Table of contents

1 System Administration

1.1 Release-specific Migration Program (KONVERT/KONV1701)

When you start IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST for the first time after it has been installed, a message will be issued to inform you that migration has not yet taken place. This message box includes the button <Start migration now>. Migration will start automatically if you press this button.

The migration program will complete the following transformations in the database:

1.2 Menu Authorisations

The following menu IDs are new or include new authorised actions in this release. If completely maintained customer-specific authorisation groups are used, you might need to enter access rights for these menu items (BENMEN). In most cases, the menu authorisations of the user group IDLKON and/or IDLWIN can be used as a template.

The following menu items already inactive since some time are deleted with this version:

The Simplified Procedure for Administration of Customer Specific User Groups is recommended as an alternative to complete maintenance of authorisations for all menu items. For this functionality, the authorisation level '0' can also be specified for menu authorisation (BENMENE). This states that an authorisation available for a reference user group should not be issued for the user group that has been entered.

1.3 User (USE)

It is now possible to enter, modify, display and delete comments on users. Corresponding icons were supplemented in the tool bars of the context menus of the list application "Users" (USE) and the single record application "User" (USE). E.g. you can deposit explanations of the user authorisation here.

The user name was included in the default file name of the pdf file for pdf export of comments on users for the purpose to distinguish the exported files for several users.

The setting of the password policy for a minimum length of the password, this minimum length is now increased from 7 to 8 digits. This change only concerns users working with the storage of passwords in IDL Konsis.

The user table (USE) was extended by an additional entry field "User name for Datamart". Here an entry is possible if the login to the OLAP database requires a deviant user id.

1.4 User Group Authorisations (BENDEF)

The registry tabs of the dependent tables of the application "User group authorisations" (BENDEF) are now put in a more meaningful order. The tab "Object authorisations" was renamed into "List of all object authorisations". The tab "Period authorisations" has been dropped since it contained no additional information compared with the tab "Closing date periods" (now only "Periods").

1.5 Automate Control

An authorisation check is now performed for the selected objects if one of the key options '#KTK', '#KTK-N' or '#ALL' has been specified for the key company. Only lines with companies with authorisation for the current user are displayed.

2 User Interface

2.1 Web Ticket Generation via Help Menu

A menu item "Generate web ticket" was supplemented in the global tool bar of the "Help" menu. When clicking with the mouse on this menu item the browser opens and shows the corresponding page of the IDL service centre. You can enter problem reports (tickets) there and immediately address the to the IDL hotline.

2.2 Display of Licence Information

The display of date and time of generation of the licence file was supplemented in the display of the licence information.

3 Master Data

3.1 Master Data in General

Now in addition the key of the object currently edited is displayed in the title bar of the wizard pages of all master data applications with modification of data with the aid of wizards, providing that you can determine on the subsequent pages, too, which object is currently edited.

In complex master data applications with display of dependent tables yet after opening a model of one object of the leading table now the data of the objects of the leading table can be modified, too, without opening a model. However, this applies only for attributes without dependencies to the data of the dependent table (e.g. descriptions). This enhancement applies for the applications

A print preview and thus a print as well as a pdf export or an e-mail distribution is now supported for all dependent tables. For the purpose to distinguish pdf files of different tables at export the name of the table is appended to the short word of the application in the proposed file name (e.g. "SPIDEF_Posting_keys.pdf"). This enhancement applies for the applications

The button for selection of the language of the displayed descriptions was supplemented in the following applications:

A filter line was supplemented in the respective destination table of master data applications which allows for the definition of allocations by drag-and-drop actions with the mouse. This enhancement applies for the applications

The display of user and timestamp of the last modification was supplemented in some tree tables. This enhancement applies for the applications

3.2 Periods (ABR)

The page "Options for Balances and Details" was revised. Amongst others now the flag "with IC account balances" is initially set for new periods.

3.3 Facts (FAC)

The term "ex fact" was replaced by the term "fact group-structure". The new term emphasizes that this specification serves for the determination of the group-structure required for display or processing of company financial statement data.

