GUIDE Group sub-group data exchange

Table of contents

1 Overview

The set of applications described in this documentation can be used for different purposes drafted in the following.

For the purpose to transfer these data they are written into files with special formattings. These formattings are depending on the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST version. Therefore the exchange of data between two databases is only possible if both databases are upgraded to the same version (Release and Update) of IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST.

1.1 Group Sub-Group Data Exchange

The application group "Group sub-group data exchange" initially served for the adjustment of two separate installations (databases) for the global group and a sub-ordinate sub-group, respectively. In principle the process consists of both of the following sub-functions:

  1. Transfer of the centrally maintained group-wide data from the global group to the sub-group: This step merely transfers master and structure data.
  2. Transfer of the locally maintained sub-group financial statement data from the sub-group to the global group: This step merely transfers reporting data.

Each of both sub-functions consists of three steps:

  1. Unloading of data from the source database in special files
  2. Transfer of these data into the destination environment: This step is user specific and in case can be left out.
  3. Loading of data into the destination database

Similar to the transfer of sub-group data from the sub-group to the global group there is a third function group for transfer of company data of a single company to the global group. Here the data from consolidation are not present.

1.2 Transfer of Data into a New Database

In addition, the functions mentioned above have proved to be useful for the transfer of parts of a database into a new database, perhaps for test purposes, for a consultant or for error analysis by the IDL hotline. The difference of this processing is that both sub-functions mentioned above transfer the group-wide data as well as the sub-group data from the same source database into the same destination database. The destination database can be an empty delivery database, too. The sub-group data (sub-group can mean the global group, too) can be restricted to the required fact(s) and period(s).

1.3 Archiving

Another special functionality available with the function mentioned above is archiving of data. Here, too, the group-wide data as well as the sub-group data are transferred from the same source database into the same destination database. The source database is the productive database, the destination database is a special archive database.

The speciality of this functionality is that the sub-group data are deleted in the source database after successful transmission. I.e. this functionality serves for the release of old data no longer required from the productive database to gain a better performance.

1.4 Sub-Group Data Export

These functions export sub-group data into files in a standardised csv format which can be evaluated by subsequent foreign systems. Opposite to the regular IDL.KONSIS export functions here data of different data stocks (e.g. account balances, intercompany account balances, development transactions) are comprehended in one file.

1.5 Notes for Authorisation Administration

The different functions of the group sub-group data exchange use menu items on their own which have to be authorised in customer specific authorisation groups. These are:

"Group sub-group data exchange", dialogue calling application
"Display LOG-file ( .L..)", action in the context menu of KONDAT
"Group data exchange" represents the first node of the menu tree displayed by KONDAT. Without this authorisation the node itself as well as all sub-ordinate menu items are not displayed.
"Sub-group data exchange" represents the second node of the menu tree displayed by KONDAT. Without this authorisation the node itself as well as all sub-ordinate menu items are not displayed.
"Company data exchange" represents the third node of the menu tree displayed by KONDAT. Without this authorisation the node itself as well as all sub-ordinate menu items are not displayed.
"Sub-group archiving" represents the fourth node of the menu tree displayed by KONDAT. Without this authorisation the node itself as well as all sub-ordinate menu items are not displayed.
"Sub-group Datex" represents the fifth node of the menu tree displayed by KONDAT. Without this authorisation the node itself as well as all sub-ordinate menu items are not displayed.
"Unload group-wide data", executable application
"Transfer unloaded group-wide data", executable application
"Load group-wide data", executable application
"Unload sub-group data", executable application
"Transfer unloaded sub-group data", executable application
"Delete & reload sub-group data", executable application
"Delete & reload sub-group data with transformation", executable application
"Unload company financial statement", executable application
"Transfer unloaded company financial statement", executable application
"Delete & reload company financial statement", executable application
"Delete & reload company financial statement with transformation", executable application
"Unload master data for archiving", executable application
"Load master data on archive database", executable application
"Unload transaction data for archiving", executable application
"Load transaction data on archive database", executable application
"Delete archived transaction data", executable application
"Export sub-group balances + details", executable application
"Export sub-group balances or detail", executable application
corresponds to "Group sub-group data exchange" as topmost node of the KONDAT functions for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW
corresponds to "Group data exchange" as node for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW
corresponds to "Sub-group data exchange" as node for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW
corresponds to "Company data exchange" as node for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW
corresponds to "Sub-group archiving" as node for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW
corresponds to "Sub-group Datex" as node for the menu structure of IDL.WORKFLOW

2 Group Sub-Group Data Exchange (KONDAT)

You can control an invoke the functions mentioned above via this application. The application contains the parameters relevant for data exchange in the selection area on the left-hand side.

