new SAP interface please contact the IDL hotline or your contact person in the IDL sales.

9.3 DCW Interface

The update 1 for release 2016 contains the current edition of the DCW interface for DCW release 3.50.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 23.03.2016 15:18