3.4 Positions (POP)

The attribute "XBRL concept" was renamed into "Reference information" since it is not evaluated for XBRL reporting. Rather other information of the position can be stored here.

3.5 Controlling Definitions (CTLDEF)

The table of controlling objects now shows the controlling object leader in an additional column.

4 Company Financial Statement

4.1 Company Financial Statement in General

The creation and modification of comments to company financial statement data (balances, transactions, postings) now is no longer possible if the company statement is locked. Up to now this check was not universal. Excepted form this rule are comments for the company statement (EA) in total as well as for the processing control (VERARB) as far as the corresponding application is provided with extra authorisation for update.

4.2 Intercompany Account Balances (ICKTOSAL)

The previous red coloured line with differences between total of intercompany balances and account balance at restriction of the list to one account has been dropped. In addition, these differences are no longer reported in the message window at ambiguous account selection.

Instead of the differences in local currency are now displayed with sort option 'GK' in a new column in the lines with the totals of intercompany balances as far as the fact as well as the period are specified with the flag "with intercompany balances". In case this column is suppressed by the settings "Hide empty columns" or "Hide zero columns", respectively. The amount of the account balance can be made visible activating the display option "Show internal info columns". The difference amount is provided with a [red] background for accounts with IC account flag 'I'. For accounts with IC account flag 'J' the amount has a [yellow] background if the total of intercompany balances is greater than the account balance or has the opposite debit/credit flag.

A double mouse click on an amount in the difference column opens the single record map with initialisation of the difference amount to be cleared so that only the intercompany has to be added to clear the difference by pressing <Insert>. This corresponds to the previous possibilities but now several differences can be cleared after each other.

For group and parallel currency no difference column is output. However, the total amounts are provided with a [yellow] background colour if differing from the account balance indicating that a currency conversion is required.

The deletion of many intercompany account balances by selecting them in the list ICKTOSAL was significantly accelerated

4.3 Audit Trails (KTOHER, CNTHER)

The tables of the list applications "Account balances audit trail" (KTOHER) and "Controlling balances audit trail" (CNTHER) were redesigned:

4.4 Depreciation Reconciliation with Business Units

The previous reconciliation between fixed asset transactions for depreciations in the actual period and the counter-accounts in p&l controlled by the check account flag 'D' set for the transaction development column and the p&l accounts was extended in the way that this check is possible, too, if different business units are defined for balance sheet and p&l. It is required for this extension that the business units are provided with account groups ('B' for balances sheet, 'G' for p&l, 'M' for balance sheet and p&l) in the company business unit allocations (GESUBR). The fixed asset transactions for depreciations of the balance sheet business unit are compared with the total of the balances of the p&l accounts of the p&l business units.

The corresponding extension was performed for the check account flags 'Y' and 'Z' (provision releases and provision additions, respectively) in the provision transaction development.

4.5 Intercompany Reconciliation

The balancing of debit and credit amounts with correct consideration of signs by the general summation function is now possible in the clearing list "IC-account balances and postings" (ICSALBUCH), too.

5 Group Statement

5.1 Group Financial Statement in General

The creation and modification of comments to group statement data (consolidation vouchers and postings) now is no longer possible if the group statement is locked. Up to now this check was not universal. Excepted form this rule are comments for the group processing control (KVERARB) as far as the corresponding application is provided with extra authorisation for update.

5.2 Group Monitor (KTKGES)

The setting of the status for currency conversion was extended. If the amounts in group currency are modified in a consolidation voucher recognised by an update of the check sum, then a message is written into the group processing control record (KVERARB) for currency conversion which provides for the display of the status [red] in the group monitor. The status is set incase to [red] by the function "Check & refresh status information", too. However, it is excepted if no currency conversion is required because no deviant parallel currency has been specified. The status becomes [green] only by performing the currency conversion. This processing corresponds to the status setting in the company financial statements monitor (EA).