Independently from the entries in the selection area the applications for the different functionalities are displayed in tree structure. Function groups serving for IDL.KONSIS-to-IDL.KONSIS data exchange represent the first four nodes:

Group data exchange:
Transfer of group-wide master and structure data
Sub-group data exchange:
Transfer of report data of a sub-group
Company data exchange:
Transfer of report data of a company
Sub-group archiving:
Transfer of report data of a sub-group for the purpose of archiving

The associated applications are displayed below this node in the order usually to be passed through.

The final node

Sub-group Datex:
Export of sub-group data into files with special formats

comprehends some functions independent from each other which provide for the export into subsequent systems.

2.1 Selection Entries

The entries in the selection area do not affect the display of the functions in the tree table. These are only dependent from the authorisation of the user.

The entries in the selection area only specify the data processed by these functions.

Mandatory entries are only both of the following fields

(valid key) single period or final period of a period range
(valid key, partial key+% or %)

These keys are not considered by all functions, however, in these cases no manual entry is required since they are preselected with the user's startup data (VOR).

The further optional fields are only required for certain functions:

(valid key) is preselected from the user's startup data, too. For group data exchange the group determines only the name of the files to be exchanged. For sub-group data exchange it defines the group companies including the sub-ordinate sub-groups, too.
(valid key, partial key+% or % or empty) determines the name of the files to be exchanged as well as the data to be unloaded at company data exchange.
Closing date prev/comparativ.period
determines a range of periods in combination with "Period" out of which sub-group or company data are to be unloaded or exported.
From modifier date onwards
affects only the unload functions. Master data are only unloaded if their modification date is equal or greater than the specified date.
Currency type
(valid key due to dropdown box) is used only by the functions of "Sub-group Datex" and determines whether the output data contain amounts in local, group or parallel currency.
is used only by the functions of "Sub-group Datex" and allows for the division of the amounts output by a power of ten, e.g. to gain data in 1000 € by the entry of "1000".
Transformation group
(valid key) is evaluated by the applications "... with transformation". Then certain keys are substituted at loading.

Explanation: empty = all, % = all with entry, * = all without entry

2.2 Actions

The applications displayed in the table lines can be started via double mouse click on the respective line or via the <Start> icon ("Execute the selected application(s)") in the context menu of the line. These applications are:

The following menu items are offered by the context menu as subsequent applications:

Display LOG-file ( .L..):
A log file is always written when loading or unloading data, respectively. These can be viewed with this action. For this purpose a file dialogue opens where the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user as well as the file name are preselected.
Display help text:
Display of the help text of the menu item of the respective line. This help text contains a link to this documentation.

3 Group Data Exchange

The group-wide data exchange consists of the steps "Unload group-wide data", "Transfer unloaded group-wide data" and "Load group-wide data". These functions are comprehended below the node "Group data exchange" in the table of the calling application "Group sub-group data exchange" (KONDAT). The execution of these functions can be authorised by the menu items stated above.

The provision and transfer of the group-wide data is performed for all separate IDL Konsis sub-group and company installations which report their company financial statements directly with IDL Konsis (sub-group or company data exchange, respectively). Here the sub-groups and companies are provided with the master and structure data which are required for entry of company and sub-group financial statements. Simultaneously the entry of these data in the separate installations has to be prohibited since it would cause foreign key violations when returning the reported data.

3.1 Unload Group-Wide Data

This processing unloads all master and structure data with group-wide validity and thus central maintenance from the central group installation and prepares the for IDL.KONSIS-to-IDL.KONSIS transfer. This includes the associated multilingual descriptions and help texts, too, which are exported in separate transfer tables.