5.3 Voucher Classifications / Consolidation Functions (KVA)

Voucher classifications with a number in the second place which serve only for a unique setting of the voucher number (e.g. 'K0' for a second shareholding change in the consolidation period) no longer can be allocated to a reference classification for reports on their own. They rather are automatically allocated to the same reference classification for reports as the original voucher classification (e.g. 'KK'). This concerns the voucher classifications 'En', 'Fn', 'Kn', 'On', 'Pn' and 'Rn' ('n' = '0' to '9').

5.4 Consolidation Parameters (KTKPAR)

If a voucher classification for consolidation I&E had been defined for statistical accounts then now a statistical neutralisation account can be entered, too, for the purpose of omitting carry-forward of these data.

The consolidation parameter 'SD' (dividends) was supplemented by the flag for aggregation of carry-forward postings. This allows for the reduction of the number of postings in 'VD' vouchers.

5.5 Update Equity (EF)

The entry map of the forms entry application for update of equity assessment (I-FORTEQ) was supplemented by two additional freely usable entry lines per block, one for issues affecting the net result and one for issues not affecting the net result. Free means that these lines allow for the entry of account number and posting key.

After entering one of these lines you can supplement another entry line by pressing the tabulator key in the last entry field of the line just like in other form entry applications. This way an arbitrary number of additional lines can be entered.

The additional lines are considered for calculation of totals and amounts to be catched up just like the firmly predefined lines.

5.6 Minority Interests (FF)

If an original posting (affecting the net result) is provided with the conversion rule 'VPW' (predefined amount in parallel currency), then the minority interests are calculated in parallel currency, too, and provided with the conversion rule 'VPW'. If an original posting is provided with the conversion rule 'VK' (predefined exchange rate), then the specified exchange rate is transferred into the minority interest postings in connection with the conversion rule 'VK'.

5.7 Merger (PS)

For the purpose to distinguish different merger issues additional voucher classifications (KVA) with the keys 'R0' to 'R9' were introduced. These voucher classifications are delivered by IDL and used in voucher numbers instead of 'PA' (reposting of carry-forward from consolidation I&E ('AV' vouchers)).

6 Check Rules

6.1 New Check Rule Operators

Both of the following check rule operators were newly defined and are available in the check rule definition (PRFDEF or PRFE, respectively):

If the left-hand side is not equal to zero then the right-hand side has to be less or equal to zero.
If the left-hand side is not equal to zero then the right-hand side must not be equal to zero.

6.2 Constant Comparison Values

You have now the possibility to use a constant comparison value instead of the right-hand side in check rules. This extension is especially interesting in check rules for business ratios. The constant comparison value is specified in the check rule itself (PRF or PRFDEF, respectively). It is permitted only in connection with one of the following new check rule operators:

Left-hand side has to be equal to the constant comparison value.
Left-hand side has to be less than the constant comparison value.
Left-hand side has to be greater than the constant comparison value.
Left-hand side has to be less than or equal to the constant comparison value.
Left-hand side has to be greater than or equal to the constant comparison value.
Left-hand side must not be equal to the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side has to be equal to the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side has to be less than the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side has to be greater than the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side has to be less than or equal to the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side has to be greater than or equal to the constant comparison value.
Absolute amount of left-hand side must not be equal to the constant comparison value.

When using one of these new operators no check rule positions for the right-hand side may be specified. The operators with an absolute amount for the left-hand side can be helpful, if the sign of a business ratio is not unique because of interpretation of debit and credit amounts.

6.3 Check Rules for Business Ratios per Company

The check rule setting "per company" on group level is now available for business ratios, too. The results are correspondingly displayed in the check rule result analysis list (PRFERGANA), too.

6.4 Export Check Rule Groups

The export functions for check rule groups as well as for check rule exclusion groups now export the data in the newly defined import/export format of these data (see below). This applies for the special application "Check rule groups" (PRFGRP) as well as for the integrated function "Check rule definition" (PRFDEF)

7 Financial Planning

7.1 User Interface and Handling

An additional icon is displayed in the global toolbar of the planning application (PLAN). This icon serves for the purpose to hide or re-display all windows of the lower part of the work area (Balance differences, Plausibility checks, Intercompany transfer, Business cases, Account viewer) in one step to gain more space for the display of the planner spreadsheet.

The setting "Hide empty/zero entries" was removed from the menu "Display" an instead of inserted as buttons in the title bars of the business case and the account viewer. Thus it can be set in both viewers independently. A new icon serves for hiding of empty and zero columns in both viewers.

Different toolbars were adjusted to the common standard, amongst others by supplement of the button "Delete filter". Like usual in IDL.KONSIS grey double arrows now designate action for the refresh of the display in IDL.FORECAST, too, while coloured double arrows provide for a refresh of the data (e.g. loading balances).

The order in the windows for rule templates and applied rules is now controlled by a pop-up menu. The window "Applied rules" is only yet displayed if a scenario is opened.

Different descriptions were shaped more elaborate and thus better understandable.

7.2 Forecast Sequence Parameteres (PAPAR)

A button for "Delete all" was supplemented in the application "Forecast sequence parameters" (PAPAR).

7.3 Scenario Administration

The duration time for opening of a scenario was significantly reduced.

The check for correct aggregation in the scenario is now only yet automatically performed when opening the scenario for the first time since this check requires some time. However, it can be invoked manually on demand.

The check boxes of the scenario administration were moved into a new separate page "Settings" of the scenario wizard. On the other hand the registry tab with a list of companies for which the scenario had been opened was dropped for this list is already shown below the scenario.

7.4 Planner Spreadsheet

When opening a scenario it is now checked whether the entries in the account master data (e.g. b/s p&l code, ic account flag) agree with the data of the scenario. If not sometimes the data of the scenario are corrected automatically, sometimes a dialogue appears offering an automatic clearing of the scenario depending on the constellation.

7.5 Splashing Dialogue

The setting for addition or replacing in the wizard for copy and distribution is now permitted in combination with a 1:1 copy, too.

It is now possible to provide for a seasonal distribution when splashing.

7.6 Individual Tables

For the purpose of easier identification of company specific tables in the table folder now the keys of the company and in case of the business unit, too, are appended to the name of the table.

7.7 Rules

The possibility for entry of a threshold amount was supplemented in the interest rule. This entry can be specified as amount, as parameter or as a reference to a statistical account. The enhancement allows for the consideration of overdraft facilities free of interest. The threshold amount is respected per day at setting "distributed".

8 Reporting

8.1 Report Definition (REPDEF)

Report lines now must no longer be entered for reports with specification of a reference report since the report generation nevertheless uses the report lines of the referenced report. This concerns the applications "Report definition" (REPDEF) and "Report line descriptions" (REPZEI) as well as the import of report line descriptions (TXTREPZEI).

8.2 Report Header (REPE)

A flag for "Calculation of ratio rules with accumulated values" was supplemented in the report header (REPE). This flag provides for the calculation of business ratios from accumulated amounts although the other amounts displayed in the report only represent the changes in the respective month. This flag maybe set only if the decumulation flag is set to 'A' (decumulation for all periods) or 'Z' (decumulation from the second period on).

9 Interfaces

9.1 Import/Export

New import functions serve for the import of check rule groups and check rule exclusion groups. For this purpose new import/export formats "PRFGRP" (check rule groups) and "PRFAGRP" (check rule exclusion groups were defined.

Several import/export formats were supplemented by newly added fields of the respective table.

The settings for the treatment of messages specified in the options dialogue are now applied by import applications invoked by the tool "importrunner", too.

9.2 Import of Decumulated Amounts

IDL.KONSIS generally stores only accumulated (year-to-date) amounts. However, preceding systems as well as the entry of data, e.g. with entry forms created by IDL.DESIGNER, often handle with decumulated values (amount per month or amount per year, respectively). It is now possible to import these decumulated amounts to IDL.KONSIS.

A new flag in the selection area of the applications "Import" (IMPORT) and "IE job control" (IEJOB) with the settings 'K' (accumulated) and 'D' (decumulated) serves for the distinction whether the delivered amounts are accumulated or decumulated. This flag is available for interfaces like the import control by IDL.IMPORTER, too. Without specification the previous setting "accumulated" is assumed.