After transfer of the group-wide data the subsequent processing Load group-wide data provides for the acceptance of these data by the recipient.

Within a periodical delivery service by the central group the data volume can be reduced by using the field "From modifier date onwards" in the way that only modifications since the last unload are selected.

However, for tables with structure data (list see below) always the complete actual allocations per charts of positions, user group, transformation group etc. are unloaded to assure the consistency within these data. This means for the application Load group-wide data, that all data for the corresponding keys are deleted in these tables before.

The transfer of the tables "User" (incl. "Startup data" per user) and "Exchange rates" is optional. After start of the application a dialogue window is output requesting whether these data shall be unloaded or not.

The data are written into several files. The path is the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user. The file name consists of the prefix 'K_', the group key entered in the selection area of the calling application (KONDAT) and the 4 digit IDL database table name as suffix.


The following files are created (KTK="WELT"):

The following data are selected with respect to the naming conventions providing that only customer defined supplements to the meta data delivered with IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST are unloaded:

The further data are completely defined by the customer and thus are unloaded completely:

In addition, for control of correct data exchange a log file with suffix 'L_E' is written which contains the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST version to be evaluated by the acceptance program Load group-wide data. It also contains information about the number of records unloaded per table and in case error messages. This file can be viewed and printed using the action "Display LOG-file ( .L..)" out of the context menu.

During unloading a progress window is ouptut with short information about the table currently processed and a corresponding data record count.

3.2 Transfer Unloaded Group-Wide Data

The data have to be transferred from the directory of the creator where Unload group-wide data has written the files into the corresponding directory of the acceptor before the subsequent application Load group-wide data can load the data. For this purpose this menu item can be used.

If you want to use this function you have to enter a command line for an external program call for the transfer of the data of the group-wide data exchange in the application "Menu items" for the menu item KONTRAN. This entry is customer individual.

If not necessary or solved otherwise this step can be skipped.

3.3 Load Group-Wide Data

All master and structure data prepared by the function Unload group-wide data are accepted in the destination IDL Konsis database by this function. The data are read from the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

For assurance of a correct acceptance the version number from the unload log file (file with suffix 'L_E') is compared with the version number of the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST installation. Data can only be loaded if version numbers are agreeing. Otherwise an error message is output.

Per master data record the processing is performed by insert or update: if a master data record already exists in the destination database then the record is refreshed otherwise it is inserted.

However, for the structure tables

always the actual allocations are completely unloaded per chart of positions, user group, transformation group, import/export format etc. to provide for the consistency within these data. I.e. that all data existing up to now for the corresponding keys are deleted before loading.

A log file with suffix 'L_L' (e.g. for the group "WELT" with the file name 'K_WELT.L_L') is created while loading the data. There the numbers of records per loaded table are logged as well as error messages if applying. This file can be viewed and printed using the subsequent processing 'Display LOG file (.L..)' from the context menu of the calling application KONDAT.

If the program recognizes an error it is displayed in a message window. It is emphasized to create a hardcopy of this message for documentation and for error clearing. In addition, the error message is stored in the LOG file.

Opposite to the data maintenance in dialogue or the data transfer with import applications the entries in the fields "Last modification" (user, date, time) are not refreshed when loading these data. I.e. e.g. an account master data record which had been modified by user 'A' two weeks ago in the central installation and is now loaded by user 'B' is written into the destination database with user ID 'A' and the modification date two weeks ago.

After failure-free acceptance the correctness of the data transfer should be controlled by random samples with the list applications.

Note: It is emphasized that no other users are working with IDL Konsis while loading the data. However, a logout off IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST is not required. Furthermore it may be useful to create a database backup before this step as far as this is not performed frequently.

During processing a separate progress display informs you about the table currently processed with a corresponding record count.

4 Sub-Group Data Exchange

4.1 Unload Sub-Group Data

This application serves for unloading all data of a sub-group financial statement which are required by the global group for consolidation on the next level. The sub-group financial statement contains

The data are not transferred in a compressed form as a financial statement of the sub-group which is included as a virtual company in the global group (see GUIDE Aggregation of a Sub-group to a Company Financial Statement) but rather detailed with all account balances and details of all single companies, the group structure due to KTKDEF as well as all consolidation postings.