The import of these data writes records whose amounts are the total from the value specified in the transmitted record and a value perhaps already present for the previous month or the previous quarter. The decumulated amount matches the accumulated amount only in the first month or quarter, respectively, of the business year. Records in case already present are refreshed.

This enhancement is available for account balances, intercompany account balances, controlling balances and all development transactions. Beneath the main keys (period, fact, company, business unit, account) other keys (fixed asset object, posting key, controlling objects, intercompany, ic business unit) are considered for determination of the corresponding data records depending on the data type. However, other criteria (e.g. transaction currency, voucher number for intercompany account balances) are not considered.

Important Note: For the purpose to adopt amounts from the previous period into the actual period for keys without amount in the actual period you have to provide for an import record with zero amount!

9.3 Import Development Transactions (TXT...BEW)

The flag "with carry-forward" now allows for the exclusion of development transactions for merger events (posting keys with usage tags 'ME', 'MF', 'SME' or 'SMF') from processing analogously to development transactions for carry-forward. I.e. these transactions are not inserted, however, they are not deleted, too, when using the action "Delete + import ...". The flag has now three settings:

If the function of the former setting '-' is exactly required, then the flag has to be set to 'M'.

These settings are available for external import control (IEJOB control, IDL.IMPORTER, importrunner), too.

In addition it was supplemented for the import of capital transactions that transactions with the posting key with usage tag 'XJU' (reposting of the result at carry-forward) are processed like carry-forward transactions, i.e. in case are excluded from processing.

9.4 Transformation Groups (UMS)

The application "Transformation groups" (UMS) now only offers those menu items in the table "Menu items" which are supported for a transformation to an individually defined menu item by the application for control of imports (IMPORT). These are the menu items 'UNL...' executed when selecting the action "Select external data".


The group-wide and the group/sub-group exchange of data have been modified to include various database enhancements. For this reason, they are not compatible with previous release versions.

9.6 MIS Interface (MISPAR)

With release 2017 the table for position account allocations (K023) was replaced by a new table (K020) with columns for validity. If individual interfaces directly accessed this table, e.g. by using the view K02301, then an outdated state (timestamp of release change) of these allocations was determined. Therefore the view K02301 was defined with its previous columns but referencing the new table K020. The period reference required for this access is established by a join to the active MIS parameter (table K803).

9.7 MIS Parameter (MISPAR)

The second page "Parameters" of the wizard for MIS parameters was redesigned. Amongst others the entry fields "Chart of accounts", "Fact 1", "Clear dimension POS/KTO" and "Release flag" are deactivated with entry of version '04' since they have no meaning for this version. The entry field "Report 1" was dropped completely so that all reports now have to be entered on page 6. The entry fields for group, period and fact are comprehended to one block "Parameters for group structure" pointing out their meaning.

9.8 IDL Datamart

The run time of the transfer of data into the OLAP cube was reduced by different optimisations.

9.9 SAP Interface

From release 2016 on IDL offers a standard interface named "IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP" for the transfer of data relevant for consolidation from SAP to IDL.KONSIS. This interface is based on the Netweaver technology and thus on the most recent technology for unloading of data from SAP. IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP is available for the old general ledger as well as for the new general ledger. It is a proprietary development of IDL which allows our customers the highest flexibility and extensive automation of the transfer of structure (chart of accounts, companies, ...) and transactional data (account balances, intercompany balances, development transactions, ...) in interaction with the Microsoft Integration Services. Within this it is assured that the SAP system guidelines with respect to authorisations and CTS (Change and Transport System) are followed completely.

The solution has been certified by SAP.

Of course, Interfaces from SAP to IDL.KONSIS realised in the past at our customers which were implemented based on IDL.IMPORTER and SAP Connectivity can be used continuously. We emphasize our customers to check for migration to IDL Smart Connectivity for SAP.

If you are interested in the new SAP interface please contact the IDL hotline or your contact person in the IDL sales.

9.10 DCW Interface

The Release 2017 Update 1 contains the current edition of the DCW interface for DCW release 3.50.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 07.02.2017 10:31