Thus you have the ability to define and evaluate additional report groups from the global group's point of view.

Operationally it is prerequisite for unloading that the statement of the respective sub-group has been accepted bindingly. For this purpose you should create and execute all relevant reports (balance sheet, profit & loss, developments as well as in case cash flow) by the subsequent applications

of REPK.

General Rules

The program is invoked as a subsequent application out of the calling application KONDAT.

The data are selected with respect to the given period(s) and fact(s) for all sub-groups and companies associated to the specified group with respect to KTKDEF and stored in several files in the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

If e.g. a '%' or 'partial key + %' is entered for the fact, then all or the specified subset of facts, respectively, are considered for unloading.

You can specify a range containing several periods for unloading by the entries of the period and a "Closing date prev/comparativ.period".

However, only facts and periods are unloaded for which the current user has the authorisation for insert. It is documented in the log file which periods and facts were unloaded. This information is used for the authorisation check in the application Delete & re-load sub-group data.


The file names consist of the prefix 'T_', the sub-group key and the 4-digit IDL database table name as clarified in the following example with group / sub-group = "TK10" with the following files:

4.2 Transfer Unloaded Sub-Group Data

The data have to be transferred from the directory of the creator where Unload sub-group data has written the files into the corresponding directory of the recipient before the subsequent application Delete & reload sub-group data can load the data. For this purpose this menu item can be used.

If you want to use this function you have to enter a command line for an external program call for the transfer of the data of the group-wide data exchange in the application "Menu items" for the menu item TKDATTR. This entry is customer individual.

If not necessary or solved otherwise this step can be skipped.

4.3 Delete & Reload Sub-Group Data

Please perform a database backup of the IDL database before executing this function!

"Delete & reload sub-group data" inserts the data unloaded from the sub-group (example see above) and deleted (excepted for accounts, controlling and fixed asset objects) before. The files required for processing have to be generated before by Unload sub-group data and transferred into the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

General Rules

The program is invoked as a subsequent application out of the calling application KONDAT.

The entries in the fields of the selection area of the calling application KONDAT have to agree with the parameters specified for unloading and stored in the transferred unload log file.

The data are loaded with respect to the period(s) and facts(s) for all companies due to KTKDEF from several files stored in the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

If e.g. a '%' or 'partial key + %' is entered for the fact, then all or the specified subset of facts, respectively, are considered for deleting and loading.

You can specify a range containing several periods for loading by the entries of the period and a "Closing date prev/comparativ.period".

However, only facts and periods are deleted and loaded

  1. where the user has the authorisation for insert and
  2. which are listed in the transferred log file from unloading.

The loading log file with the suffix 'L_L' documents which facts and periods and how many records have been deleted and loaded finally. Messages and errors are written into the log file, too.

For the purpose of data consistency loading of sub-group data is not committed per data record but rather per file. I.e. the data are yet saved permanently in the IDL Konsis database if all records of a file have proved to be without errors. Due to this processing it is recommended that no other users are working with IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST while loading the data. However, a logout off IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST is not required.

If the program recognizes an error it is displayed in a message window. It is emphasized to create a hardcopy of this message for documentation and for error clearing.

Opposite to the data maintenance in dialogue or the data transfer with import applications the entries in the fields "Last modification" (user, date, time) are not refreshed when loading these data.

After failure-free acceptance the correctness of the data transfer should be controlled by random samples with the list applications mentioned above.

Special features

4.4 Delete & Reload Sub-Group Data with Transformation

Please perform a database backup of the IDL database before executing this function!

This application is an enhancement of the application Delete & re-load sub-group data with the following difference: All company and/or fact keys contained in the source data are transformed with respect to a transformation group before inserting them. This concerns

Amongst others this function can be applied for the following purposes:

Amalgamation of two groups up to now consolidated independently from each other:
If both groups had used the same company numbers then the company numbers of one group can be transformed into new numbers.
Copying of a complete group financial statement to another fact:
In this case source and destination database are identical. The transformation of the fact provides that all data are existing twice afterwards.

5 Company Data Exchange

5.1 Unload Company Financial Statement

This application serves for unloading all data of a company financial statement which are required by the group for consolidation on the next level.

Operationally it is prerequisite for unloading that the statement of the group company has been accepted bindingly. For this purpose you should create an execute all relevant reports (balance sheet, profit & loss, developments as well as in case cash flow) by the subsequent applications

by REP.

General Rules

The program is invoked as a subsequent application out of the calling application KONDAT.

The data are selected with respect to the given period(s) and fact(s) and stored in several files in the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

If e.g. a '%' or 'partial key + %' is entered for the fact, then all or the specified subset of facts, respectively, are considered for unloading.

You can specify a range containing several periods for unloading by the entries of the period and a "Closing date prev/comparativ.period".

However, only facts and periods are unloaded for which the current user has the authorisation for insert. It is documented in the log file which periods and facts were unloaded. This information is used for the authorisation check in the application Delete & reload company financial statement.


The file names consist of the prefix 'G_', the company key and the 4-digit IDL database table name as clarified in the following example with company = "002" with the following files:

5.2 Transfer Unloaded Company Financial Statement

The data have to be transferred from the directory of the creator where Unload company financial statement has written the files into the corresponding directory of the recipient before the subsequent application Delete & reload company financial statement can load the data. For this purpose this menu item can be used.

If you want to use this function you have to enter a command line for an external program call for the transfer of the data of thecompany data exchange in the application "Menu items" for the menu item GESTRAN. This entry is customer individual.

If not necessary or solved otherwise this step can be skipped.

5.3 Delete & Reload Company Financial Statement

Please perform a database backup of the IDL database before executing this function!

"Delete & reload sub-group data" inserts the data unloaded from the sub-group (example see above) and deleted (except for accounts, controlling and fixed asset objects) before. The files required for processing have to be generated before by Unload company financial statement and transferred into the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

General Rules

The program is invoked as a subsequent application out of the calling application KONDAT.

The entries in the fields of the selection area of the calling application KONDAT have to agree with the parameters specified for unloading and stored in the transferred unload log file.

The data are loaded with respect to the period(s) and facts(s) from several files stored in the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user.

If e.g. a '%' or 'partial key + %' is entered for the fact, then all or the specified subset of facts, respectively, are considered for deleting and loading.

You can specify a range containing several periods for loading by the entries of the period and a "Closing date prev/comparativ.period".

However, only facts and periods are deleted and loaded

  1. where the user has the authorisation for insert and
  2. which are listed in the transferred log file from unloading.

The loading log file with the suffix 'L_L' documents which facts and periods and how many records have been deleted and loaded finally. Messages and errors are written into the log file, too.

For the purpose of data consistency loading of company data is not committed per data record but rather per file. I.e. the data are yet saved permanently in the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST database if all records of a file have proved to be without errors. Due to this processing it is recommended that no other users are working with IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST while loading the data. However, a logout off IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST is not required.

If the program recognizes an error it is displayed in a message window. It is emphasized to create a hardcopy of this message for documentation and for error clearing.

Opposite to the data maintenance in dialogue or the data transfer with import applications the entries in the fields "Last modification" (user, date, time) are not refreshed when loading these data.

After failure-free acceptance the correctness of the data transfer should be controlled by random samples with the list applications mentioned above.

5.4 Delete & Reload Company Financial Statement with Transformation

Please perform a database backup of the IDL database before executing this function!

This application is an enhancement of the application Delete & reload company financial statement with the following difference: All company and/or fact keys contained in the source data are transformed with respect to a transformation group before inserting them. This concerns

6 Sub-Group Archiving

"Sub-group archiving" uses the functions of the IDL.KONSIS-to-IDL.KONSIS data exchange described before to release larger amounts of data (e.g. periods no longer required) from stock into a separate archive database. Thus this functionality serves for clearing the productive database from old data which are no longer needed to gain a better performance.

This function should be repeated periodically. For this purpose it is prerequisite that the archive database is updated to the IDL.KONSIS.FORECAST version currently used. Alternatively a new archive database can be created each time.

Archiving consists of the steps described in the following.

6.1 Unload Master Data for Archiving

This function is identical to the function Unload group-wide data. It is executed on the productive database.

6.2 Load Master Data on Archive Database

This function is identical to the function Load group-wide data. It is executed on the archive database.

6.3 Unload Transaction Data for Archiving

This function is identical to the function Unload sub-group data. Usually the group key of the global group is used here. The request whether report results shall be unloaded is suppressed here since report results are always transferred into the archive database. This function is executed on the productive database.

6.4 Load Transaction Data on Archive Database

This function is identical to the function Delete & reload sub-group data. It is executed on the archive database.

6.5 Delete Archived Transaction Data

Please perform a database backup of the IDL database before executing this function!

This function is the sub-function "Delete" of the function Delete & reload sub-group data. It is executed on the productive database based on the data unloaded from the productive database for the purpose to release it from the archived data.

For the purpose to avoid unintended deletion of data a dialogue is output after calling this function where the keys of the data to be deleted have to be entered once more.

7 Sub-Group Datex

The functions contained in this group serve for the export of sub-group and company financial statement data (all balances and their details) from IDL.KONSIS into a neutral format which can be imported by foreign applications. An essential difference to the IDL.KONSIS standard export as well as to the IDL.KONSIS-to-IDL.KONSIS data exchange is the integration of data of several database tables in one output file.

The applications are invoked as subsequent applications out of the application KONDAT.

For the time being both of the following functions are available:

7.1 Export Sub-Group Balances + Details (TKDATEX1)

Key parameters are group/sub-group, period and fact as well as in case company. All of these entries have to be unique. If no company is specified the companies are determined from the specified group-companies.

Data of the tables KTOSAL, ICKTOSAL, CNTSAL, ANLBEW, KAPBEW und RUEBEW are unloaded. Consolidation postings are not unloaded. In addition, records with zero amounts are suppressed for the transaction data, e.g. to omit records from difference clearing from currency conversion if amounts in local currency are exported.

A common format is defined for the data of all tables:

Company6left-alignedCompany code
Period6YYYYMMActual period
Fact2left-alignedFact code
Account14left-alignedAccount number without chart of accounts
Functional area14left-alignedControlling object without chart of controlling objectsonly for controlling and intercompany balances
Transaction type3left-alignedTransaction development (one digit) + posting key(two digits)only for development transactions
IC trading partner6left-alignedIntercompany codeonly for intercompany balances and fixed asset transactions
Amount20right-aligned without 1000 separator, decimal comma is dotAmount local, group or parallel currency depending on parameter entry; in case divided by divisor
Code of transaction currency3left-alignedCurrency code transaction currencyonly for intercompany balances
Amount in transaction currency20right-aligned without 1000 separator, decimal comma is dotAmount in transaction currencyonly for intercompany balances

All columns have a fix length. The fields are separated from each other by a ";" (csv format). All ";" included in the output data (e.g. in the comment column) are transformed into ",".

The export format contains only one amount column. A Parameter to be entered in the calling application (KONDAT) determines whether the amount in local, group or parallel currency is exported. An additional specification of a divisor provides for a division of the amount by this divisor, e.g. to obtain amounts in 1000 units of the local currency. When specifying a divisor decimal digits are suppressed.

For the purpose to avoid rounding differences from this division a module of the currency conversion is included. This module provides for the clearing of rounding differences between balances and their details. In addition, the program provides for a clearing of rounding differences of the annual result between balance sheet and p&l. This is performed analogously to the currency conversion, too. The differences per company are posted on the accounts from the currency conversion parameter (WUM). The details of the difference amounts are automatically adjusted if they were accordant in the base currency.

Path and name of the export file are strongly preset. Like in other KONDAT applications the path is the directory which is specified in the field "Data exchange" on the page <Import/Export> of the options dialogue of the current user. The file name is the key of the group/sub-group followed by the suffix ".exp".

7.2 Export Sub-Group Balances or Detail (TKDATEX2)

Generally the application TKDATEX2 works in the same way as the application TKDATEX1 (see description there) and uses the same format. The difference is in the fact that TKDATEX2 does not export account balances for intercompany, controlling, fixed asset, capital and provision accounts. These are distinguished by the account attributes. In addition, no controlling balances are exported for intercompany accounts. The foreign system consuming these data has to generate these balances by aggregation of the corresponding details by itself.

Letzte Änderung: WERNER 21.03.2017 12:03